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Saturday, 7 October 2006
Anime Anime Anime
Mood:  special
Let's talk about anime. I wish this could be place where people talk about anime because that's something I am into. I know there is plenty of anime out there I have not seen yet. So, this is a place where I hope people will review and critic what's old, new and is to come in the world of anime. One of my anime ever is Princess Monoke. I think of it as a story or a fight between good and evil with the human race lost in the middle to tip the scale and decide the fate of all of us. No character is really all good or all evil. One of the character for instance, Ashitaka is a good person I'd say. He a prince who has always protected his village. In doing so he was victim of a curse set to destroy him after he kills a good nature spirit turned evil after being shot by a Lady Oboshi who was trying to claim some land. I am not going to tell the whole story but basically it's a selfish quest. His intentions were always good but he is selfish in that sense. let me know what you think...

Posted by planet/firmin at 1:47 PM MDT
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