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PetswithCancer {Endlesslove} Angels

In Loving Memory of

Socks Pyers

My Shiba Angel

Born December 7th 1997 went to Heaven August 9th 2010

So much loved and so very sadly missed by Kathy Pyers

"I love you so very much and I will always love you, you will never be far from me, for you live in my heart and soul."

Socks loved the snow

Dx. with Spleen Hemangiosarcoma on July 8th 2010 lived 32 days after we were told.

Socks came to live with me when he was 8 weeks old, he was the cutest little ball of fur you could imagine, he would brighten up a room when he walked in it. At the time I got him I already had a Basset hound named Betty Bo Pee, and they got to be good friends although Socks was a mine, mine kind of dog, but he was cute and that is all that mattered and I loved him. Well when he was about a yr or so old, we lived in an apt that had a balcony that was about 12 or 13 feet off the ground, it was a slat enclosure and since my children were old enough to not go through them, and Betty the Basset was to wide to go through them, we didn't think to much about anyone doing anything silly back there, well we were out on the balcony and Socks saw a squirrel, and before we could do anything Socks was through the slats and pulling a Wiley Coyote was mid air what seemed to be a few mins and then straight down he went, splat to the ground all fours out to the side he pooed and peed and was dazed, and I was screaming, I ran down to him he looked at me stood up and never thought any more about it, he frolicked off to the apt and was perfectly fine, he ate a whole 12oz chocolate bunny, out of my daughters Easter basket, he has eaten all the bones from a whole chicken we had, and if my mind was fully thinking straight right now, it being so soon after he died, things don't come so readily to mind, but this silly little dog that came into my life 12 yrs ago always entertained me in one way or another, I loved him with all my heart while he was with me, he went with me in the car as often as he could, at the bank he sat and waited in the back seat for his treat, he almost demanded with his eyes that they better not forget. He made sure that every other dog I brought home to live with us was informed that he was here first and that he ruled, he showed them by at least one wound that left a scar for their life. We had several little furry critters that lived in cages but they didn't last long if Socks had anything to do with it, after he died I told her that when he gets to heaven there will be the little hamsters and such with hands on hips stating "remember us" we both had to laugh.

In Socks last days, I was blessed to have lost my job because I got to spend every moment with him through his dieing process, I cried with each and every change in his body that the crappy cancer was taking away from him, I kept everything as close to normal as I could, I took him for as many rides as I could and I loved him, I slept on the floor with him wiped his nose when he got so congested he could hardly breath, then Sunday night late he became very restless and had little whimpers, I cried and petted and massaged him and he would calm for awhile then whimper again I asked God to please not let him suffer, to please take him, it wasn't fair he is a innocent creature of his, please take him, Socks calmed and I thought I would lay my Bible down by Socks back and lay down on the couch, well I fell asleep and when I got up, which something woke me and still don't know what it was but I glanced over and he wasn't moving, I grabbed him and cried so loud, I told him I was sorry I wasn't holding him when he went, I couldn't bare that my man dog was gone...I was literally sick at my stomach, I wanted him back but I also had asked God to not let him suffer and to take him...I will never forget the love he brought to my life and he is a part of me he is in my soul, he will never be removed from me and I will see him again as I will all my fur kids that has gone on to the rainbow bridge to wait for my arrival.

Socks little body as I knew it here with me now rest in a beautiful place where there are birds and one particular butterfly that has been hanging around since Socks was laid to rest, a beautiful bench to sit on to sit and talk to him whenever I want, his presence is everywhere, and I am blessed to have had him in my life.

Socks loved to go places

He loved curling up ...

Socks before cancer

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