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In Loving Memory of

Charlie, Lucy & Lady

Charlie - June 27th 1999 to Nov. 21st 2005
Lucy - June 27th 1999 to Jan. 4th 2006

They both had lymphoma and passed weeks apart.

Lady - Oct. 25th 1990 to July 4th 2004

Cushings Disease

From Janice Bennett, "Lady, Charlie, Lucy, I will love you forever, till we meet again "

{short description of image}

"My 3 angels: Lady, Lucy and Charlie"

Lady, Charlie and Lucy

Lady, Charlie and Lucy

Mama Lady with Baby Charlie

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Lucy - You talking to me!

Beautiful Lucy!

Peek a Boo, Charlie!

Charlie and his ball!

Charlie, The Protector!

In Loving Memory of Lady, Charlie and Lucy!

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