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Erin Hatton's Blog
Tuesday, 25 April 2006
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Poetry
Wow. I never thought when I put some of my poetry on a free site that it would start circulating the web. I googled myself just for fun last night and found my poetry on people's blogs and stuff. Who knew something that I wrote just because I HAD to would speak to someone else. That's God for you -- He always has something really awesome in store for even the smallest things we do in obedience to Him. That's where my writing comes from -- divine inspiration. There's no other way to describe it. If you want to see my other poetry, it's on -- search for Erin E M Hatton. Talk about being transparent. That's my soul on there! Glad that I can serve others with my work.

Posted by planet/erinhatton at 9:35 AM EDT
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Monday, 24 April 2006
My Head's Spinning!
Mood:  rushed
Topic: Writing
New to the whole blog thing here, but I seem to be getting along fine. I am so psyched about my story getting published, and it's just a matter of time before I've got a book out there too. It's all kind of anticlimactic, though, with all the crazy stuff going on around me -- orchestrating a move while publishing a short story and working on publishing a book too, caring for two young children and a (wonderful!) husband -- it's all pretty overwhelming.

Posted by planet/erinhatton at 3:26 PM EDT
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