with all its show listings, photos and history
See our New Productions at
A New Video & Stage Performing Troupe
in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Is this 2007 or 2008????
AUG 25 Mon (9 hours)
9am Counted $, Made deposit.
Checked email.
Re read Alice script, tidied up confusing tech instructions, added a few lines that were penciled in to my script. Added a few funny lines and actions, especially Trial scene. Took 3.5 hours???
Printed me a copy. Email to other directors.
Took call - Ann Lonsway cannot do Sept 12 & 20 so we need a card guard #5.
Emailed pass code and info to Andrew Baltes of Improvatron 2020. He is also working on another project for the Firehouse.
Tim Adams' mom Anne called and we talked about offer to pay Tim to do Scarecrow, she'll call this evening. He is with dad today.
Need to go clean out MPython stuff. And get out scenery for Alice rehearsals.
3pm Done
5:30 Go to Rehearsal, Auditioned Logan for Scarecrow; Canceled offer to Tim Adams
6-8:30 Rehearsal - worked in the building while Steve Sandfort rehearsed.
Aug 26 Tues (7 hours)
11am Took out trash at Firehouse, then brought can back in.
Pulled out dirty laundry from costumes
Put out Magic & Improv Sat at 7, Sun at 3 sign on A-frame - cannot find other magic sign.
Shantay came about noon and we sorted screws, installed a towel hook in kitchen
Cleaned marker off a sign, Glued a support along Rabbit's house and door
Brought down other Hall of Doors scenery - Rachel Sandfort will paint them
Sewed button on blue waitress dress, found pile of black pants
Put up Jobs To Do list on clipboard on wall in kitchen.
Called Erin & Kim msg: opinion about not performing Wiz on Friday to give them a break
1pm Done
2pm -5pm Work on Alice & Wiz schedule
Replied Emails: Maureen Trentadue wants to do field trips
Tried to make Oz Alice schedule. Realized we did not have time to rehearse more, Spent 2.5 hours printing up schedule then contacted Erin, Brian, Steve and we decided to do Oz aftter Alice, first weekend of October.
6 -8 Erin's Rehearsal
August 27 Wed (4.5 hours)
1-3pm christine Fleischacker and kids came. She organized front room cupboards
I boxed up most of Python stuff to go upstairs
Called Renee Sakri to find portable clothing racks . she chose Meyer.
6-8:30 - Rehearsal
August 28 Thurs (11.5 hours)
5:10am - 6am - Searched Alice dress and Red Queen & King costumes online
8:00 - - Worked on assembling email category list for Oct Wizard of Oz,
Called Hope Gallagher ask for Valerie's measurements (Qu8een)
Home Depot - looked at upstairs light bulbs, got solar lights, got string, rope, red, black & white duct tape, big trash bags.
Sent out update to contact list
Printed letterhead from Babette
Sent out Alice press release,
Send out Oz cast postponement with survey of new potential performance dates.
2:45 stop go get Zephyr from school
5:20-8:30pm Rehearsal, put solar lights on A-sign, added magic to sign,
9:00pm - Home. Called Hope got Val's measurements, ordered her dress and medium Alice dress.
August 29, Fri (5 hours)
11am -1:30pm - Emailed Kirby Volz (he asked about doing Steel Magnolias in Feb) asked dates and deposit?
Emailed: Babette about Fright Night, Erin about new Duchess actress,
Worked on rest of Alice rehearsal schedule, checked times with Steve Sandfort.
Why does it take so long?
I have to set up for the hall of doors rehearsal tomorrow. All that stuff on strings, the hanging blankets, need a new brown one or two new ones, no time to do this stuff.
Emailed crew that no shows Sept 6,7,; need help today, tomorrow mornign with props, etc.
2:42 Working on Days of week and Joey D Magic to be laminated for A-sign.
Revised and printed 10 audience surveys - where they hear of us.
Took days of week print out to InkSpot. for enlargement and magnification - pick up on Tues.
Checked Firehouse, took in Alice posters Babette left. changed posters on doors, left audience surveys.
4:15 done
August 30, Sat (12.5 hours)
4:30 am - Emailed Lonsways answer to rehearsal question.
Studied HTML for website
5:19: Updating website. Calculated we need to announce auditions for Oct show this Thursday,
Sent email to crew leaders
Later will go set up stuff on strings, get substitute doors scenery (Rachel is painting it) and stuff for today's rehearsals, starting at 11am for me.
**** Call Maribel & Gabriella about today's rehearsal.
6am done
10:00 Left for rehearsals, Stopped at grocery store for food for cast
10:30 arrived at FH tried to get stuff set up but lost 1 hour of rehearsal (though did have actors runlines) while set up falling objects on strings , taped two pieces of scenery to be door scenery (which is at Sandforts house being painted), and rest of stuff.
Rehearsed: Hall of Doors, Many actors not there: Bones, Richards, Cookie/Table, Sandforts,
1am - Croquet
2:30pm Trial - Marilbel and Gabriella have never been to a rehearsal. Called and left message. No response.
4pm rehearsal over
7pm Joey D's show
9pm Done
Sunday Aug 31 - Vacation
Monday Sept 1 - Vacation
Tuesday Sept 2 - (6 hours 15 minutes)
10:30am - Go to Firehouse, Call Hope Gallagher on the way to ask about Joey d's Sunday show.
Get $, go make deposit, just in time or snackbar would have bounced at 3pm.
Home - Check email, write up yesterday's hours.
Noon - Stop
12:30 pm Pay FH bills, check bank account. $156 in account + $96 in cash + $210 expected from Holiday Inn for sign reimbursement = $562 total.
Called Maribelle, got her email, emailed script
Added Thursday added Croquet & Trial rehearsal.
Emailed revised schedule to Alice cast
2pm stop
2:30pm Go to Firehouse, cleared upstairs some for Mock Turtle Rehearsal
Shantay came and helped
3:30 left
5pm Called Erin asked about meeting.
Printed rehearsal schedules
5:03 stop
Go to theater, finish setting up upstairs.
8:30 done
Wed. Sept 3 (7.5 hours)
6:45 am - Checked email, re-sent Oz in Oct survey
e- Erin need Duchess info
7:20 stop
9:30 went to dermatologist called two new actors and gave them Wet creature parts.
11-11:45 - corrected Alice cast list, sent it and phone list
sent script and cast list t o new actors
Noon-2:30 Shantay and I went shopping for Cheshire Cat costume finally decided to use fabric at the Firehouse.
4:00 Typed this.
Forward schedule to new actors.
4:17 stop
4:30 Print Alice free tickets, found Alice videotape
5:00 stop
5:40 Go to Firehouse Mad Hatter & Tutor Rehearsals
8:30 Done
Sept 4 Thurs (10 hours 45 minutes)
5:15 am adding info for Susan Dormer,
removing Laura Magner -Wet Creature #4
send to Directors
emailed Pam about email to cast
5:55 am stopped
10:30 to 11am Emailed Stetpjc dropping Victor & Sergej from Pool of Tears, sent rehearsal schedule, letter saying they had to make the rest of rehearsals and all performances.
Emailed Erin about Laura S dropping.
11 am watched part of Sweeney Todd to decide if do it.
11:20 started Alice sign to take to Inkspot
emailed it.
Emailed Pam to send costume volunteers.
Emailed my planned work schedule at Firehouse asking for help doing props costumes sets
12:12 Done
12:30 - added new people to email list
read all of list and found Matt Walsh the tech guy who came to the open house, called asked if he could help.
12:55 Go to Firehouse.
415pm home
5:45 - 8:30pm Rehearsal
Need to write Tech Script for Hallway of Doors
Sept 5 Friday (11 hours)
5:30 to 6:30 am Worked on Jury Cheat Sheet,
answered email
9:30 to 11:45am Worked on Hallway of Doors Tech Instructions. Figured out a different hanging of the Rabbit Hole
Noon to 4pm - Got out costumes, props with Erin
5:45 - 8:30pm Rehearsal, got some kids into costumes.
9-10pm - Figured out more on flamingo legs and hanging brown rabbit hole cloth, sewed sleeve for rod.
Sept 6 Saturday (13 hours)
3:15 -4am - checked email. Read mystery script from Erin
Wrote Babette about doing Lake and Door for Fright Night and asked about wireless microphones and told about actors rehearsals for Nightmare.
4-5:37 am wrote rest of Hall of Doors Tech Instructions
printed 12 copies.
10am to 9pm at Firehouse: rehearsals and costumes etc.
Sunday Sept 7 (6hours 15 min)
Noon to 6:15pm Worked on props & costumes at Firehouse
Sept 8 Monday (10.5 hours)
6-6:10am Checked email. Reminded Pam to use updated list.
9- 11:30am Updating cast list/schedule and writing in tech assignments
Noon-5pm - Worked at Firehouse
Cindy at Stars Theater in South Carolina called. I had sent her scripts and she is sending me a mystery on a cruise ship.
6-9pm Act 2 Tech Rehearsal
Sept 9 Tuesday (12 hours)
3:40 am emailed Weibel about ISTEP early rehearsals,
emailed Morgan, Caitlyn and Gabriella that they need to make last dress rehearsal.
Wrote email to cast repeating rehearsal & perf schedule and telling backstage rules.
Wrote up the scene and character list, so people can see the list of scenes and who is in each, also includes all the tech assignments especially in the Hallof Doors and the Shadow Scene, also the curtain operators and set changers. Emailed it to cast.
6:30am stopped.
10-10:30am Re-sent press release for Alice
scheduled with Babette to see room at Grand Wayne for Fright Night performance
also emailed her about printing programs and posters
Forwarded and compiled responses to ongoing Oz shows.
10:30am went to Firehouse to take out trash.
4pm go Home
5:15 - 8:30 Rehearsal
Sept 10 Wednesday (12 hours)
9am Check Email
-Updated phone message
-Called Mike Collier answered his message, fixed his email
-Sent Rules suggestions to Kathy Weibel
-sent old Oz cast list to Kim McCutchan
-sent Brandie Batchelder email address to my other email address so I can send her emails from there because from Firehouse they bounce., also added my other email to the shows lists she is in so they will go to my other email and I can forward them to her.
Summarized all of Rabbit's bits onto one page, printed 3.
10:47 Updated website adding Recipe for a Nightmare auditions removing magic show.
11:17 stopped
11:45 Left for Theater
4:15 Picked up Daughter, back to Theater
9pm Done
Sept 11 Thursday (13 hours)
5:30 sent Email to cast telling of read-through 6-7 today.
Worked on program.
7:20 Stopped Took kids to school
8:00am Worked on program more, sent it, corrected it and sent it again, and again.
Dug up program ad prices,
Wrote email about needing an ad coordinator
Put Program Ad page on the website
Put together Firehouse Update sent first 100 emails out.
11:10 stopped.
11:30am send 2nd Update email, Leave for FH.
worked on costumes
Home 4:30pm
5:30 Go to Rehearsals
8:30 Home
Sept 12 Fri (13 hours)
5-6pm Read part of mystery script sent to me
7;30 email Bones, Ary Sakri about being in Camp play
9:30pm Go to 2nd hand store get costume pieces
go to Meijer get extension cords and colored bulbs, wrapped candy for comfit box, bread for big mushroom.
10:30 get to Firehouse. Work on lots of stuff including stripes for Cheshire Cat, Cat lights in grid, finishing each actor's costume set.
4:30pm Home
Printed out contact cards, opening announcement
Go to Firehouse set up stuff
Perform Alice ($213 & $69)
9:30 pm Home
Sept 13 Sat (12 hours)
5am Typed up the notes from the East State Village Improvement Assoc meeting, emailed to Jim D & Alan G
Answered email from Kirby Volz about Recipe for a Nightmare.
Read more of mystery script.
6:30 Done
11am started cleaning up and printing scripts, audition forms, and schedule conflicts for rehearsals and performance forms.
2:30 finished and headed to Firehouse
3pm Auditions for Recipe for a Nightmare
Set up for show
Perform Alice ($213 & $69)
9:30pm Home
Sept 14 Sunday (6 hours)
5-6pm Finished reading mystery script
9am Checked emails. Wrote work log.
Sent ESVCIA email out.
9:30 am Done
2:30 Leave for auditions at Firehouse & 6pm meeting.
7pm Home
Monday ( hours?)
8:30 - Counted out both deposits. Need another $60 to pay the Wed rent chunk. We only earned $430 this weekend not the $500 I was expecting.
8:45 -9am Check Email
10am - Sent out ESVCIA minutes out
Made folder for Shantay to sell program ads, print promo discount tickets for her to get % from.
Work on Recipe Casting
Sent out audition notice for parts left in Recipe
2pm go to Firehouse
3pm Go to Grand Wayne to see room for Fright Night play.
Take ad sales kit to Shantay at the library
4:45 Home
6:30pm work on Recipe Cast, Rehearsal Schedule, entered email addresses
E-d Kirby volz about Feb Steel Magnolia's deal
Emailed two new actor inquiries
Emailed Marie Cappa about Caitlyn and Morgan calling the night before Alice 1st show and saying they had band instead.
Tuesday (10hours)
9am-10am Picked up plaque cash at FH, Made deposit, paid bill at WBOI
11:15 Checked email
Wrote Firehouse Update sent out
Revised Monster Goose took a long time
Adjusted Recipe for a Nightmare Cast
Sent price to rent theater to Kirby Volz
Printed scripts
made Roll sign up withall actors' names
Tried to write email proposing Oz rehearsal times but ran out of time.
Leave for Firehouse at 5:20pm
Went to ESVCIA meeting.
Met Shantay at library accidentally. We went to FH to get her schedule. I drove her home.
8:15 Home
Wednesday Sept 17, 2008 ( hours?)
6:07 - 6:10am Checked Email. Cathy Weibel says a Erin is quitting Alice because Cathy talked with Erin's mom about Erin's continuing inappropriate sexual talk around younger kids, but I have not heard anything from Erin about this. I thought my warnings to her would work. She said she'd watch what she said and smoke out back.
9am Emailed Kim McCutchan with proposed Oz rehearsal schedule. Emailed Erin and called asking how to contact the girl she babysits, Maddie, about being in Oz. I do need to contact Maddie, but also this gives Erin either a chance to tell me she is quitting or soften her earlier retaliation against Cathy W and decide to finish Alice. It will be very hard to replace her by this Friday. Fortunately, no rehearsals until then except 6-7:15 on Thursday.
i will contact the last big Alice we had, Caleigh Canterlucci and see if she is interested.
It would be awful to have to miss a weekend of shows especially when we are already behind in the rent, paying a week at a time.
REcipe for a Nightmare begins rehearsing next week,
Mon: Don't Look in the Lake, Annie, Songs, Santa
Tues: Misery and other Brian S scripts, You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore
Thursday: Monster Goose.
Called The old Big Alice and left a message
Stopped 10:15 am
11:30 - Signed Maddi Scott up for Oz
Emaiil from Erin's mom saying she'll behave, I have no idea about Erin telling Noel she was quitting Alice.
emailed Alice cast about early read thru Friday
Sent updated script to Oz Oct Cast
1:10 stop
Get Groceries, dye & snacks for Nightmare & Alice
put up posters at businesses
fix flamingoes
wash costumes
email brian about doing Oz rehearsals
empty video cassettes.
Send Maddi oz script and # of MM
Assigned numbers to monkeys/munchkins,
printed Oct Oz cast list.
Sent to Kim McCutchan
Update program and send to Babette
Find out if we need to solicit more actors for Wiz Oct 3-5
and if so put audition notice in Whatzup today.
Go around to East State businesses with merchants card and posters. visit REd Shoe and Acme first to see ladies on committee.
Thursday (about 7.5 hours)
Calculated number of customers by $ earned at each show. Also made a tally that included the cast. Missing Aug 2007 to April 2008 . It is that recycled paper notebook.
Took posters around to East State merchants.
Brian fixed flamingo legs.
Ballast in auditorium light over snack bar suddenly started smoking, set off smoke alarm. Firemen came but got phone number of Union of Firefighters, called and got email to send show discount info to. Ray said he'd send someone that night.
Took costumes home to wash. Washed.
Met Brandie at 6pm and ran through blocking on Monster Goose. Pulled props out.
7:30 done.
8:20am - Finished programs with ads. emailed p. 3 & 4 to Babette, will deliver p. 1 & 2 with pasted in ads
Sent email to Oz cast asking to confirm they can do rehearsals and performances.
Dried Costumes.
Tom found our 2007 tax stuff but the ticket sales notebook is not in there. I need it to calculate # of people come to shows to give info to insurance company. Cannot find it.
Figured out where I had the updated Oz script on my computer -(duplicate copies in different files). Printed 5.
Took program pages to Babette.
Worked at Firehouse checking costumes, straightening.
1:30 pm Left
Got battery for car.
2:30 working on stuff: schedules sending, polling actors.
Got socks and chocolates for show at Target
3:30 stop
5:00 To to Firehouse to perform Alice
Took Shantay home.
Home 10:40pm
Saturday, Sept 20 (14.5 hours)
6:30 am Called bank and found out the acct is overdrawn $106 because of a late cashed season ticket refund for $130 I sent. It was dated July. We had about $60 in the acct when it came in. $35 penalty fee.
I had expected $500 from last weekend's shows.But we only made about $430 and I only covered the rent check thinking that other check wouldn't come in.
I had to spend our cash register money for $60 on something and $9 on something else. I should have borrowed my own money to cover everything. I did have to use $60 of my own money to put in the cash register for the show.
We made $412 ticket sales. Sold every seat- 78. Some free.
Updated this work log.
8:00am stopped.
930 called Brandie because she doesn't get the emails always and told her about rehearsal she can t do it so I called others in Kansas scene and postponed it.
Printed up more phone # pages.
Talked to Pam F about another volutneer at snackbar
Called Oz & Nightmare people who have not confirmed
10:55 Go to grocery get food for rehearsal
Then Go to Wiz Rehearsal
Do Alice show
10:20 Go home
Sunday - My "day off" first in a Looong time. (1.5 hours)
7:15 -8am wrote up set up assignments. sent to other directors for input. (No response.)
9:15-10am Sent scripts to each cast in Recipe for a Nightmare.
We made $313. I think $100 is missing,. Probably because I left the money unsupervised in the unlocked lock box, but it was in a ziploc baggie so someone would have to open that, take some then put it back. Seems more likely someone would take the whole bag. I don't remember what time I left the money in the bag in the box.
I am irked about how lazy the actors in the dressing rooms are getting. I go in there and they are all sitting on the couches and chairs and costumes and shoes and clothes are on the floor and food is here and there and food is on the floor. Drinks set on chairs. I work all day since early morning and no one in there is putting out enough effort to pick up raisins off the floor.
Discovered that half my scripts webpage is offline - all the older free websites do not present themselves. Only my recent paid site which links to all those old ones still runs. Fortunately, the old sites still appear on the web-building page so I do not have to re-create them, just copy and transfer the info to my paid site. It will be a lot of work.
This might explain why I got no nibbles for an interview or story after sending out a press release on Alice that told how many scripts I had written and gave my scripts website.. If a reporter was checking it out they found a website advertising lots of scripts that didn't link to anything.
8am stop
Copy absences from Tues Recipe Rehearsal to contact to confirm they are in the show and got the schedule.
Send please reply email to Nightmare confirm they are in
Monday ( almost 8 hours)
9am Went to Firehosue, changed sign. Could not find the 2 unopened white velcro packages so used white duct tape.
Someone was sleeping there: was inflatable mattress, with off white curtain as blanket and pillow upstairs. Also bag of Rib Room french fries and a partially drunk Pepsi on floor next to it. Also unplugged tv in middle of room. Nothing else really out of place. Hedgehogs were up there Saturday so it is hard to say what was out of place. Since we changed pass codes, everyone with key and pass code also has a home.
Made deposit.
home 10:10
10:20 Called told Hope had $260 in snackbar acct, talked about doing fruit & melted chocolate, missing money....
Called Steve & Scott to establish what happened to missing money. I called and established that after I took some ticket money around 6pm, Scott Kiser saw customers and took their money and put it in with the money in the ziploc bag in the box, then handed it over to Steve Sandfort who handed it over to Hope. So why we seem to be short $100 or so is unexplained. It seems very unlikely that someone would open the ziploc and only take some of the money, especially since taking $100 would be taking all of the money and Scott says there was money there when he got it. Maybe we had lots of free tickets though there was only 4 in the box.
Called to get consensus on when to do Kansas rehearsal - Wed 6-7pm
Emailed Misery, Kansas & Flowers casts about Wed Rehearsals.
Emailed cast of Flowers about change to Wed rehearsal
Emailed Mole Noel to slow down.
Sent press release about Oz
Confirmed that Sergej Stjepic's phone and email both do not work.
Stop 1pm
5pm printed scripts. Went to Firehouse
Nightmare Rehearsal
9pm Home
Tuesday (5.5 hours)
30minutes - Worked on Wizard Lousy Play script fitting it on one page. Cleaned up confusing file storage.
9-9:30am Went to Firehouse and put out trash.
11-2pm Canceled Wed Flowers rehearsal because CHelsi cannot.
Reassigned the #7 & #8 monkey munchin lines to other MM's from what we decided at rehearsal, emailed to parents. Printed a rehearsal MM script.
Mailed script to some guy that called .
Called Brian asking him to tell any shills for Flowers that we do not have rehearsal - Do not know if all got the email.
1.5 hours tabulating attendance for insurance, from found ticket sales notebook.
Wednesday Sept 24 (
3:40am Woke up realized I had missed Kansas rehearsal. I've never missed a rehearsal before. It was confusing because it was switched from Thursday to W... wait a minute. Today is Wednesday. Yesterday was Tuesday. I guess i didn't miss it. Already sent the Kansas people an email. Well, i look like an idiot but at least I didn't miss a rehearsal.
Already updated the website. Now I need to email the Kansas people again.
4;50am Emailed Kansas scene actors, and added this weblog to a webpage It does not link from the website. It is a stand alone webpage for anyone who wants to see what I do with my time.
5 am Go back to bed.
I never had the extra minutes to write this before.
- These are my hours without doing the snackbar or cleaning the building.
- They used to be even longer. Besides snackbar and cleaning I was creating more costumes and scenery and writing more.
- I haven't had to pay the rent from my husband's income for many months.
- This does not link from the main Firehouse site.