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Another blog — Profile

Name:  Stephanie

Location:  USA
Birthday:  5 October, 1987
Bio:  I'm 18 years old. I have two wonderful Best Friends. Brittney and Tabby. I luv em so much. I luv draw and write poetry. I'm very artistic. I'm also an introvert. I'm very emo.
Interests:  MUSIC!!!! Avirl Lavigne... Inhabited, Smile Empty Soul, Krystle Meyers, Jeremy Camp, Barlow Girl, and Stellar Kart. Those are just a few of my favorite bands. Bethany Dillon's a good one too.
Blog Created:  Thursday, December 1, 2005
Last Updated:  Thursday, December 8, 2005 - 8:40 AM EST
Blog Entries:  9

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