Melissa beats her drunken brother in law senseless. (Picture)

Melissa gives her sisters husband a terrible beating to stop his drinking.

Melissa Woodfall

Melissa's sister Mary was sitting at the Dinning room table with a large smile on her giddy face. Her husband Tommy had entered AA to help him stop drinking and had landed a good job with a roofing firm that paid high wages. Melissa was very happy for her sister. Because she had been miserable for most of her three year marriage. She hadn't seen her this happy and looking so good in quite a while. Maybe things would be alright with her. Even though Mary's life was looking up now, Melissa was absolutely sure she made the right decision to ensure her future by dating the class nerd. With her guidance, he would provide them with a luxurious living. She would make sure of that, because Timmy obeyed every command she gave him. She discovered she loved dominating someone when she beat the star athlete at school to a pulp. She controlled Timmy's life now and he obeyed her out of fear of her fists.

Two weeks later, Mary was back and crying her eyes out. Tommy had fallen off of the wagon and spent their entire check on booze. He failed to show up for work for three days and lost his job too. Poor Mary was in tears and didn't know what to do. Tommy hadn't come home last night and she had no idea where he was at. Mary decided to stay there over the weekend and figure out how she wanted to spend the rest of her life. She loved Tommy, but couldn't go on like this. She needed time to think. Melissa was glad Mary was staying the weekend. Because she knew exactly what to do. Tommy was going to get a good beating for making her sister unhappy. And she didn't want Mary there to try and stop her. Tim wasn't so sure about her idea and tried to talk her out of it. He thought she was messing in other peoples affairs and should mind her own business. He was also scared because Tommy was a very big man.

"Are you sure about this Melissa? It's really none of your business. And Tommy is pretty damn big. I don't want to see you get hurt. Maybe you should just forget about it." He suggested. Melissa grabbed Tim and slammed him against the wall. "Are you trying to tell me what to do little man?" She asked with a no nonsense look. "No no. Please Melissa." He replied with a frightened look. "It sure sounds that way to me Timmy. You know better then to try and tell me what to do. Now shut your whining mouth while I think." She ordered the trembling young man. "OK Melissa. But I think you're making a big mistake." "SMACK!" Tim hit the floor crying. "I SAID SHUT YOUR WHINING MOUTH WIMP!" She sternly commanded. "Yes Melissa." He passivily responded. By Saturday morning they still had not heard from Tommy. Melissa had a key to their house, so she decided to go see if he was there. She dressed her 5 foot 5 inch 108 pound body in a little red flair out skirt for unrestricted movement and a white tummy baring top. This way, Tommy couldn't deny it was a beautiful young girl who was beating him senseless to straighten out his miserable life. He was going to straighten up and make his wife happy or else.

Melissa smiled when she reached their house. Tommy's car was in the driveway, although it was parked side ways and the door was left hanging open. She used her key to open the door and stepped in. There he lie on the sofa with two empty bottles and one partial full of hard liquor lying on the floor. Melissa took them to the kitchen and threw out the two empties while dumping the other down the drain. She went back to the living room and moved some furniture out of her way. She wanted plenty of room to give Tommy his beating. Tommy had been a fine specimen of a man when he left high school for College. He stood 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighed 245 pounds of very solid muscle. Now three years later, he probably weighed close to 300 pounds because some of his muscle had turned to fat. Although he was still pretty muscular. And the added weight made him look enormous. It didn't change Melissa's mind. He had a beating coming and she was going to give it to him.

When Melissa was ready, she pushed on his shoulder and tried to wake him up. "Tommy. Get your ass up. We need to have a talk mister." He made a few moaning sounds but his eyes remained shut. "TOMMY! I SAID GET UP YOU LOUSY ASSHOLE!" She screamed. His eyes flew open while he continuously blinked to focus them. "Melissa? What the hell are you doing here? Where's Mary?" He asked with a slight slur. "Mary is over at our house crying her eyes out. Because she's married to a drunken asshole. Now get your ass up. We need to have a serious talk." She ordered. "Go away Melissa so I can sleep. And send Mary home when you get over there. I'm starving." He answered as he attempted to roll over. Melissa grabbed his leg and roughly dumped him in the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING MELISSA?" He screamed in anger. "I said get up asshole. And I meant it. Now move. Or I'll drag your fat ass all over this room." She warned. "Have you lost your fucking mind bitch? Get the fuck out of here and send Mary home. Now beat it." He replied. When Tommy started to lie back down, Melissa grabbed his collar and yanked him back in the floor again.

Tommy scrambled to his feet. "I'm going to beat your fucking brains in if you don't get the fuck out of here and leave me alone bitch." He threatened. Melissa smiled and slipped her sandals off. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear you say Tommy boy. I'm going to give you the worse beating of your miserable life. After today, you'll be a model husband and treat Mary right. Now shut your mouth and start fighting." She said with confidence. Tommy wasn't sure he heard her correctly. But the bitch was totally pissing him off. He needed more sleep and his stomach was growling for him to feed it. If he had to kick Melissa's ass first, then that was fine with him. The bitch shouldn't have come over here running her fucking mouth. Typical fucking female. He thought to himself. Always sticking their nose into someone else's business where it doesn't belong. I guess I'll have to teach her a lesson and throw her fucking ass out.

Tommy threw a devastating roundhouse right to quickly end the fight. Melissa ducked under it and came up on his right. "SMACK!" A solid left to his eye made him blink with pain. A left roundhouse came at her which she easily ducked again. This time she popped up on his left. "SMACK!" Pain shot through his other eye from her hard right fist. Snarling with rage, Tommy fired off three heavy handed punches designed to destroy the bitch and knock her out. All three were easily avoided by the dancing pretty blond. "You have to do better then that Tommy boy. Or giving you a severe beating will be easier then I thought." The 22 year old man went out of his mind with anger at the little blond bitch running her mouth. A few lucky punches and she thought she was Mike Tyson. It was time to show the delusional little slut she was playing with the big boys. That mouth of hers would be singing a different tune when she was in the floor bleeding.

Jabs, crosses, hooks, roundhouses, uppercuts, and hard straight punches were flying at the blond tigress with intent to maim her young body and shut her mouth. Melissa ducked, dodged, weaved, and swayed around them until he began to tire. When he slowed, she opened up on him. "SMACK!" His nose was broken. "SMACK!" His mouth was busted. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both cheeks were turned red and made sore. "THUD!..THUD!" His beer belly stomach folded itself around her firm female fists. "CRACK!" An uppercut to his chin sent him stumbled back. "You fucking little blond whore. I'm going to kill you!" He said with extreme hatred. "Not swinging like that pansy ass. I could dodge those pitiful punches with my eyes closed. Which is what I'm going to do to you you little wimp. Close your eyes with my female fists." She replied while she laughed at him. Tommy reared back to deliver a murderous hay maker. But Melissa beat the clumsy asshole to the punch. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His head was snapped in every direction while her precise punching took him apart.

He was stumbling and staggering with every solid punch. His defense never seemed to be where she was connecting. His face and body was in unbearable pain while she drove him around the room with a smile on her beautiful face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Tommy's large arms were dangling at his sides and his thick legs were beginning to buckle. He was completely helpless against the hard hitting blond warrior. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Tommy was out on his feet. Melissa stopped long enough to grip his shirt to hold him steady for the knock out punch. Tommy was barely able to stand in her grip and didn't know where the hell he was at. His eyes were glassy and unfocused and his huge body was uncontrollably swaying. "Get used to being in this condition Tommy boy. It's going to happen a lot today. You're going to be sleeping in that floor quite a few times before I'm through with you. But you'll be docile and obedient when I'm done. So say good night wimp. You're going to sleep" She told him with a sweet smile.

Melissa cocked her hard right fist and snapped it forward to his chin. "SMMMACK!" Tommy's 300 pound body spun around twice before he slammed into the floor on his face. His large body bounced before it came to rest at her bare feet. He was sound asleep. Melissa strolled over to the sofa and sat down with her beautiful bare feet up and her back resting against the arm. She smiled as she read a magazine and let Tommy sleep for a while. Twenty minutes later she heard Tommy moan. She walked over and stood near his head while she waited for him to become completely coherent. She wanted to make sure he heard what she had to say. "Time to get up sleepy head so I can beat some more sense into your foolish brain." Tommy shook the cob webs out and looked up. The bitch was standing there with her fingers spread out on her slender hips and a big smile on her face. He looked down at her bare feet and rolled his big body away from them.

He rose up from the floor and slightly wobbled on his unsteady legs. "Good boy Tommy. I thought I was going to have to pick you up so I could knock you down again." "Fuck you bitch. Your ass is mine when I get my head straight." He bragged. "It won't help you Tommy boy. But take all the time you need. I've got all day to beat you into submission and make you obedient." "Make me obedient. You are crazy you fucking whore. And I'm about to show you why you're crazy." He said while he laughed at her statement. "OK little man. Then lets get to it. It's time for you to take another nap." Tommy came out swinging. The rest seemed to have revived him so he felt strong and sure of himself. Melissa smiled while she avoided his clumsy efforts and smacked him periodically. A jab missed, another jab was dodged. "SMACK!" Two hooks were evaded, a right cross was slipped. "SMACK!" A hard three punch combination was danced around. "SMACK!" A big roundhouse, an uppercut, and another right cross missed their mark. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Tommy stumbled back from her accurate punching.

He shook his head, wondering what the hell was going on. Then he went back at her with conviction. Melissa decided to mess with his head a little. Tommy threw a right cross which she blocked with ease. "SMACK!" His eye was cut and began to swell. Tommy was really pissed now. He tried three quick punches which were easily batted down by the pretty blond fighter. "SMACK!" His lips ballooned up like they was filled with air. Two more large fist with bone crunching power came at her. They too were slapped away. "SMACK!" his other eye was beginning to swell. Tommy went out of his mind with rage. He sent seven missiles of destruction at Melissa with mean intentions. She slapped them down like pesky flies. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He dropped to his knees in front of her and fell over against her left thigh in a semi conscious state. Melissa shoved his head between her thighs and began to crush his skull. She grabbed both arms and raised them above his head while savagely twisting them.

"AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tommy's eyes shot open while he screamed out in pain. His arms were being bent in directions they weren't meant to go. And his head felt like it was being squeezed by a very large python. "That's it Tommy boy. Squeal for me like a little girl. I just love to hear wimps like you scream and whimper. You might lose your voice with all the screaming you're going to be doing. Because I'm going to hurt you a lot before I'm done with you pansy ass. This is just the beginning." She explained. A minute or so later, Tommy quit screaming and passed out from the pain. Melissa released him and watched while he collapsed at her feet. She went to the kitchen and took a bottle of soda out of the fridge. After quenching her thirst, she slapped Tommy awake with her bare foot. "Time to continue your lesson sissy boy. Get your worthless ass up." Tommy struggled to his hands and knees. As he was getting to his feet, he bolted out of a crouch and tackled her.

They crashed to the floor and rolled around for a bit while fighting for control. Melissa managed to get behind him and quickly put Tommy in a full nelson. Then she slipped her strong legs around his middle. She poured power to both holds and Tommy screamed like a little girl. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Nice try boy. But your no match for me in wrestling either. I'm just to strong for you little man. You're nothing but a weakling and a loser. And I can hurt you any way I want." Tommy tried his best to get out of her holds, but they were just to secure. He realised she was much stronger then he thought. His arms were turning numb from the nelson and his stomach was caught in a vice of feminine power. It was getting very hard for him to breathe while she turned his middle into mush with her strong muscular legs. He couldn't feel his arms anymore either. Because they had turned numb in her full nelson. He could only wait for her to release him while he screamed and whimpered from the pain. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Melissa finally turned him loose. Tommy flopped over on his stomach and tried to catch his breath. His arms were lying at his sides. There was no feeling in them at all. She flipped him over on his back and laughed at his feeble attempts to stop her. Melissa wrapped his legs up in a figure four leg lock. She leaned back on her hands and applied pressure to the hold. He was screaming and flopping around like a fish out of water. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He repeatedly screamed while she mangled his legs with hers. "OH GOD!MY LEGS! MY LEGS! PLEASE MELISSA! YOU'RE BREAKING MY LEGS!" He whimpered. Tears flowed from his eyes while he begged the pretty blond fighter. "That's it Tommy boy. Beg for me you weak little sissy. I love it when they beg." She said with a smile. Tommy didn't want to beg his sixteen year old sister-in-law. But he was in excruciating pain. He felt so ashamed and humiliated to have to beg her to release him. But he was afraid she was going to break his legs.

"OK..OK! PLEASE..MELISSA! I'M..BEGGING..YOU! LET..ME.. GO! PLEASE! LET..ME..GO!" "Do you call that begging boy? You can do better then that." She hit him with a another burst of power and Tommy almost fainted. "PLEASEEEEEE! I'M..BEGGING! I'M..BEGGING! I'M..BEGGING! LET..ME..GO..MELISSA! PLEASE..LET..ME..GO!" "Well, I guess that was better wimp. But you need to work on your begging. You'll have plenty of chances to learn before I'm done with you." She smiled and let him go. Melissa straddled his chest and easily pinned his useless arms to the floor. "Time to work on your face again and put you back to sleep wimp." She told him. Fear covered his snow white face when she raised her hard hitting fists. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Tommy went to sleep after the fifth punch. But she continued to rearrange his facial features. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!"

Melissa smiled as she strolled to the kitchen to get a glass and some ice for her warm soda. Things are going rather well. She thought to herself. I'll have that little wimp straightened out in no time. She decided to make herself a sandwich and have some lunch while Tommy slept. After she finished eating and had cleaned up her mess, she went back to the living room and woke Tommy up. "OK pansy ass, school is back in session. Get your ass up so I can continue teaching you how to behave." He tried to stand, but his legs were still in a lot of pain. He crawled over to the sofa and pulled himself up. Then he leaned against the arm while he waited for the feeling to come back to his legs. "Having trouble standing are you Tommy boy? Well don't worry about it. I'll have you back in the floor sleeping in a few minutes." "Fuck you Melissa. Get the fuck out of here and go home bitch." He replied with bravado. "Try and make me wimp." She answered.

He threw a right that Melissa casually caught with her left hand. She reached under his left arm with her right hand and turned her hip into his body. Then she flipped the surprised man over her to land in the floor. "SLAM!" "You always seem to be in the floor boy." She teased. Tommy jumped to his feet and fired another hard right. This time she blocked it and drilled him in the stomach. "THUD!" When he bent over, she turned her back and reached behind her to grab his head. A slight bend in the knees and he was flying over her shoulder to hit into the floor again. "SLAM!" "Down you go again little boy." He slowly climbed to his feet and coutiously approached her. He faked a left jab to try and throw her off. Then he sent another hard right at her head with as much strength as he could muster. It didn't fool her in the least. She stepped to her left and grabbed his arm as it went by. Then she snapped it down, around, and up, to flip him in the floor for the third straight time. "SLAM!" "Back in the floor again wimp."

When Tommy gained his feet and turned towards her, she was right in front of him. Melissa reached up and grabbed his shoulders while placing her bare foot in his large stomach. She laid back in the floor while pulling him with her. Tommy sailed over her well developed body to land in the floor behind her. "SLAM!" "I told you you would be in the floor a lot today. You weak little sissy." When Tommy finally made it to his feet, he was stumbling around in a daze. Melissa calmly stepped over and grabbed his right arm with her left hand. She turned her back to him again and slightly bent her knees while she yanked his arm down over her right shoulder. He went flying over her to hit the floor for the fifth straight time. "SLAM!" "Ohhhhhh, that had to hurt Tommy boy." Tommy was lying there groggy and moaning. Melissa smiled as she stood over his prone body and gripped his shirt. She lifted him slightly off of the floor, and let him have it with a right cross. "SMACK!" It snapped his head back and put him to sleep.

Melissa went to the restroom to relieve herself of some of the soda she had consumed. She found a new tooth brush in the cabinet so she brushed her teeth. A quick look in the mirror to check out her overall appearance and she was ready to resume Tommy's beating. She smiled as she looked down on him. He looked so peaceful lying there sleeping. But he had lessons to learn and amends to be made. So it was time to wake him up and get started. "Rise and shine Tommy boy. We have a lot of things to cover before we're finished." Tommy just lie there. His entire body hurt and his swollen face was killing him. He just wanted to sleep. "Get your ass up little man. Or I'll drag you to your feet myself." Tommy dropped his head. "Leave me alone Melissa and go away. I don't feel so good." He whined. "Sorry wimp. You have issues that need to be straightened out and I'm here to make sure you learn." She said with confidence. "NOW GET YOUR ASS UP WEAKLING!"

Tommy didn't move. She grabbed his shirt and hauled him to his feet. "I SAID GET UP WIMP!" Melissa held him with her left hand and repeatedly beat him with her right. "SMACK! "When I give you an order you will obey." "SMACK!" "You do not hesitate." "SMACK!" "You do not question it." "SMACK!" "You do as you're told." "SMACK!" "When you're told." "SMACK!" "IS THAT CLEAR WIMP!" "SMACK!" He was crying when he collapsed to the floor. "Please Melissa, leave me alone." "Can't do it Tommy boy. You've screwed up Mary's life and I'm here to make you set it right. No more drinking little man. You will go to AA and stick with it. And we'll see about getting your job back. If we can't, you will quickly find another one. This time you will work hard to keep it and make Mary happy. You will do all of these things because I say so. If you don't, I'll pay you another visit and it will be much worse then this one." "ARE WE CLEAR TOMMY BOY?" "NOW GET UP!"

She dragged him to his feet again and slammed him against the wall. She placed her knee between his legs to help hold him up and began to brutally beat him again. "SMACK!" "I hope you enjoyed your binge last night. Because it was your last." "SMACK!" "You're going to be the perfect husband from now on." "SMACK!" "Mary better be smiling every time I see her." "SMACK!" "Because if she's not, you'll pay with your blood and pain." "SMACK!" "UNDERSTAND BOY?" She sternly asked. "YESSSSSSSS MELISSAAAAAAAA YESSSSSSSSS! PLEASE STOP!" He begged. "SMACK!" "I have to make sure it's clear to you little man." "SMACK!" "This is your only warning." "SMACK!" "I will not tolerate you screwing up." "SMACK!" "Make Mary happy or I'll be back." "SMACK!" That's your life's work from now on wimp." "SMACK!" "Nothing else should be on your mind." "SMACK.."You really don't want me to come back."..SMACK!" "Because I will really hurt you the next time boy." "SMACK!" "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME YOU PATHETIC WEAKLING?"

"Yes Melisa. please, I understand. I'll be good. I swear. Please don't hit me again. I can't take anymore. Please, just leave me alone." He pleaded. "Alright Tommy, I'm going to take your word. God help you if you're lying to me. I will beat you within an inch of your miserable life. You'll attend the AA meetings. You'll stay sober. And you'll make Mary happy." "IS THAT CLEAR WIMP?" She asked while he trembled in her grasp. "Yes Melissa. It's clear. I swear." He whined. "Good boy. Now go take a shower and get cleaned up." She ordered. "Yes Melissa. What ever you say." Melissa sat on the sofa and waited while Tommy showered and shaved. When he emerged from his bedroom, she looked him over and decided he looked presentable. "Give me your keys Tommy. You're in no shape to drive." She said. "Where are you taking me?" He asked with a questionable look. "SMACK!" "NO ARGUMENTS WIMP! NOW HAND OVER THOSE KEYS!" Tommy handed over the keys with a shaky hand. "Alright. Get your ass in the car so we can fix your life."

She drove him to the roofing firm and yanked him out of the car by his collar. She marched him in and went straight to the man in charge. He looked up when he heard someone come through his door. Shock registered on his face when he saw Tommy's condition. "My god Tom. What the hell happened to you?" He asked. "I happened to him." Melissa said. "We want to speak to you about getting him his job back." She told the man. "I don't know young lady. I need my people to show up every day." He replied.. "Look Mister Marshall. Was Tommy a good worker when he showed up for work?" "Yes he was very good. But my crews are filled with a certain amount of men to do their jobs. I need people that will show up so it doesn't slow everything down." He explained. "Speak up Tommy boy. Tell the man you will be here on time every day." She said nudging him. "Look Mister Marshall. I know I screwed up. But I really need this job. I swear I'll be a man you can count on in the future." He said while wringing his hands. "And I guarantee it Mister Marshall. Or he will answer to me." Melissa said.

"Please Mister Marshall. Give me one more chance. I won't let you down. I swear." He vowed. The man sat there for a minute and thought it over. He looked at Melissa and asked her. "How can you guarantee he will keep his word.?" "Because he doesn't want me to come back and give him a worse beating then I gave him this time. Isn't that right Tommy boy?" She asked. "Yes Melissa." He whimpered. "You did that to him?" He asked in shock. "Yes sir I did. And he knows I'll do it again if he screws up. So I guarantee you can count on him." She replied. "Alright. We'll give him one more shot. But you better be good for your word Tom." He emphatically told him. "I will Mister Marshall. And thank you very much." He said with a slight grin. "Good boy Tommy. Now lets go see your wife and find out if she will forgive you." She said dragging him out of there. She stopped at Tim's house and picked him up on the way home. When they arrived, she pulled Tommy out of the car by his collar again and marched him inside. Mary was sitting on the sofa when Melissa threw Tommy in the floor at her feet. "MY GOD TOM! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?" She asked in shock. "Let him talk to you first Mary. He has something he wants to say." "Spit it out boy. And you had better make it good." She commanded.

"I'm so sorry for screwing up Mary. I promise I'll be a good husband from now on and make you proud of me. I'll stay on the AA program and quit my drinking. I swear I will. Melissa got my job back at the roofing firm, so I'll go to work every day and bring the money home to you. Please forgive me Mary. Because I love you and don't want to lose you." He laid his head in her lap and began to cry. "Oh Tommy. I'm so glad you have come to your senses. I was so worried about what we were going to do. I love you too sweetheart. So I forgive you." She said with tears in her eyes. Mary looked up at Melissa and mouthed the words thank you. She smiled and nodded her head. Melissa grabbed Tim by the scruff of his neck and headed for her bedroom. She shoved him in and locked the door while she began to undress. "Beating Tommy boy senseless has made me horny as hell Timmy. You better have that tongue in good working order little man. Because I want it in me deep and working fast. Now get your ass over there on that bed." She ordered. "Yes Melissa." He whimpered while he immediately obeyed the dominate female. She smiled as she turned her naked body and strolled toward him. "Good boy Timmy. Good boy."