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MySpace is slower than FEMA. Xanga is more limited than the excitement of Formula One's fan base. I want a place where I can flex my HTML and CSS muscles, and exercise my freedom of speech, with a few personal touches. That is why this website was created. Welcome to "The Caffeinated Penguin".

Be warned- my writing is brutal and my feelings are honest. You may be offended. Proceed with caution.

Now playing

Less Than Jake, "Sleep It Off" from their "B Is For B-Sides" CD.

The Countdown to July 9th, NASCAR mid-season


February 19, 2006: I updated the countdown clock on this page!

January 27, 2006: Busy times means slower than FEMA development on this website. I added background music, as you probably have found out by now. Have fun!

January 20, 2006: I'm still very busy with personal things, so the development of this website is a slow but sure project. Go to the Me page to know a little about me. This page be updated and modified to give it a more exciting look. I also added a javascript countdown clock. Last but not least, I'm always making colorful talk at my blog. Enjoy!

January 8, 2006: Due to a busy personal life, and having a bad case of "webmaster block" with the layout, it's been a slow process of getting everything done on this website. In the meantime, be sure to check out my active blog and get more info about this site.


Daffy People AlertDaffy People. I would say everyone knows AT LEAST one daffy-ass person. You know who I mean- the person who is so stupid that they give a negative IQ score scientific meaning. Or it may be the person who has their head shoved so far up thier ass that their head will literally pop out of their mouths. These are the people who not only do stupid things, they also have stupid ideas, and they're out to annoy those of us who HAVE to put up with them because liberal cry-baby politically correct laws say we have to, or else.

Want to know more? Then go to this page.

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