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PetswithCancer {Endlesslove} Angels

In Loving Memory of


Died June 13th 2009 aged 6 yrs

Brandon's beloved Pit\Lab girl.

dx-ed osteosarcoma and amputation of the right front leg February '09

I can't believe I am sending this post to the group. About 2 weeks ago I sent a post telling you guys how great Shayla has been doing after being diagnosed with Osteosarcoma and front leg amputation. Today, after days of not feeling well, I had to put my beloved Shayla down. The cancer had spread to her lungs at she had a very difficult time getting around and her breathing was hampered. I thought my girl had beaten this dreaded disease. Shayla fought hard and I feel totally lost without her. Coming home to see her toys and bed just makes it that much harder. Thank you all so so much for your amazing support and I wish you and your furry friends the best. I will pray for you.

God I miss you so much Shay.

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