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In Loving Memory of


Died October 8th 2001

Adenocarcinoma of the small intestine/lung cancer.

Julie's police dog

Who fought the good fight!

Julie and her police dog, Chief
Julie and Chief

Thursday. October 8th 2009

Angel Chief, I cannot believe you have been gone for 8 years. I was driving around in my patrol car tonight and I would have sworn I saw you in my rear view mirror. Little buddy you have been with me all this time making sure I make it home safely every morning.

I will never forget how you said goodbye to me, bringing me your tennis ball and then laying down for your final rest at my feet. I miss you so much. It hasn't been the same without you. Finding the bad guys was your business and since I know there are no bad-guys at the bridge I hope you have found all the tennis balls there to keep you company till it is my time.

Forever my partner, I will team up with you again.

Thursday, October 9th 2008

It has been 7 years yesterday since you left me. I could not write yesterday because your loss hit me really hard. I was cleaning the house getting ready for the holidays when behind a picture I found a bag of your hair and your badge. I think I laid it there when you died thinking that in time I could put your badge and your card in a shadow box for my wall of your apprehensions. I did not forget about you my forever partner. I have been painting and fixing up the office so I can make room for your trophys and the many newspaper articles of you catching the bad guy.

Please forgive me. I was riding around last night in my patrol car and I felt your presence.

Wednesday, October 17th 2007

My brave little angel man Chief. It was 6 years ago this month that you left for the bridge. I was going through boxes the other day and I found your harness. I cried on and off for the rest of the day because your smell still lingered on it and little bits of your fur had stuck to the back of your badge. I took it to Michael's and they are framing it for me so it will be preserved forever. I will bring it with me when it is my time to come to the bridge.

Crime has not gotten any better and there are so many times I inadvertently reach in the back of my patrol car to give you a rub on your head. You were so good at your job. You caught a lot of bad guys for me. I miss you laying on the bed. I miss your uncanny ability to be an alarm clock too. You never would let me sleep late because when the alarm clock went off you knew it was time to go to work and you were not going to miss a minute of that.

My boy, I hope you found an abundance of kongs and tennis balls at the bridge and I hope they are letting you assist with guarding the gates. There are a lot of friends for you to play with and please help take care of them all and watch over them. I will be there when it is my time.

You are always in my heart my little man. I miss you so very much. God speed my brave little man, Chief.

Your Mom Forever,

Police dog Chief


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