Lisa..Sherry and Nikki beat up Kenny and I to graduate. (Pictures)

Sherry and Nikki beat Lisa's Father and his brother to graduate from training.

My daughter Lisa is teaching all of her girl friends and their friends to fight with their fists to straighten out their bully brother's and any other male that is bothering them. My brother Kenny and I are used as sparring partners for the last two sixteen year old girls who have not had anyone to beat up to test their skills. Lisa wants to see what they have learned at our expense. I was in the kitchen fixing a large tray of sandwiches and a pitcher of lemonade to take to our game room that my daughter Lisa had turned into a fighting gym to teach her young girl students how to fight with their fists. I heard someone leaving, so I looked out the window and saw Lisa and Linda leaving with Linda's brother Robert. He was driving them somewhere for what ever purpose they needed. I went back to work, knowing not to ask. It was safer.

My sixteen year old daughter Lisa beat me to a pulp in front of three of her friends. She did it to prove she didn't lie when she said she could beat me up. They were so impressed that they asked her to teach them how to fight so they could take care of their bully brothers and a pesky foul mouth neighbor. After Lisa finished teaching them, they beat their adversary's in a fight. Now they rule their lives, just like my daughter does mine. Word had spread to other young girls with a problem and now she had five other students to teach. Our game room was full of sixteen year old pretty girls learning to fight at this very moment. I could think of no reason why Lisa and the other two had to leave, but it was none of my business and less painful to ask. I finished making the sandwiches and lemonade and cleaned up. As I was taking everything to the game room the girls returned.

They came through the door and Lisa had my brother Kenny's arm wrenched up his back in a painful hammerlock. Linda was holding Robert the same way. Taking them to the game room, she noticed me standing there with the refreshments. "Good girl Regina. You saved me the trouble of coming to get you. Follow us wimp." As we entered the room, I noticed Dana's brother Danny groveling at the feet of one of the young girl's. His face was a total mess, so I knew he had been beaten up by her. Then I noticed Lana's loud mouth neighbor Gary whom she had beaten up, groveling at another of the young girl's feet. His face was also a battered mess. Linda threw her brother Robert at the feet of one of the other girl's when we entered the room and I now saw that his face was beaten up pretty bad too. Lisa punched my brother Kenny in the mouth and he dropped to the floor on the mats she made me set up for her training. Lisa forced me take out my two pool tables and my half moon poker table to make room.

Lisa snapped her fingers and ordered. "Regina, Kendra, kneel at my feet." I set the tray of sandwiches and lemonade down and scurried over to kneel at her feet like she ordered. My brother Kenny did the same. "Yes honey. What would you like?" I submissively asked. "Tami has proven she learned her training by beating Robert to a pulp." She said as she nodded to the young girl who's feet Robert was now kissing in fear. "Lindsey and Susan have proved themselves as well." Nodding to the other two girl's who had Danny and Gary groveling at their feet. "Sherry and Nikki need wimps to prove they have learned their training. You and Kendra are the only two sissy's left to use so they can prove their skills. I need to know if they need further training. I have to know if they have learned what I taught them the last three months. It's graduation time. I want you two pansy's to fight them and I want you to try your best. I can't tell if they are good enough to pass if you just let them beat you. You will not be harmed by anyone if you win, including me. I give you my word."

"So do your best. I must know if they are ready to handle their own bully problems or not. If you don't try your best and let them win, I would be sending them out when they were not ready. So try to win. If you don't, you will answer to me." "YOU DON'T WANT THAT DO YOU WEAKLINGS?" "No Lisa. We understand." We answered trembling.. "OK. good girls. I knew I could count on you." Pulling the two sixteen year old blond's over to the side, Lisa encouraged them. "You have trained for three months. Like Tami, Lindsey, and Susan, I think you are ready. You saw how well they did and you can see the results. The three weaklings kissing their feet in fear will do what ever they order them to. I know these two are a little bigger then those three, but I am confident you two can handle them. Just remember what you have learned and you'll be fine."

"Sherry, you take Regina over to the mats on your right. Nikki, you and Kendra fight on the left mats. Good luck girls, I know you can do this." Sherry and I walked over to our spot as did Nikki and Kenny. Lisa and her three assistants Linda, Lana, and Dana, sat at one of the tables off to the side. Tami, Lindsey, and Susan sat at one of the other tables. Robert, Danny, and Gary, were still groveling at the feet of their conquerors. We waited while the two girls we were to fight readied themselves. My opponent Sherry was 5 foot 3 inches tall and 104 pounds. She had blond hair that went to her shoulders and grey eyes. I was 6 foot 2 inches tall and 200 pounds. Nikki was 5 foot 2 inches tall and weighed 106 pounds. She had short blond hair and brown eyes. Her opponent Kenny, was 6 foot tall and 180 pounds. Sherry took off her white socks for better traction and stood there bare foot in her red shorts and white crop top. Nikki removed her pink socks and stood bare foot in black shorts and short pink top. The girls warmed up a little and announced they were ready.

Sherry Adams

Lisa promised we wouldn't be harmed if we won and she was good for her word. She never lies. So beating Sherry and Nikki would save us from getting a beating by anyone. Losing to these girls would get us a beating, but not near the one Lisa would give us if we didn't try our best to win. So the safest thing to do was to try to beat these two young new comers at the sport of fist fighting. Kenny and I came out firing. I faced off with Sherry and threw a jab at her cute nose and a right cross at her mouth. I wanted to see if her defensive skills were adequate. They were. When I missed she jabbed me in the mouth. "SMACK!" A hook to my jaw. "SMACK!" Two hard female fists struck my stomach. "THUD!..THUD!" A left jab to my nose. "SMACK!" And a right cross to my eye. "SMACK!" I stumbled back. The girl spectators yelled encouragement to her. "That's the way Sherry. Give it to him girl." She smiled and taunted me. "You have to do better then that wimp." So I tried to.

Hoping she wouldn't be ready for a deluge of punches, I threw rights and lefts in abundance. But she learned from Lisa to duck and dodge very well. I missed her with about fifteen punches. Then she grinned at me and taunted. "Is that all you've got you little sissy? You don't seem to be able to hit me with anything. I'm right in front of you wimp. Can't you see me? If you're having trouble now, wait until I close up your eyes. Then you'll really be in trouble little man. Maybe you need a teacher. So let me show you how its done weakling." "SMACK!" My lip was cut. "SMACK!" My nose was mashed to my face. "SMACK!..SMACK!" My cheeks were turned red. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes were hurting. "SMACK!" My jaw was marked. "SMACK!" My mouth was sore. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four more straight punches to my face drove me back again. "That's the way its done punk." She said laughing.

Nikki Norton

With the promise of getting off without being hurt if he won, Kenny threw punches with both fists as fast as he could. He hoped he could end his fight quickly. Nikki had learned her skills as well as Sherry. Because Kenny didn't touch her with even one. Smiling at him with her brown eyes shinning, she retaliated. "SMACK!" His nose became sore. "SMACK!" His lip was cut. "SMACK!" His eyes were turned red. "THUD!..THUD!" His stomach was softened. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His jaw was sore. "SMACK!" His mouth was cut. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was beaten back while she punched and smiled. It seemed they also learned how to taunt from Lisa. Because Nikki started taunting Kenny like Sherry had me. "I don't know what I was worried about you little pussy. I can hit you any time I please. You couldn't hit me if I closed my eyes, which is what I'm going to do to you wimp." She said grinning. "Try to hit me again punk."

Kenny obeyed. Six punches were thrown at her cute young face, which met the same fate as all his others. They hit air. She didn't. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Six quick punches of her own had Kenny backing up while trying to defend himself. But it was useless. Two bruised his chin, two more drove the air out of his lungs, and the other two reddened his eyes. She stopped punching and smiled. Lisa and the girls were cheering them on. "Nice punching Nikki. You've got him on the run girl. Let him have some more." Nikki smiled and replied. "You heard them wimp. You're going to get a bad beat down." They all laughed and cheered. Trying to take my time and not tire myself out, I tried to punch slow and accurately. But I still didn't hit the shapely blond fighter. She wasn't having the same problem. When I missed with a right hook, she caught me with a left. "SMACK!" My eye hurt like hell. I then tried a left cross and she dodged it and hit me with a one of her own. "SMACK!" My mouth was cut.

Again I tried a right left combination. But bobbing and weaving she evaded them both. Then she made me pay. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" One to the other eye, one to my nose and two to my jaw. I was driven back again while she taunted me. "You're pathetic little man, just pathetic." That mouth was pissing me off. Even though I knew better, I got mad and threw punches as fast as I could. I missed four in a row, then took a deep breath and fired four more. They had the same effect as the first four. Nothing. Sherry attacked. "THUD!..THUD!" My stomach was softening. "SMACK!..SMACK!" One eye was cut and my chin was marked. "SMACK!..SMACK!" My nose was flattened and my mouth bled. She seemed to like one two combinations, because that's what I was popped with. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Two more to the face and I stumbled back again.

"You would think with all the fights you have been in lately, you would have learned something pansy ass. But I guess not. Oh well, I'll teach you some more." "SMACK!..SMACK!" My other eye was cut and my cheek reddened. "Now see if you can do that wimp." She said giggling. Her irritating mouth was getting on my nerves. I missed again. "SMACK!..SMACK!" My mouth was really bleeding now. Once more I let go with six punches, getting angry at that running mouth and smug little smirk. And once more I paid. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" My head was whipped back and forth like it had a life of its own and my nose was broken. "Did you learn anything from that display of target practice weakling?" She asked laughing.

Kenny was getting pissed too. He was badly beaten up by my daughter Lisa. But I think he thought that was a fluke. Now that he had a chance to redeem himself against another young sixteen year old girl, he was becoming confused. He seemed to be experiencing deja vu. While he was trying to figure it out in his mind, Nikki was punching him. "SMACK!" His nose was broken. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were cut and bleeding. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were getting really red. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Two hard ones to his stomach drove the air out and the last one landed on his chin when he bent over from the pain. He dropped to the floor. "Atta girl Nikki. Show him his place." Came from the rooting section. Nikki smiled as she said. "Get up little boy. I've got some more for you here." Kenny lost it. "FUCK YOU BITCH!". He screamed. Nikki went off. "GET YOUR SMART ASS UP PUSSY! I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU TO A PULP!" Kenny knew he had screwed up, but it was to late now. He got up and charged at her, hoping to surprise the angry female. It didn't work.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His head snapped up and down like he was nodding yes. "HOWS THAT SISSY? YOU BETTER LIKE IT BECAUSE YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET SOME MORE!" He tried to throw a right, but Nikki beat him to the punch. "SMACK!" His mouth exploded in pain and he dropped to the floor again. Sherry started dancing on her bare feet, daring me to throw punches. I didn't want to disappoint her because her mouth was still grating on my nerves. But as usual, I kept missing. "SMACK!" My jaw was bruised. "SMACK!" My eye swelled a little. "SMACK!" My cheek bone was cut. "THUD!..THUD!" My stomach turned softer. "CRACK!" A hard right uppercut slammed into my chin and my legs folded up. I dropped at her bare feet. "Way to go Sherry. I knew you could handle him. Give him some more girl." Lisa screamed. I slowly got to my feet as she was giggling. "Her comes Sherry you little sissy." She said as she fired punches. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" My face was turning numb and I slumped to the floor again. "GET YOUR ASS UP WIMP!" She commanded.

I rose slowly, trying to think of what to do. But Sherry gave me no respite. "SMACK!" My nose really hurt. "SMACK!" My other eye was cut open. "SMACK!..SMACK!" My lips were beginning to puff up. "SMACK!" My jaw felt loose. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Two hard straight punches made me whimper. "I like that sound little man, do it again." I made the mistake of pissing her off. "GO TO HELL YOU BLOND BIMBO!" "BIMBO!" "BIMBO!" "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ASSHOLE!" She flew at me with punches. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She got her wish. I slammed to the floor at her feet and pitifully whimpered. "YOU WILL BEG ME TO KILL YOU BEFORE I'M DONE! YOU WHIMPERING LITTLE BITCH!" Nikki didn't wait on Kenny to get up. She was pissed and on a mission of destruction. She hauled him to his feet and threw bombs at him hard and fast. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was backing up trying to defend himself, but she cut through his defense like butter. His face was beginning to swell in places and his eyes were glazing over.

She drove him back to the wall with ease. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SLAM!" He hit the wall and dropped to his knees. Nikki stepped to her right and blasted his chin hard. "SMMMACK!". He flopped to the floor on his face, sobbing like a little child. "GET UP DAMN YOU!" "I'm.. s.s.sorry.. N.N.Nikki. I.. r.really.. am. I'm.. s.s.sorry." "TO LATE WIMP! GET YOUR ASS UP! NOW!" He tried, but his legs folded and he went back down. Nikki grabbed his hair and jerked him to his feet. Slamming him to the wall. "SLAM!" She cut loose on him again. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He slumped to the floor to her left and struggled up to his hands and knees. Her bare foot exploded into his face. "WHAP!" He flipped over on his back, crying his eyes out.

"CRYINGS NOT GOING TO HELP YOU WEAKLING!" Her beautiful face was flushed with anger. She stalked back and forth in front of him, kicking him everywhere she could. He tried to crawl away but she kicked him in the ass. The kick drove his face and head into the wall. "SLAM!" He lie there sobbing. She knelt down and punched his face with both fists. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Kenny went to sleep on the third punch, but it didn't stop her. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Her anger finally cooled and she stood there and glared down at his sleeping battered face. Sherry was angry as hell with me too. She pulled me to my feet and curled her fingers in my shirt. Then she slapped my face back and forth repeatedly. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" "DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN! YOU LITTLE PANSY ASS!"

She dropped me at her feet sobbing like a frightened child. As I crawled to my hands and knees, she kicked me in the face with her bare foot. "WHAP!" I flopped over to my back. She stepped on my face with her right foot and mashed it to the floor. "I'm going to really hurt you wimp. So prepare yourself." I began to beg. "I'm.. s.sorry.. S.S.Sherry. I'm.. r.really.. s.sorry. I.. d.d.didn't.. m.mean.. it.. S.S.Sherry. Pl.please." "TO BAD PUSSY! YOU'RE MINE!" "NOW GET YOUR ASS UP!" I climbed to my feet in fear. She screamed at me. "FIGHT!" I threw a right but she blocked it with her left. "SMACK!" I flew back about three feet with my lip busted. Again she said. "FIGHT!" I tried a left and she blocked it again with her right. "SMACK!" My broken nose was mashed and I again stumbled back about three feet.

"FIGHT DAMN YOU!" She screamed. I threw another right and it was blocked by her left again. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She pulverised my face and I dropped at the feet of Lisa sitting at the table. I crawled to my knees sobbing and clasped my hands in the begging position. I looked up at Lisa and begged her to stop Sherry. "L.L.Lisa. her. S.s.she.. is.. really.. to.. k.kill.. me." Lisa looked into my eyes and smiled. She raised her leg and placed her bare foot in my battered face. Then shoved my over on my back. "You shouldn't have made her angry Regina. So deal with it." Nikki knelt and slapped Kenny awake. Grabbing his hair and shirt, she pulled him to his unsteady feet. Releasing him, she smiled and said. "Time for more punishment little boy. Get ready." "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Rights and lefts beat his face and body with malice intent.

Kenny was stumbling around the room whimpering with every punch. He was desperately trying to stay on his feet. Nikki's face was lit up with excitement. She battered him without any sign of mercy. A solid hard right to his chin. "SMACK!" And Kenny left his feet. He flew about four feet and was sound asleep when he landed on his back. Nikki laughed with glee. Again slapping him awake, she turned and walked to the center of the room. "Get up weakling and get your ass over here. You need to be taught some manners big mouth." "NOW MOVE BITCH!" He slowly shuffled to her, barely able to stand on his shaky legs. Hoping for a miracle, he let go with four punches trying to hit something. but he missed again. She didn't miss. "SMACK!" A jab mashed his nose. "SMACK!" A right cross loosened his jaw. "SMACK!" A left hook cut his cheek bone. "THUD!..THUD!" Two solid punches to his softening stomach, brought a pained expression to his battered face. "SMACK!" A straight right busted his mouth more and he stumbled back sobbing in fear. "There's more where that came from sissy." Nikki said grinning.

Kenny held his shaking arms out in front of him. He tried to ward off the young blond fighter while he pleaded. "N.N.Nikki. I'm.. r.really.. s.s.sorry.. I.. c.called.. you.. a.. b.b.bitch. So.. st.stop.. and.. l.leave.. al.l.lone. Pl.please.. Nikki." "Oh I know you're sorry little boy. But not nearly as sorry as you are going to be. I'll see to that." "NOW PUT YOUR FISTS UP AND FIGHT WIMP!" "NOOOOOOOOOOO NIKKI! PLEASE NOOOOOOOOOOO!" He screamed. "To little to late pansy ass." "SMACK!" His eye turned colors. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks did too. "SMACK!" His other eye was turning black. "SMACK!" His nose felt mushy. "SMACK!" His lips were both puffed badly. "THUD!..THUD!" His stomach became softer. "SMACK!" A right to his chin put the crying man down to the floor again. Loud cheers came from the two tables of spectators.

I climbed to my feet. My face was covered with fear as I looked into the steel grey eyes of my young blond destroyer. There was evil there that shook me clear to the core. She was going to beat me until I was unable to get up. And then she was going to beat because I couldn't. I was really afraid for my life. She advanced toward me with a sneering grin. "SMACK!..SMACK!" My eyes were turning black. I was defenseless against those terrible female fists that were taking me apart. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" My stomach was turned to jelly and my chin was cut open. "SMACK!" I couldn't breathe from my nose very well. "SMACK!..SMACK!" My cheeks were purple and swollen. "SMACK!" A right to my mouth and I collapsed to the floor near the wall. "ON YOUR FEET LITTLE MAN! RIGHT NOW!" As I rose, I saw the pool cues in the rack on the wall. I grabbed one of them to try and ward her off. I swung it at her and she jumped back avoiding it. I swung it back the other way at her head and she ducked. As I tried to swing it a third time, she caught it in her left hand and jerked it out of my grasp.

Placing it across her knee, she broke it in half and tossed it in the corner. She stepped up and grabbed my throat and slammed me into the wall. "SLAM!" Four hard rights to my bruised and battered face had me whimpering and sliding to the floor. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She stepped back laughing at me. "Nice try little man. But I'm just to good for you." "NOW GET UP!" Nikki was having a ball. Dragging Kenny to his feet, she punched and taunted the poor man repeatedly. "SMACK!" "That eye is not looking good boy." "SMACK!" "Now the other eye matches it wimp." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Those cheeks are a nice shade of purple." "SMACK!" "That mouth of yours just got bigger sissy." "THUD!..THUD!" "That tummy has no muscles left pansy ass." "SMACK!" "Pretty good nose job I just gave you pussy." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "How's that jaw doing little boy? It seems a tad bit off of its hinge." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four more to his tear stained swollen face, put him on the floor at her bare feet. "NO REST WEAKLING! GET TO YOUR FEET!" She said with a smile. "N.Nikki.. pl.please.. I.. g.give.. up.. Nikki. Pl.please.. st.stop." He was pleading and begging to closed ears. The cheering young girls were clapping for her.

Nikki hauled him to his feet. Kenny was wobbling on tired legs and his arms didn't want to stay up to try and defend him. He threw a weak right that Nikki just batted away while she laughed. "SMACK!" She blackened his eye more and it swelled way up. "SMACK!" His nose was wheezing when he tried to breathe. "THUD!..THUD!" His stomach muscles were non existent. "SMACK!" His other eye swelled further as it turned more black. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were all discolored. "SMACK!" His mouth was bleeding profusely. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His jaw and chin were very badly bruised. "SMACK!" Another right to his swollen beaten face dropped him at her bare feet. He began to grovel and beg. "Nikki.(kiss) st.stop. (kiss) I.. c.can't..(kiss) t.take.. anym.m.more. (kiss) Pl.please.. Nikki. (kiss)" "Not yet little wimpy. But that does feel good. You will do much more of that later."

I struggled to my feet. I was standing on weary legs and my arms were getting heavy to hold up. Sherry began to toy with me to prolong my agony and that sharp mouth was still berating me with taunts. "Try hitting me wimp." She said grinning. I tried, but she dodged it easily. "SMACK!" A left jab to my face. "You do it like that pansy ass." I threw a left and she ducked. "SMACK!" My face swelled further. "Are you incapable of learning sissy?" Another right was dodged. "SMACK!" "Watch how I do it wimp." A right and left were evaded easily again. "SMACK!" "Its not hard little man if you just follow my instructions." I tried a roundhouse right. Nothing. "SMACK!" Another jab connected with my face. "You're pathetic weakling. Just pitiful." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" I collapsed at her bare feet. "You really can take a beating though." she said laughing.

I tried Kenny's tactic to see if it would work for me. "S.S.Sherry. h.hitting.. me.(kiss) I.. c.can't.. t.t.take.. (kiss) m.much.. m.more..(kiss) S.Sherry. st.stop."(kiss) "Lisa is right. That feels FANTASTIC little man. But I'm not ready for that yet." "SO GET UP WEAKLING!" Not waiting, she lifted me to my trembling legs and stepped back. "OK try again pussy." She smiled as she easily blocked my pitiful right and left. Two more punches were blocked while she just stood there and grinned. I stopped punching because it was useless. But that made her angry. "What are you doing little man." "GET THEM FISTS UP AND TRY TO PUNCH ME WEAKLING! NOW!" Sobbing like a baby that didn't get his way, I lifted my tiring arms and tried again. She totally scared me to death. Sherry blocked six more weak pitiful punches of mine while she stood there laughing at my feeble attempts. Tiring of the game, she decided to show me how. "SMACK!" "See how easy that is pussy?" "SMACK!" "You really are lousy at this wimp." "SMACK!" "You're a very poor excuse for a man." "SMACK!" "Oh yeah. You're not a man are you Regina?"

"SMACK!" "You're just a little pussy." "SMACK!" "And a pansy ass." "SMACK!" "And a sissy." "SMACK!" "And a cry baby." "SMACK!" "And a loser." "SMACK!..SMACK!" I slumped to the floor. My bruised, battered, and swollen face was a mess and I was crying my black eyes out. Sherry struck a double bicep pose and laughed. The room cheered loudly. Lisa yelled out. "TRY SOME WRESTLING HOLDS GIRLS!" Nikki dragged Kenny to his feet. Spinning him around, she grabbed his right arm and wrenched it up his back in a hammerlock. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He was screaming in pain. She took a handful of his hair and marched him to the wall. Applying pressure to the hammerlock, she slammed his body and face into the wall four times. "SLAM!..SLAM!..SLAM!..SLAM!"

Turning him from the wall, she bent him over a threw him into the floor. Stepping over his body facing his feet, she picked them both up and hooked them behind her shoulders. Then she sat down on his back and cranked his legs in her Boston Crab. Tears streamed down his swollen face and wailing sounds of pain escaped his puffy mouth. The girls cheered her on. Dropping his legs, she turned and sat on his back facing his head. She pulled his arms over her upraised knees and cupped his chin with the palm of her hand. Kenny tried to scream because of the pain the camel clutch was giving him. But they were muffled from her hold on his chin. His tears flowed faster while she held him there. Tiring of that, she Released him and knelt beside him facing the same direction as his head.

Grasping his hair, she pulled him to his knees and pushed his head and upper body back. She stopped when his head was under her left arm and it was around his throat. He was looking up at the ceiling with his arms flailing around useless. Nikki drove her right fist into his stomach with six hard punches. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" When she turned his head loose he was semi unconscious. His upper body slowly rose up from his feet and was ready to flop to the floor on his face. Seeing this, Nikki waited until he was ready to fall forward and threw an uppercut right on his chin. "SMACK!" His body flopped back down to his feet and then started rising again until he dropped to the floor on his face sound asleep. Nikki stood and placed a bare foot on the side of his head and raised her arms in victory. The other young sixteen year old girls stood clapping and cheering while Nikki stood there with a big smile on her beautiful face.

Sherry heard Lisa so she dropped down behind me and sat me up in front of her. Slipping her feminine young arms under my larger but now weaker ones and clasping her hands behind my neck, she put me in a full nelson. Stretching her shapely legs around me, she also put me in a scissor hold. Applying pressure to both holds caused me to whimper loudly. After a few minutes she released me and I slumped to the floor crying. Kicking me to my stomach, she grabbed both of my useless arms and snapped them behind me in a double hammerlock. Placing her left knee on my arms to hold them securely, she reached down and grabbed both of my legs. Crossing one leg over the other and grasping my outside foot, she was able to hold both of my trembling legs in her feminine right hand. Reaching her left hand to my chin, she cupped it in her hand and got a firm grip.

Stretching her shapely right leg out in front of her for leverage, she began pulling on my legs and chin like she was trying to bring my feet and the back of my head together. It bent my body into a bow. I tried to scream from the awful pain my body was in but it was muffled by her hold on my chin. She held me there for a few minutes while the tears rolled down my tear stained, swollen face. Releasing me, she took my arms and placed them on the floor by my head. Grabbing my hair, she raised my upper body slightly off the floor. Taking my left arm in her right hand, she pulled it under my chin so my chin was resting on it. Grabbing my right arm in her left hand, she pulled it under my chin too. Sitting down on the floor between my legs, she pulled my upper body off the floor with my two arms under my chin and around my neck.

Planting her right bare foot in the middle of my back, she leaned back strangling me with my own arms. She laughed at my feeble struggles to get out of the hold. She held me there until I was close to passing out while the other girls were cheering her on. "That's the way Sherry. Show him who is stronger. He will never get out of that hold girl. Way to go." Turning me loose, I flopped to the floor whimpering. She knelt down behind me and hauled me to my knees. Slipping her strong right arm around my neck, she grasped her left arm just above the elbow. Placing her left hand on the top of my head toward the back, she put me in a sleeper hold. Grinning at my pitiful useless arms trying to get me loose, she applied pressure to the sleeper hold. Two minutes later my arms dropped to my sides and I went to sleep in the grip of the beautiful young blond. Dropping my sleeping body to the floor on my back, she placed her right bare foot on my face and raised her arms in victory.

Lisa had the young blonds let us sleep awhile so they could get a brief rest and some refreshments. "You two are doing beautifully." She said. "I knew you were ready." "Thanks." They both said. "I feel like I can handle anything." Sherry replied. "You really are the best Lisa for helping us out like this. We really appreciate it. Don't we girls?" "You bet." Came the chorus from all of the sixteen year old girls. "Yeah Lisa." Nikki said laughing. "I can't wait to get my hands on my two rotten brothers. They are going to pay dearly." "I know what you mean." Sherry said smiling. "I wish my two brothers were here now. I would have them begging in no time." They all laughed at that. "Males need to be put in their place." Lisa said grinning. "And that's what we are here for." "Right on girl." Everyone cheered together.

"Why don't you two switch wimps when you go back." Lisa said. "Then you can get experience at fighting males with different styles." "Good idea." Sherry said. "How about you Nikki? That OK with you?" "Suits me fine. I just want to hit somebody some more that's all." She replied. "Atta girl Nikki, that's the spirit." They said giggling. "Tame those wimps." After Sherry and Nikki had refreshed themselves with a sandwich and a glass of lemonade, they came to wake us up for more torture. I was surprised to see Nikki waiting for me when I came to and reached my feet. Kenny was confused too. Lisa explained the switch and it was OK with us. Because Sherry had me really frightened that she may kill me. Kenny was satisfied because Nikki was really hurting him too.

Hoping things would go better with Nikki, I came out swinging. But the results were the same. I missed. Nikki smiled as she attacked. "SMACK!" "You're no better at hitting me then wimpy over there." "SMACK!" "And I can't seem to miss your ugly mug either." "SMACK!" "So prepare to get beat silly little man." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" I dropped to the floor sobbing in less then three minutes. "Get up you pathetic loser. I'm not nearly done with you yet." The shapely blond said grinning. I climbed to my feet on shaky legs. My tear stained black and blue battered face was hurting bad, but I tried to mount an offense. Nikki was dancing on her bare feet, smiling as I threw punches. When I missed with a right cross she popped me with a left. "SMACK!" I tried a left hook but nothing, she threw her own. "SMACK!" I tried a combination but she dodged it easily and let me have two. "SMACK!..SMACK!" I was getting frustrated and fired off eight punches, but the only result was to tire me. So she showed me how.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" My face was rapidly swelling and changing colors all over. The tears began again as shame started to fill me. "Awww did I make you cry little cry baby? Get used to it wimp." "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Two hard ones to my soft middle and an uppercut and I slumped to the floor at her feet. "Get used to looking at my feet too loser. Because you're going to see them a lot." Thinking like me, Kenny came out like a madman hoping something would connect. And like me, he missed. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His face was really swelling and was marked all over. "You two are simply pitiful." Sherry said smiling. Kenny tried a combination which also missed, and she made him pay. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His head was battered in every direction as she snickered. "Teaching you two a lesson is so easy you weaklings. So very easy." The blond tormentor said. He missed again with two punches and Sherry taunted him while she punched. "SMACK!" "That's how to do it sissy boy." "SMACK!" "Its easy if you know what you are doing." "SMACK!" "Which you don't pansy ass." "SMACK!" "But fortunately I do." "SMACK!" "So I guess you just have to accept pain." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "Down you go loser." She said. As Kenny landed at her feet.

Kenny's tears started coming again too. He felt so humiliated to be beaten up by three young sixteen year old girls now. He realised that Lisa wasn't an exceptional girl. All of them could whip his ass when they felt like it. Admitting that to himself, shamed him beyond repair. He broke down sobbing like a lost child. "Ohhhh don't worry little man, its only going to get worse." Sherry said laughing. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She beat his face black and blue while she smiled. "SMACK!" One more right dropped him on his back. His tear stained multi colored face was pitiful looking as the tears came faster. I slowly got to my feet and stood there wobbling a bit. My large legs didn't seem to belong to me, because they wouldn't obey my commands. My big muscular arms were useless at my side and refused to be raised. My mind was totally lost as to what to do and my battered bruised body was begging me to lie it down. I looked at Nikki's beautiful brown eyed face and even the smirk that was there didn't seem to bother me anymore. I had surrendered my fate to these young warriors. I couldn't stop them from doing as they pleased and the shame of knowing that humiliated me beyond all hope. But I knew I couldn't quit or Lisa would beat me worse. Sobbing like a baby, I approached Nikki to continue fighting with no will. She on the other hand was elated and excited. She had beaten one fully grown man, making him cower at her feet. And she now had another one with a look of total defeat on his tear stained battered face. She was sitting on top of the world. She decided I didn't belong up there with her, so she was going to knock me off of it. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" My body was going where ever her young hard fists wanted it to go. I couldn't control it or stop her and she knew it. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" I collapsed in a heap with large sobs escaping my swollen bleeding mouth. "GET UP WEAKLING! I'M JUST BEGINNING TO ENJOY THIS! MOVE IT BOY!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "N.Nikki. Pl.please.. l.eave.. a.a.alone. (sob) I.. g.give.. up. (sob).. No.. m.more.. N.N.Nikki." (sob) "ON YOUR FEET OR ELSE!" She said.

Again Kenny tried begging and groveling, hoping it would work with Sherry better then it had Nikki. "S.Sherry. st.stop. (kiss) I c.can't.. t.take.. anymmore. (kiss) I g.give.. up.. S.S.Sherry. (kiss)" "Sorry little man. But I'm not through with you yet. Now get up before you make me angry weakling." "NOW WIMP!" Kenny made it to his feet, but just barely. He was staggering around on trembling legs and his arms were useless to him. His face was so busted up, his eyes were closing and his mind refused to work. Sherry didn't care. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She beat him to a pulp while he stood there defenseless. He crashed to the floor crying loudly and beaten.

Seeing that he wouldn't get up on his own, Sherry grabbed him and pulled him to his feet as he wailed like a young child. Curling her fingers in his shirt to get a firm grip, she held him up for his beating. Her right female fist was punching him like it was an unstoppable machine. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His face was unrecognizable when she finished and he was out on his feet. Turning loose of his shirt, Sherry stepped back to watch. Kenny's legs were buckled, his large muscular arms were dangling at his side, his mouth was open wide with blood and saliva dripping down the side, his eyes were shut tight, and his body was slightly shaking. He slowly leaned forward and slammed into the floor at her bare feet fast asleep. Cheers roared from the spectator tables as Sherry placed a bare foot on the side of his head and put her feminine hands on shapely female hips.

Seeing that Nikki wasn't going to let me off the hook. I made it to my feet on the third try. I kept stumbling and falling back down. "Hit me wimp." She said as she stood there with her hands on her hips and a smile on her cute face. Barely able to raise my arms, I hit her on the chin with a weak right. A feeble left followed to her cute cheek and another pitiful right and left to her face, before my exhausted arms fell to my sides. I was unable to raise them again to try anymore. Nikki stood there laughing as humiliation took over my body. I knew I hadn't hurt her at all, because I barely felt them strike her myself. "That was absolutely pathetic you wimp. Just pathetic. This is how to punch." "SMMMACK" Her hard fist connected to my chin and everything went black. My body slammed into the wall behind me. My legs were buckled, my muscular arms were dangling at my sides, and my eyes shut tight as my head rested on my chest. My mouth was open dripping saliva on my shirt, while I was asleep on my feet. As Nikki stood watching, I slowly leaned forward and collapsed to the floor at her bare feet sound asleep. She reached down and grabbed my hair and lifted my head slightly off the floor.

Placing her bare left foot under my face, she lowered my face to the soft smooth skin at the top of her foot and her toes. Taking her right foot, she placed it on the top of my head and tilted it up. My chin was resting on the floor and my nose and mouth were lying on her silky soft foot like I was kissing it while I slept. The young girls at the tables were going wild with their cheering and clapping. The sixteen year old gladiators crowded around the two mighty warriors and congratulated them on a job well done. Lisa said she was extremely proud of them and that they had graduated. They were ready for anything. Sherry and Nikki stood there smiling, proud of what they had accomplished and happy as they could be. Lisa took the other girls back to the tables so Sherry and Nikki could get their just rewards. They slapped us awake with proud smiles on their beautiful faces. We were ordered to grovel at their feet and we complied in total fear of the two young blonds who had beaten us senseless.

I lay prone on the floor, kissing each silky soft bare foot of Nikki's for ten minutes each. While Kenny paid homage to Sherry's soft smooth bare feet. The tears were flowing rapidly down our beaten, battered faces, but we dared not disobey the strong young girls. I was then told to kiss Sherry's soft bare feet while Kenny had to kiss Nikki's. Because they had beaten us both. Finally ordered to stop, we were told to get on our backs and massage the smooth soft soles of the blond fighters. Sherry rubbed her smooth soles in my face for five minutes each, while Nikki rubbed hers on Kenny's. Made to switch again, Kenny kissed and smelled Sherry's soft soles, but Nikki wanted to try something else with me. She pulled a chair up to the ottoman that was in the room. Placing me on the side away from the chair. I was ordered to put my face on the ottoman, chin down and head up. Nikki sat in the chair and placed her left bare foot over my right shoulder while hooking her toes behind my head. She then put her right foot on the ottoman and planted it right in my face.

While the left held my head straight up and down, she rubbed her soft smooth sole of her right foot all over my battered face. After ten minutes she switched feet and rubbed her smooth left sole all over my bruised face as she held my head up straight with her right. The girls all cheered for her imaginative way of getting her soles massaged. The two young blond conquerors joined the others at the tables and talked and giggled like young girls do. Kenny and I along with the other three, Robert, Danny, and Gary, were told to grovel at their feet for fifteen minutes each and then switch. So the five of us serviced all nine girls feet while they chatted. We were humiliated and shamed as they enjoyed themselves. To them, this should be and always will be normal. Like it or not wimps.