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Pets with Cancer {Endlesslove} Gallery


aka "Sunshine's Sophie's Choice"

Suzy's beloved Aussie girl

Diagnosed with Fibro Sarcoma May 2008.
Sophie had surgery to remove the tumor, followed by 16 radiation treatments

We are happily, so far, now cancer free!

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My Girl - Hanging out!

A Cancer Scare!

June 20th '09 - Sophie has had surgery for a lump I found on the same rear leg as her Fibrosarcoma had been. The vet called with the biopsy results today-BENIGN! FATTY LIMPOMA! OMG, my heart stopped, as I tried to remember what a stupid limpoma was....Sophie came home the day of surgery, Wednesday, June 17th, and had diarreah badly. Of course, I thought the worst. HAH! I'll tell you all that when we think the worst, we may get it. I never gave up believing it was NOT cancer. Ms. Sophie was very unhappy with her new surgical scar, but tonight, we have normal stools and we had rice and hamburger for dinner-what a treat-boiled, of course....I just wanted you all to know that everyday IS a gift, as my friend here says. These dogs are the bravest fighters I have ever seen, all of them; the survivors and the angels. God Bless everyone of you and your pups! Hang in there, and remember "NOT today! Not without a fight!!" When I got off the phone with the vet,I looked at Sophie and said-"Take that, you CANCER BEAST!"

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Bedtime.... This is MY bed!

Sophie's Journey

Post-surgery for her tumor, about 5 days. Post - surgery 5 days

She knew the radiation would work! Radiation - Day 14

Last day of that place!! lol

Last day of Radiation..... She knew

I feel fine-4 months post-radiation

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