Winston (Alec Steele) begs Alexis (Bailee Blinn) to release him from the cage in the dungeon of Dr. Frankenstreudel's Laboratory.
Dr. Frankenstreudel (Valerie Gallagher) readies a hypodermic for Alexis (Bailee Blinn) and Neddie (Grayson Spaw).
Winston (Alec Steele) tries to figure out which key will unlock the bonds of Alexis (Bailee Blinn) and Neddie (Grayson Spaw) in Dr. Frankenstreudel's Laboratory.
Winston (Ary Sakri), Neddie (Grayson Spaw) and Alexis (Bailee Blinn) discover the horrible preserves in the pantry of Dr. Frankenstreudel's Laboratory.