Figure 2.26. This is the block diagram of an oscilloscope. There is not much on it except rectangles with words inside but at the right is the symbol for a cathode ray tube, C R T. It is only the outline from the previous figure, looking like a slender funnel set on its side. At the bottom of the diagram is a block labeled power supply. It has several lines coming out of it but one goes to the CRT. A jack labeled vertical input goes to a block labeled vertical amplifier. A line goes out to the CRT. A line comes in from the power supply. Another line goes out to the I N T position of the Trigger source switch. A jack labeled external trigger in goes to the E X T position of the same switch. A third position labeled line goes to the power supply. The movable contact of the trigger source switch goes to a block labeled trigger circuit. A line from the trigger circuit goes to a block labeled sweep circuit. The sweep circuit also connects to the CRT. There are connections from the power supply to both the trigger circuit and sweep circuit. End verbal description.
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