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PetswithCancer {Endlesslove} Angels

In Loving Memory of


April 4th 1996 to August 7th 2012

dx oral cancer June 2012

Rita's beautiful girl now so very sadly missed

My Valentine Girl - 2/14/10

My Sweet Munchkin

No words can express how much I love you. You will always be in my heart until I see you in heaven again. These last several weeks have been hard on you and hard for me to watch you so sick. You know that I would have done anything possible to make you well but that was not in God’s plan. You gave us so much joy and even though we knew you were a cat, there was always a part of you that acted human. That is probably why we called you our little girl. There will never be another like you again. We had the privilege of having you as part of our family.

When you were born in our window well that Good Friday morning, I was the first human to touch you. Your mommy Precious was good enough to share her six beautiful babies with us. We loved all seven of you but since your were the only baby girl you became our spoiled little princess. Every day coming home from work I couldn’t wait to see your adorable little face waiting for me. When dinner was ready you were the first one sitting in your chair between me and daddy. You always preferred people food over cat food. We could never refuse giving you some of what we were eating. In the evening you wanted to play and would bring me your little ball so you could run up and down the hall or have me toss it up the basement stairs for you to chase. Sometimes you wanted to swat at it like you were playing ping pong. You were always so full of energy and pounce no matter how tired I was I could not refuse you. I would even get out of bed at night because you wanted to play. Mommy was wrapped around your paw.

In the early spring you stopped playing and you weren’t acting yourself so since you turned sixteen I thought maybe you were just getting old like me. Unfortunately after visits to the vet and a biopsy I learned of your cancer. I’m so sorry that you had to have this horrible disease. With your heart problem I always thought you would pass like your two brothers, Sugar and Spice. Like your mommy, you had cancer in your mouth although it was a different kind. I really never found out that much about mommy’s cancer except her cancer was in her lower jaw and yours was in your upper mouth.

Sweet baby girl, my life will be different now and you are so missed. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over losing the best calico cat God ever made. I still have your brother Mouser to watch and love. He is a sweet boy and I will do my best to be good to him and give him the attention he needs. The way he has been crying lately I’m sure he knew you were sick. Now he is alone and since I came home today from letting you go, he has cried a lot. Please watch over him and if you can communicate with him, let him know you are okay and healthy again with your brothers and mommy Precious.

Please let me know you are okay from time to time and snuggle and kiss your mommy and the boys for me. I’m sure they are happy to see you again. I’ll be looking for you and all my beautiful fur babies when it is my time to leave this earth and join you in the wonderful place our Lord has made for us with him and our human family.

Mommy and Daddy will love you forever baby Munch!

Munch napping in her House!

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