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a site by Rickard  

Hey everybody!
I am glad you took your time to step by, when i'm starting this page i'm not really sure what for or what to do with it, but i'm gonna keep adding some stuff that i'm intrested in, like school and DA. Enjoy your stay and check back regulary!

My name is Rickard
My name is Rickard and I live in Sweden right now, this fall i'm going to study game development. Right now i'm studying some basic Computer-Technology. I like to play computer games. I had got my first computer when i was 8 years old and had one since, although that first one couldn't handle more than maybe snake *laugh*, but i keep saving money to upgrade it and finaly i could play games like Warcraft I and Eye of the Beholder - and i've stayed on that road since. I love programming, although i'm not so good at it yet.

I made this site just to see what i can do and to test myself a bit, if you have any comments weather positiv or negativ, please mail me, I really appreciate good critic. *smile*


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