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A Brief History Of Sporking

Photograph by Mr. Hermann

SPORKING: Probably The Best Pastime Ever.

Some fools believe that Sporking is the act of poking someone with a plastic utensil of the same name. Others think of a sexual act. doesn't even have a definition for Sporking, suggesting instead that one search for lame words like "spoking" or "spooking" or "specking." How is one supposed to learn what it is to truly Spork a farb without having to assault them with cutlery (not a bad idea) or becoming dangerously intimate (usually a bad idea)? Our very own Shiv has been so kind as to clarify the word, act, and lifestyle for you. Read on, children, and take heed.

Sporking: A Short History and the Art Thereof
Sporking was invented by our buddy Scot B. a few years ago while witnessing the retardation going on at the Gettysburg Wax "Musuem" (go figure. Any place where you can light your favorite general on fire and use him to spot farbs in the dark is prime territory.) Why Spork? Who knows? Who cares? It's a cool word.

Sporking, in essence, is spotting a farb, moving in, and pointing or making a face designating said farb. Extra points are awarded for actually posing with the farb's knowledge, and pulling a "Spork face."

Sporking must be creative. At large events the sheer number of farbs will make the average fat old guy just plain boring. You must find outstanding examples of farbitude. Good hunting grounds are primarily the Confederate camp, since Jethro, Cooter and Flabby Phil naturally gravitate to Rebeldom. Why bother actually picking up a book when you can insist that all John E. Rebs wore whatever they want? Apparently they don't know that the Confederacy adopted and published a whole book of military regulations. Artillery and cavalry camps are best of all.

How To Do It.

Step 1: Find a farb. If you don't know what a farb is by now, you should probably start up another hobby. If you're ready to get gung-ho, you can go peruse the rest of the website or simply read this excellent essay.

If you still need some clarification, look at these:

This, junior Sporkers, is a Farb.

Not farbs. May be Sporked for fun, or in the spirit of Irony that seems to be so popular with the young folks these days.

Step 2: Plan Interception. There are currently two methods of Sporking. The first, as we have already covered is The Spork Itself. In order to properly plan a Spork, you have to take certain elements into consideration, namely: Do I want the Farb to be aware of me or not? Depending on what you decide (or how ballsy you're prepared to be), your picture might feature you springing up into the frame at the last moment, standing off to the side, or actually posing with your target. Both have strengths and weaknesses - use your imagination and sense of humor to get your own results.

The second method is giving the offender The Farbfinger. While some believe this tactic to be less daring and thus more appropriate for amateurs, it looks far more suspicious and is easier for people to spot. Exercise with caution!

Step 3: Execute! Take the damn picture already, before you blow your cover!

Example of a posed shot at the Cedar Creek ball. The guy in civilian clothing is acting as our undercover operative.

Example of a spontaneous shot. In the opinion of the webmaster, these are more fun. Also an example of relaxed personal authenticity of the Sporker while at a social event.

Giving The Farbfinger.

NOTE: While personal authenticity may be relaxed when at a Ball or at the Sutler's Row without compromising the effect of your Spork, keep it respectable! I mean, you're running around with a non-daguerrotype camera though a field of tents, trashcans, Johnny-On-The-Spots, and elephant ears weilded by manic children. Wear your glasses or what have you, but remember who you are representing. Sporks out of period clothing are a different realm of endeavour. In fact, Scot B. himself might be the only one allowed to pull those off. Stop biting his style, man.
