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Your Esteemed Leaders (And Mascot!)

Your friendly neighborhood West Side Church of the Nazarene Youth Group is led by Bill and Danielle Fields. We thought you might like the opportunity to learn a little more about them.

By the way, if you know our Youth Group AT ALL, you'll understand completely why the background is comprised of Band-Aids!

Bill Fields, NYI President & Youth Pastor Wannabe

This is Bill...the world's greatest role model, obviously!!

When not helping members of the Youth Group start trouble (rather than stopping it), Bill works as the Store Manager at Deals in Decatur.

In his moderate amount of spare time, you can find Bill singing, playing video games, watching movies, breaking things (usually not intentionally!), beating Dani D. with the whoopin' stick (join our'll be filled in), and embarassing Danielle.

You can e-mail Bill at

Danielle Fields, NYI Vice-President and Bill's Keeper

This is Danielle. Sure, she's wearing a sombrero, but at least she's not picking her nose!

When not threatening assorted Youth Group members with imminent death, Danielle works as the Executive Secretary to the Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs at Millikin University, where she also attends classes full-time.

In her largely nonexistent amount of spare time, you can find Danielle singing, playing the piano, reading, breaking herself (always not intentionally!), threatening Amos with beatings (see what you miss by not coming to group?), and yelling at Bill.

You can e-mail Danielle at

Joshua Fields, NYI Mascot and General Irritant

This is Joshua. It's probably a safe bet to say that he's the most mature person in his family.

When not annoying various Youth Group members with his incessant chatter, Joshua attends pre-school at Central Christian Church and is otherwise baby-sat by the famous Papa Sonny, AKA "The Unabomber."

In his nearly limitless amount of spare time, you can find Joshua singing, watching On Demand from Insight, collecting Pez dispensers (no interest whatsoever in the actual candy), breaking the silence (always intentionally!), following various Youth Group members around, and annoying Bill and Danielle.

You can't e-mail Josh...he doesn't know how to read.