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Endlesslove Angels

In Loving Memory of


Died October 13th 2008 aged 6 yrs

Bruce's Golden Boy

dx Fibrosarcoma
April 1st 2008

So much loved and so sadly missed by Bruce, Lisa and family

Brady - My Buddy

Let the heavens rejoice as there is a new angel in town. Brady went to the bridge at 11:40am today. I have to say it was so peaceful. He was ready and I almost believe he knew it was time. The vet had to leave the room after giving him his shot because he loved Brady too. He had a special place at our vet's office. The vet told us if Brady could say one more thing it would have been "Thank You" because he said we were making the decision at the right time.

Almost seven years ago, we went to look at some golden retriever puppies never thinking we would be coming home with one. At 3.5lbs, Brady was small but so loving and adorable. I remember how unprepared we were for a new puppy. We had to run to Pet Smart to buy supplies and I was so proud of showing him off as I have always been throughout the years. At 3.5lbs, he was so much smaller than any of our cats but that would change over the years. Early on, I would put Brady to sleep in his bed on his back and later on it brought me much amusement when I would see him as a grown dog sleeping with his legs all up in the air. I remember later on when one of our cats had kittens (4) how they would all snuggle up into Brady for comfort. He took it so well and we still have one of the kittens today who always still rubs herself all over him. I know she will miss him too.

We had many good times with Brady and planned our vacations to include him with us. There were only two times over the last seven years that he didn't go with us and those were because we had to fly outside the country. About three years ago, we got into camping which is something he really enjoyed doing. We made many trips to the beach and he loved playing in the water. I was always amazed at how smart Brady was and he loved to show it off to visitors. He had many toys and knew them all by name. We would tell him to get a specific toy and he would root for it in his toy box until he found it. Although I now have two girls, I will always consider him to be my only son.

Brady lived a good life in our house, but was challenged throughout the years by his severe allergies. I would give him allergy shots and later on medication to help him deal with the itching. He also developed bad hip dysplasia but you could never tell from looking at the way he acted. The vet commented that dogs with less severe dysplasia had to have hip surgery, but not Brady.

So in April of this year, our hearts would become broken when we learned that Brady had cancer. At six years old, I had never considered this happening. We were completely devastated and prepared for the worse. But in the end, we were given six wonderful months with Brady and had plenty of opportunity to get some final memories and say our good byes.

So today, October 13th, I lost my best friend, son and all time buddy. I will be hard to fill the void as he knew when I was upset, reminded me when my temper got the best of me and took care of me when I was sick. There is nothing better than cuddling up to a big golden retriever when you are feeling down or hearing his bark when coming home at the end of a long day.

I am going to miss him dearly, but to all the other angels out there you have a good one coming. Although his body has been taken from him, his heart and spirit will always live on in mine. I know we will get another golden again in the future, but that will be another day and will never replace what I have lost in Brady.

Cascade Lakes
Early Morning while camping

Cascade Lakes
Mist on the lake


Christmas Morning
Brady was a good dog and Santa remembered.

A pose

A Kiss to remember

Memories of Brady

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Riding in the truck

A bad night


Brady, forever in our hearts

Happy Memories of

Sweet Brady the Pup

In Loving Memory of Brady.

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