Figure 5.13. We begin with Q1 which is an F E T with the number MPF102. We will describe the gate connection at the end. The drain goes to Vcc. The source goes through a 10 k ohm resistor to ground. The source goes to the positive end of a 50 u f capacitor. The negative end goes to the base of Q2, 2N3904. The base goes through a 10 k res to ground. The base goes through an 82 k res to Vcc. The emitter goes through a 5.6 k res to ground. The emitter goes to the positive end of a 100 u f cap. The negative end goes to the top of a 1 k ohm pot. The bottom end and wiper of the pot are grounded. The collector goes through a 36 k ohm res to Vcc. The collector of Q2 goes to the base of Q3, 2n3904. The collector of Q3 goes to Vcc. The emitter of Q3 goes through a 1 k res to ground. The emitter also goes to the positive end of a 100 u f cap. The negative end goes to the upper output terminal. The lower output terminal is grounded. The emitter also goes to one end of a capacitor labeled only as C. The other end of the capacitor goes through a resistor to ground. This resistor is labeled only as R. The junction of the first C and R goes to one end of another capacitor also labeled C. The other end of this second C goes to ground through a second resistor labeled R. The junction of the second C and R goes to one end of a third capacitor labeled C. The other end goes to ground through a third resistor labeled R. The junction of the third C and R goes to the gate of Q1. End verbal description.
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