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Feudalism affects:

Objective: To create awareness about the negative effects of feudalism, and its influence.


Although a middle-age concept founded by William the Conqueror after the Norman conquest of England in 1066, it is still practiced in many part of the world today.
The suffocating bind of feudalism still exists and can be found in its most devastating form throughout the rural areas of Pakistan.

Where else does feudalism still exist?
- The village of Laxton in Nottinghamshire, England. (The only village in England to do so)
- Sark (A tiny fiefdom, last remaining feudal state in Europe)
Note: Feudalism - in its historical sense was quite different than what it is today. Hence, some modern-day scholars are reluctant to classify the above three examples as feudal societies. However, in rural parts of Pakistan it is just as destructive where it continues to create miserable conditions of life.

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