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Beyond the Looking Glass                                                                                                     


Gazing through the window

The colors of Christmas tree lights

Dance on the glassy surface

Inside people are living fulfilling lives

Children gather round parents

Laughing like elves in a forgotten time

Beyond my reach

Humanity plays the ancient games

Laughing, loving, embracing life

Experiencing the rich emotional game

Of mating, parenting, and true friendship

I stand in stark relief

My shadow etched on the wall

Invisible in my solitude

Forever distant from the warmth of love

Golden sunlit days remind of a lost world

Banished from the Eden of innocence

The river of humanity rolls on

Oblivious to the stranger lurking in the shadows

Sometimes in their relentless motion

By sheer accident a toe gets stepped on

As I feel the twinge of pain

Ghost feelings from a past life

I realize they know no better

Me being as insubstantial as ether

As unreal as myths lost to ancestral memory

The villagers seem ethereal


As the dream of life unfolds

Cast in golden glow of belonging

They follow the paths of their choosing

While I gaze through the window pane

Vicariously experiencing their joys and tragedies

Loving each blessed soul

That passes before my eyes

Till the lights dim

And I see myself reflected

in the mirror of my mind

When the light of dawn breaks across the horizon

I gaze beyond the looking glass

Into the heart of mystery