Second crystal set. The antenna goes to the top of the primary, pin 3, of the antenna coil a P dash C70 dash A. The bottom of the primary, pin 4, goes to earth ground and common ground. The bottom of the secondary, pin 2, goes to common ground. The top of the secondary, pin 1, goes to the stator of the tuning capacitor a 365 pf variable. The rotor of the cap goes to ground. The top of the secondary of the coil also goes through a 33 pf cap to the top of the primary. The top of the secondary also goes to the anode of a diode. This diode is labeled Germanium not Silicon. The cathode of the diode goes through a 100 pf cap to ground. The cathode also goes through a 220 k ohm resistor to ground. The cathode also goes to one side of the primary, 10 k side, of the audio driver transformer. The other side of the primary is grounded. One side of the secondary, 2 k side, goes to the common of a stereo headphone jack. The left and right channel contacts are tied together and go to the center tap. The other end is not connected. End verbal description.
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