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Pets with Cancer {Endless Love} Angels

In Loving Memory of


Born 1993 - Over the Bridge, April 3rd 2009

Maggie's beloved Maltese girl

dx-ed Cancer January '08

"Here are the last three photos of Chanel that are significant to us in her journey this past year. She was more annoyed than not feeling well in the pumpkin hat! The portrait style photo was her June 2008 15th birthday celebration. She had a fantastic time but all the symptoms of the cancer were flairing at that time although the vets were saying it was just chronic colitis and Cushings...if we had only known. The last photo is wonderful because it is Valentine's this year and we had gotten the diagnosis/prognosis mid January. Her sister Angelina knew it...she never did much but tease and frustrate Chanel before that...then she started sleeping next to her and paying a lot of long time overdue respect and caring. Amazing what animals know.

Chanel RIP!

You will be missed forever by so many. we love you!

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