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In Loving Memory of


Prinhill Tipper Nightshadow

May 13th 1993 to December 20th 2004

dx Bladder Cancer March '03


To many you were not a dog but, the man at the end of the bar you could tell all of your problems to.This was told to me by a good long time friend. He was right! I can not remember a time that I needed to have an ear and he was not there to listen. Tipper was a Sheltie or Shetland Sheep Dog, some call them a mini collie but they are not. tipper was born out of royal lines his dad was well know in the Show ring across the US. His father was shown for 18 years on the AKC tape for the best of Breed for the Shelties Standard his father was.CH Shadow Hill Jazz On Prinhill Was best of breed and show 157 times form 1985-93 . to this Tipper was in the end not a show dog but, one that was loved. Tipper came down with Bladder cancer in March of 2003. his Quality of life was good right to the last hour. Christmas will never be the same and we will never forget all you brought to our life ever... Little Man we will never forget you. From Mom And Dad know that you will forever and a day be close to our heart just like the one you painted in the snow with your PAWS befor you left us...

God Bless all Sheila and Peter D. Buckley Auburn Ma. USA

Tipper 11 weeks old

Tipper at ten years old still loved to play a lot.....

This is Tippers Christmas Gift to Sheila and I he left this heart in the Snow on his last time out to walk before he passed away
What is your thought? I said he was telling all he loved us that much!

God Bless you and all thank you Tipper...

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