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In Loving Memory of

Sidney Alvarez

Died 2004

dx lymphoma 2002

Miren's handsome boy so sadly missed

I am afraid I lost my sweetie in 2004 (Friday the 13th). They gave him only 3 months in early 2002, but with great doctors, lots of walks and car rides, and lots of good (but maybe not so nutritious) food, he lived strong until the end. We had another full year together, with Chemo.

On the first day that he really took ill and it looked like it might be the beginning of the end, he waited for me to come home and died in my arms around midnight.


Daily Routine

Sidney can wait for hours for my neighbor, Maria (pink house), to come home and give him a biscuit

The wonder of Prednisone

One week after diagnosis with Lymphoma

Dogs Cruising

Sidney (L) with his Step Aunt Sorgine (R)

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