Sanyo Super-Six.

The ferrite antenna is shown on the left. It has two windings. The bottom of the tuned winding is connected to circuit common. One section of the tuning capacitor is connected across it. The bottom end of the base winding goes to common through a 3.5 k ohm resistor. The bottom end also goes through a 40 k ohm resistor to Minus Vcc2. The bottom end also goes through a 0.003 u f capacitor to the tap on the oscillator coil. The top of the base winding goes to the base of Q1. The emitter of Q1 goes through the parallel combination of a 2.2 k ohm resistor and a 0.01 u f capacitor to common. The bottom of the oscillator coil goes to common. The coil is tuned by the other section of the tuning capacitor. The top of the collector winding on the oscillator coil goes to the collector of Q1. The bottom of the collector winding goes to the bottom of the first I F coil. The I f coil is tuned by a fixed capacitor. The tap on the coil goes to Minus Vcc2. The tap is closer to the bottom of the coil than it is to the top. The top of the base winding on this I f coil goes through a 90 k ohm resistor to Minus Vcc2. The top also goes through the parallel combination of a 18 k ohm resistor and a 10 u f capacitor to common. The top also connects to AGC. The bottom of the base winding goes to the base of Q2. The emitter of Q2 goes through the parallel combination of a 10 k ohm resistor and a 10 u f capacitor to common. There will be another connection to the emitter of Q2 which will be described later. The collector of Q2 goes to the bottom of I f transformer 2. The tap on the I f transformer goes to Minus Vcc2. The coil is tuned by a fixed capacitor. The top of the coil goes through a 5 p f capacitor to the base of Q2. The top of the base winding on the second I f transformer goes to the emitter of Q2. The bottom of the base winding goes to the base of Q3. The emitter of Q3 goes through the parallel combination of a 1 k ohm resistor and a 0.04 u f capacitor to common. The collector of Q3 goes to the bottom of the third I f transformer. The tap on the coil goes to minus Vcc2. The coil is tuned by a fixed capacitor. The top of the coil goes through a 5 p f capacitor to the base of Q3. The bottom of the base winding on the third I f transformer goes to AGC. The top of the base winding goes to the cathode of a diode D1. The anode of the diode goes through a 0.01 u f capacitor to the bottom of the winding. The anode of D1 also goes through a 200 ohm resistor to three other components. 1 is a 0.01 u f capacitor and its other end goes to the bottom of the coil. 2 is 5.6 k ohm resistor which goes to the emitter of Q2. 3 is a 10 u f capacitor. The other end goes to a 1 k ohm resistor and the other end of this resistor goes to the top of the volume control. The volume control is labeled V R and its value is not given. The bottom goes to common. The movable contact goes through a 10 u f capacitor to the base of Q4. The base also goes through a 4 k ohm resistor to common. The base also goes through a 28 k ohm resistor to Minus Vcc2. The emitter of Q4 goes through the parallel combination of a 1 k ohm resistor and a 10 u f capacitor to common. The collector of Q4 goes to the top of the primary of the audio interstage transformer, 10 k to 2 k. The bottom of the transformer primary goes through a 50 u f capacitor to common. The bottom also goes directly to Minus Vcc2. The primary is shunted by a 0.005 u f capacitor. A 200 ohm resistor goes from minus Vcc2 to minus 9 volts. The center tap on the secondary of this transformer goes through a 4.5 k ohm resistor to minus 9 volts. The center tap also goes through a 100 ohm resistor to common. The top of the secondary goes to the base of Q5. The bottom of the winding goes to the base of Q6. The emitters of Q5 and Q6 are tied together and go through a 10 ohm resistor to common. The collector of Q5 goes to the top of the primary of the output transformer 500 ohm to 4 ohm. The collector of Q6 goes to the bottom of the primary. A 0.02 u f capacitor connects between the two collectors of Q5 and Q6. The center tap of the transformer primary goes directly to minus 9 volts. The speaker is connected to the secondary of the output transformer. The bottom of the secondary goes to common. The 9 volt battery and switch are connected as in the block diagram above.
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