Mary Lou beats down two goons after her Pa's land. (Picture)

Mary Lou works over two hired goons trying to force her Pa to sell his oil filled land.

Mary Lou Baker

After Mary Lou's Ma recovered from her illness, she became stronger every day. Mary Lou still ran the family because the woman never seemed to get back the fire in her heart that was evident when she ran the family with an iron will. But her passion for Mary Lou going to school and getting an education was still there. She wanted her daughter to have the best chance possible to make a better life for herself. A few months after she had gotten better, she told Mary Lou she wanted her to go back to school. She wouldn't take no for an answer. Mary Lou liked going to school but thought she was needed at home much more. But her Ma was adamant. Mary Lou was going back to school and that was final. Every argument Mary Lou came up with to convince her Ma to let her stay home was shot down. Mary Lou loved and respected her Ma, so she gave up and agreed to return to school. Her Ma was happy.

When the mine collapsed there was geological survey teams spread all over the County. Their job was to test the soil and check the underground fault lines to see if it would be safe to reopen the mines. One of those teams surveyed the land that was owned by Mary Lou's Pa. One man on that team found something very interesting. Millions of gallons of oil rested beneath the surface on her Pa's land. He didn't report his find to anyone. He was under the assumption that the people who lived in these Tennessee hills were poor dumb hillbilly's. So all he had to do was offer the man a great deal of money for his land and he would jump at the chance to sell it without asking to many questions. He didn't take into consideration how proud and family oriented the hill folks were. He soon realised his mistake, after being turned down three times by her Pa.

Mary Lou's Pa didn't have much. But what he had was his. This land had been in his family for many generations and he planned on passing it on to his sons. So selling it to anyone was totally out of the question. No matter how much money they offered. Now the surveyor wasn't a violent man. But fortunately for him, he had a cousin who was a drug dealer, gun runner, pimp, and all around shady character. He contacted his cousin and explained the problem he was having with the old man and what was at stake. After a lengthy discussion, they entered into a partnership. The cousin was to find a way to force the old man to sell his land and put up the money. The surveyor would take care of getting the drilling equipment and crew and show them exactly where to drive the shaft. A 50/50 split satisfied the two men and cemented the deal. There was millions to be made.

The cousin sent his two best men to force the old man to sell. He didn't care how they accomplished it, just get the job done. Sol and Vinnie were your typical muscle for hire. Big, strong, and dumb. Their way of doing business was straight on with brute force. They grabbed the old man on his way to work at the sawmill one morning and beat him half to death. But he wouldn't sign over his land. They beat him so bad he had to be put in the hospital. And he was in such bad shape that he wasn't able to tell anyone how it happened. Sol and Vinnie's next idea was to grab up the old woman and force her to sign over the land. But the old woman never left the cabin. The men folk hunted and fished for their meat and the old woman grew their vegetables in the garden out in back of the cabin. The few essentials they did have to buy was picked up by Mary Lou on her way home from school.

So the large goons came up with a fool proof plan. At least to their way of thinking it was. Kidnap the daughter on her way to school and threaten to kill her if the old woman didn't do as she was told and sign the deed over to their boss. Hell, it was simple, easy, and couldn't fail. What could possible go wrong with such a brilliant plan. Nothing. Right? So Monday morning the two men set up their trap and waited for Mary Lou to come down the road. Sol was standing outside the van with a map in his hand like he was lost. When Mary Lou came along, he hailed her over to ask directions. While she was pointing at the map to show him where he needed to go, Vinnie sneaked around the back of the van and dropped a pillow case over her head. Sol grabbed her legs and they threw her in the van and tied her up. So far their brilliant plan was working perfectly. It didn't stay that way.

Sol checked the telephone book to get their phone number so he could call the old woman and tell her they had her daughter. They soon found out that Mary Lou's folks didn't have a phone. OK, no problem. They would email the woman and let her know Mary Lou was in danger if she didn't comply with their wishes. But alas, they had no computer either. Then it was a simple matter of writing her a note and mailing her the bad news. But that idea blew up in their faces as well. The mailman only delivered to the hill folks two times a week. On Mondays and Thursdays. By the time they had Mary Lou and got her tucked away in the house they rented, the mailman had already left. Now they had to wait until Thursday or think of something else.

The only option left was to hand deliver the note. Sol sat down and thought out what he wanted to say and carefully printed it down. When he was through, he gave it to Vinnie with instructions to wait until it was dark. Then tie the note around a rock and get close enough to throw it at the door of the cabin. Vinnie was pissed he had to do the leg work. But he finally agreed to deliver the note. Just after it turned dark, there was a loud noise outside the cabin door. Caleb opened the door and found the rock with a note attached. He took it to his Ma who was frantic over the fact that Mary Lou hadn't come home from school yet. She had sent Carson and Caleb out to look for her but they came back empty handed. She peeled the note off of the rock and sat down to read it.

The note was addressed to her. "If you ever want to see your daughter alive again do as I say. Bring the deed to your land and meet me at noon tomorrow at the end of the road where you turn towards town. Come alone. No cops, or she's dead." She knew her husband would never sell his land. But she couldn't lose her only daughter. He would understand she did the only thing she could do. She had to get Mary Lou back. Mary Lou was lying in a bedroom on a mattress they threw on the floor. It was the only thing in the room. She didn't know why the two guys had kidnapped her. Her folks didn't have any money or anything else of value. The only thing her Pa had that he owned was his land. And she couldn't think of any reason why they would want that. It wasn't much good for anything. Especially to two guys in suits. It didn't make any sense. What the hell could they want?

She thought at first they were going to rape her. When they put her in the room they removed her shoes, socks, shorts and top. But as soon as they had her undressed and down to her white bra and panties, they tied her back up and left the room. So she figured they only took her clothing in case she was able to somehow escape. Wearing only her bra and panties and being barefoot, they probably thought she wouldn't get to far before they could catch her. She managed to get herself untied and removed the pillow case they put over her head. She saw there was only one window in the room but it was boarded up from the outside. The only way out was through the locked door. She set her brain to working and tried to devise a plan of escape. She didn't know what the two men wanted. But she saw their faces when they undressed her so she was sure they wouldn't leave her alive. When they got what they were after she would be dead meat. What ever that was.

Sol was waiting at the end of the road for the old woman. He left Vinnie back at the house to watch over Mary Lou. Vinnie wasn't the smartest guy in the world, so he didn't want to trust him with grabbing up the old lady. The young girl was tied up and locked away in the bedroom. So he surely couldn't screw anything up by keeping an eye on her. Soon they would have what they came after and could get out of these damn hills. He hated the rocky country with a passion. Mary Lou's Ma came strolling down the road. She saw the big man standing by his van waiting for her at the turn. She quickened her pace because she was in a hurry to get Mary Lou back and safe. Sol was glad she was finally there. "Did you bring the deed to your land old woman?" He asked. "Yes. Yes I did. I don't know why you would want it so badly but I have it right here." "Never mind why we want it bitch. Just do as you're told and you'll get your daughter back. Understand?" "Yes, I understand. Just please, don't hurt her." She pleaded.

They both got in the van and Sol drove off. He called Vinnie on his cell to let him know they were coming. "Should I whack the young broad now Sol? Or wait until you get here?" He asked. "Nah! Hold off on that Vinnie. We'll be there soon." "OK Sol, what ever you say." Vinnie hung up his cell phone and decided to go check on the young bitch. It was to bad they had to kill her so quick. He would have liked to get a piece of that sweet ass first. But business was business. Mary Lou heard him coming toward the door and readied her 5 foot 6 inch 117 pound body for battle. Thinking she was still tied up and no threat, Vinnie's 6 foot 2 inch 233 pound frame wasn't prepared for her attack when he entered the room. The door opened inward so Mary Lou positioned herself behind it. Shock registered on Vinnie's face when he saw she wasn't lying on the mattress. But before he could do anything, Mary Lou struck.

She grabbed his right wrist just as he turned loose of the door knob. Pulling on his arm and turning her well formed young body, she spun him around and sent him back pedaling toward the wall. She charged after him. "SLAM!" His back hit the wall hard and slightly shook him up. Mary Lou kicked out with her right leg as hard as she could and slammed him right foot in the balls. "WHOP!" Vinnie clutched his testicles and doubled over in pain. "CRACK!" A powerful uppercut landed on his chin and snapped his head back into the wall. "BAM!" Her hard fists went to work on his pain stricken surprised face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He managed to get his large arms up and shove her away before he reached into his suit coat for his gun. Mary Lou quickly regained her balance and went back on the attack. "SMACK!" A solid right landed on his right arm muscle and turned it numb. Vinnie grunted and dropped the glock. Mary Lou kicked it away and smiled.

"Afraid ta take me on without a gun huh?" She asked. "Fuck you you little bitch. I'll rip your head off." He retaliated. "Then come on fat boy. Lets see what ya got." Vinnie looked at her fabulous body and decided he would get him a piece of ass after all. Just as soon as he beat her fucking head in so she wouldn't be anymore trouble. He went at her with a large smile on his face. Mary Lou was grinning herself. Big boy didn't know it yet, but he was about to get his large ass kicked. Muscular male arms began chucking large male fists with body damaging power behind them. One after the other came at Mary Lou with menacing speed to beat her ass to the floor. Dodging and weaving, she eluded them all while she waited for her opportunity to strike back. After about fifteen punches, it came. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "You're not doing to good fat boy. Maybe you should change yer line of work. They need burger flippers down at Burger Haven. Or ya could become a Florist. Cause ya fight like a sissy." She taunted.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Vinnie was confused as hell. No broad had ever picked a fight with him before. He was just to big. But this little bitch knew how to fight and she hit awful damn hard. Still, she was just a female. It was only a matter of time before he had her in the floor and was fucking the shit out of her broken body. Just a matter of time. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "What's the matter wimp? Are ya so scared ya fergot how ta speak?" "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Ya better find yer voice and start beggin pansy ass." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "Cause I'm gonna beat ya so bad ya'll think ya was trampled by a horse." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Vinnie couldn't seem to get away from any punch she threw. And he couldn't land anything himself. She fought like a demon and he was getting a little worried.

Mary Lou was having a ball. His large beefy face was changing colors and swelling up nicely. He would soon be at her mercy. But she wasn't going to show him any. What ever the two men wanted, they weren't going to get it if she had anything to say about it. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Mary Lou worked over his mid section a little before she sent and a right left combination to both eyes. Vinnie went down. He looked up from the floor and shook his head to clear it. A God damn female was standing over him in her underwear. And as hard as it was for him to believe, she had knocked him down with her fists. What kind of fucking female could do that? Were they being born with super powers or something now? Hell, every female he knew was totally helpless. They couldn't do shit without a man there to help them. What the fuck was going on in the world these days?

Mary Lou laughed at the lost look on his face. "Can't figure out what's going on can ya wimp? Well I can help ya with that. Yer gettin yer ass whupped by me. And it's been real easy too. Now get yer ass up so I can finish ya off." Vinnie climbed to his feet. It's a fucking girl. He said to himself. Quit fucking around and knock her ass out. His thick, muscular arms went to work with that thought on his mind. Heavy handed punches were fired at Mary Lou with head splitting power behind every one of them. But they were so pitifully slow, Mary Lou could easily avoid them. Vinnie began to tire out so she opened her own offense with much better accuracy. "SMACK!" He heard the small bones in his nose crunch. "SMACK!" He felt his lips swell from her punch. "SMACK!" His jaw turned numb.

"SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes were in pain. "SMACK!..SMACK.!" Both cheeks were in pain. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Now both eyes were swelling. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both cheeks puffed up like a blow fish. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Two teeth flew out of his mouth when it busted wide open. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His stomach hurt like hell and his chin felt like it had moved from it's socket. "OK little man, time ta put ya ta sleep. Yer partner will be back soon and I want ta be ready for him. So say yer bed time prayers wimp. Cause yer going nite nite. "SMMMACK!" Mary Lou's right cross exploded on his jaw like dynamite. His large muscular arms dropped to his sides and his eye balls rolled back in his head. His bulky body rocked up and down a few times before it keeled over and slammed into the floor at her feet. Vinnie was sound asleep. "Ya didn't say good night little man." She teased with a smile.

Mary Lou tied his arms and feet with the rope she had been tied up with. When she had him securely hog tied, she dragged his sleeping body over to the corner by the door. When his partner opened the door he wouldn't be able to see his buddy all tied up and beaten until it was to late. Mary Lou went looking for her clothes and shoes but couldn't find them. They must be in the van they used ta kidnap me. She thought to herself. I'll get em later. Mary Lou heard Sol enter the house and flattened herself against the wall by the door. "Sit down there and sign the land deed over to us old woman." He ordered. "NO! I'm not signing anything till I'm sure Mary Lou is alright." She told the huge thug. OH MY GOD! Mary Lou said to herself. That's Ma's voice. Now they have her too. What in the hell could they want. "You can see your precious daughter bitch. Then I want that deed signed or else." "VINNIE! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU MAN?" He screamed.

Sol grabbed the old woman by the arm and dragged her back towards the bedroom. He opened the door and shoved her in. Just as he followed her through the doorway, Mary Lou blasted him in the face with a solid back fist. "SMACK!" He was taken completely by surprise and stumbled back into the hallway. He quickly got over being startled and reached inside his suit coat for his gun. Mary Lou was on him in a flash. "WHOP!" She drove her bare foot up into his balls as hard as she could. Sol grunted in pain and bent over with a red face. She grabbed his right arm and whipped it behind his back in a hammerlock. Clutching his right shoulder with her right hand, she drove his head into the wall. "SLAM!..SLAM!..SLAM!" Sol dropped to his knees, groggy and disoriented.

She quickly reached inside his coat and removed the gun from his shoulder holster. Turning toward her Ma, she handed it to her. "Take care of this fer me Ma while I beat some answers out of this sissy ass city boy." "I'm so glad yer alright Mary Lou. You had me worried sick." She said breathing a sigh of relief. "I'm fine Ma. We'll talk later." Mary Lou turned back to Sol and smiled. "WHAP!" Her bare foot exploded in his face and knocked him over to his back. "You got some explaining ta do wimp." Sol ignored the pain in his balls and head. He kicked at Mary Lou to back her up. Then he climbed to his feet with rage spread all over his face. "You're dead you little hillbilly bitch. I'm gonna rip you apart with my bare hands." He growled. "Ohhhh, I'm so scared." Mary Lou shot back at him. "Ya have ta do better then yer buddy in there cause he fought like a pussy. It was real easy ta beat him silly." She taunted.

Sol had heard enough. No woman talked to him like that without getting beaten half to death. Smacking women around was a favorite pastime of his. He loved it when they were crawling on the floor and begging him to leave them alone. Their faces all puffy and bloody turned him on. He was really going to enjoy giving this little bitch a beating. And he would enjoy killing her after the deed had been signed. His 6 foot 3 inch 241 pound muscular body leaped at Mary Lou with both massive fists blazing. Each punch was designed to wreck havoc on her pretty face and destroy her young female body. Ham like fists attached to thick male arms were repeatedly fired at Mary Lou. They kept coming like a machine that was set on automatic. Mary Lou smiled and danced. Punch after punch after punch was evaded by the agile brown haired warrior until his stamina began to fade.

Mary Lou finally blocked his last three attempts and set her own offense in motion. "My turn wimp. Lets see if ya can last any longer then yer pansy ass buddy did." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Sol was staggering backwards down the hallway. She kept him off balance with straight hard shots that easily found their mark. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Sol was just as confused and lost as Vinnie had been. The scantly clad female fighter didn't give him the chance to get his bearings or catch his breath. His large face was quickly swelling up. It ballooned up to over twice it's size in a matter of minutes. Mary Lou beat him all the way down the hallway. Just as they reached the living room, she blasted his chin with a solid right cross. "SMACK!" He flopped to the floor.

"You city boys are plumb pitiful at fist fightin ain't ya? Maybe I should get my Ma ta tie one of my arms behind my back so ya could have a better chance of whuppin me. I really don't think that would help ya though. Ya fight like a sissy." Sol climbed to his feet, more determined then before. The little bitch won't be so cocky when she's lying in the floor bleeding. He thought to himself. Sol went back on the attack with renewed energy. He was sick of hearing her fucking mouth run and couldn't wait to shut her the fuck up. Massive missiles of destruction went flying at Mary Lou with bone crushing power behind everyone of them. Rights and lefts of all kinds were thrown by the large muscular man from every angle. One solid connection and the mouthy little bitch would be singing a different tune. But he continued to miss his elusive target.

Mary Lou was ducking and dodging like a pro. At one point she got so bored, she yawned right in Sol's face. This pissed him off even more. But it didn't help his accuracy. She avoided everything he threw and taunted his feeble attempts to hit her. "You boys need ta take some fightin lessons. Cause the way ya fight is pathetic. Hell, I could fight better then that when I was six years old." Sol's determination and energy soon ran out. He could hardly lift his big muscular arms and his mouth was wide open trying to catch his breath. Mary Lou decided it was time to put a stop to his futile efforts and show the big city boy how to punch with authority. "OK you pathetic loser, pay attention. I'll show ya how ta fight Tennessee hill style. I should warn ya though, this is gonna hurt."

"SMACK!" Sol's nose was badly broken. "I told ya it was gonna hurt." "SMACK!" His mouth split open and blood gushed out. "Ya see how easy it is if ya know what yer doing ya wimp?" "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes swelled further and the skin above the left one was cut open. "Ohhhh that's a bad lookin eye ya got there city boy." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks swelled up and turned purple and his chin felt like it was loose from it's socket. "Purple is a nice color fer ya pansy ass." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Sol was completely helpless against her barrage of hard feminine punches. His eyes were swollen so much he couldn't see where or when her next one was coming. His thick, bulky legs started to shake while Mary Lou beat him senseless. She saw he was totally defenseless and was enjoying herself immensely. Unable to put up any resistance, Sol could do nothing to stop her from doing as she pleased.

Mary Lou grabbed his right shoulder with her left hand and began to turn his stomach into mush. "What do ya say we work on that tummy of yers fer a while wimp?" "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" Sol doubled over in pain while trying to suck air in his lungs. With his chin exposed, Mary Lou took advantage of it. "SMMMACK!" He collapsed at her feet unconscious. "That was fun." She said laughing. "Mary Lou, you are such an incredible young lady. It is simply amazing you could beat up these two big men and make it look so easy." Ah heck Ma, it weren't nothin. These two city boys are just big wimps. What do they want anyway? Why did they grab you up too?" She asked. "They want yer Pa's land. Though fer the life of me I don't know why they would want it." "Me either Ma. What would two city boys want with rocky mountain land? It ain't much good fer nothin. I guess I'll have ta wake one up and ask him."

Mary Lou placed Sol's arms on his back in a double hammerlock and knelt down over his shoulders to trap them there with her knees. When she was ready, she reached back and slapped him awake. Sol tried to struggle when he saw the position he was in. But she had him securely pinned. He soon realised it was useless to waste his energy. His arms were trapped and he couldn't buck her off of his shoulders. He settled down and gave up trying. "OK city boy, it's time ta answer some questions." "I ain't telling you shit you fucking hillbilly bitch." He snarled. Mary Lou took hold of his right hand pinkie finger. "Ya better start talkin wimp. Or I'm gonna break yer fingers till ya do." She warned. "Go to hell bitch. I ain't saying nothing." He answered. "OK city boy, I warned ya. "SNAP!" "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "YOU BROKE MY FINGER YOU FUCKING BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!"

She took hold of his left pinkie finger. "Ya got nine more ta go sissy. Are ya ready ta tell me what I wanna know?" "You're dead bitch. You hear me. You're dea" "SNAP!" Mary Lou cut him off by breaking another finger. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "YOU FUCKING WHORE! I'LL CUT YOU UP IN PIECES!" He screamed. "You're talkin wimp but ya ain't sayin what I wanna hear. So yer ring fingers are gonna be next." "FUCK YOU BITCH!" "Ya sure are stubborn ain't ya pansy ass. But I think yer gonna change yer mind in a bit and tell me everything." She took his right hand ring finger and wrapped her palm around it. "Ya ready ta talk city boy? Or do I break number three?" Sol laid there and didn't say a word. "Have it yer way dumb ass. It ain't hurtin me none." "SNAP!" "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "I'LL KILL YOU YOU BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!" Mary Lou smiled and grabbed his other ring finger. "Number four comin up city boy. Grit yer teeth."

"SNAP!" "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "YOU FUCKING WHORE!" He said through clenched teeth. Mary Lou got a good grip on his right hand middle finger. "Ohhhhhh this is a big one. I'll bet it's really gonna hurt." Sol felt her tense her arm to break another one of his fingers and his will caved in. "WAIT! WAIT! I'LL TALK! PLEASE DON'T BREAK ANYMORE FINGERS!" "That's what I wanted ta hear city boy. Now tell me why ya want my Pa's land." "Oil. The surveyor found oil on your property when he was testing the land to see if it would be safe to reopen the mines." He confessed. "OIL?" Are ya sure bout that? I ain't never seen no trace of oil round here." "That's what my boss said when he sent us down here to force you to sell the land." "Well I'll be damned." "Hey Ma, did ya hear that? We got oil on our land." "I heard him Mary Lou. But it's hard ta believe." She replied.

Her Ma called the Sheriff on Sol's cell phone and they came and took the two men away. They were going to be charged with kidnapping and attempted murder, so they sung like the proverbial canary to get their sentences reduced. Their boss and the land surveyor was implicated and sent to prison along with the two goons. Mary Lou's Pa got the County surveyor to confirm the story and he reported that oil was sure enough under the ground. When all was said and done, Mary Lou and her family were multi millionaires. They are worth about one hundred million dollars to this day. But they didn't let that change their lives. Her Pa built a nice home on the mountain for his wife and kids. But couldn't bear to tear down the cabin. It still stands about a mile away from their new home.

The old man still works at the sawmill because he couldn't stand to be idle and not doing anything. Mary Lou and her Ma still grow their own vegetables in the bigger garden out back of their new home. The only two that aren't really happy are Carson and Caleb. They still hunt and fish for the families meat, even though they could bye what ever they wanted. They thought they were going to have more time for fun and games since they were rich. Mary Lou finished High School and went to College at the University of Tennessee. She met a young man from Illinois who was studying Agriculture and they were soon married. They've had only one martial spat during their marriage. The young man learned early that it was a very painful mistake to make his wife angry. But other then his fear of getting another senseless beating if he screws up, he loves Mary Lou with all his heart. And she loves him dearly. As long as he behaves and obeys her.