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Bipolar, it’s not just a condition,

   it’s an adventure


Tonight I’ll cruise the metroplex

Like Pierce Brosnon in a Honda

Every acceleration, pumps my vitals

Better than tang in the morning

I don’t need speed to perk my day

I’ve got all I need right here

Every young woman shrieks opportunity

In tight jeans and luxuriant hair

The planet is my oyster

As I sail like a king to Troy

My bank account is unlimited

As a card swipe impulse brings joy

On the brink of my next promotion

To king of the noveau art scene

I’m burning with desire

To experience bizarre adventures

In this suburban wasteland

Nothing frightens me

As I plunge into unending kicks

Brave and unaware

As the curtain falls

Darkness surrounding the hero

In some Homeric underworld

Which I will surely rise from

As I battle the minions of darkness

Sinking deeper into Hades

With no sign of light