Laura and Lucy make a Linebacker Lucy's boy toy. (Pictures)

Laura and Lucy beat a Linebacker and make him Lucy's boy toy.

Lucy Canton was sitting on the sofa deep in thought. She enjoys the time she spends with Laura and Bruce but lately something just didn't feel right. She's constantly despondent and moody all of the time. Laura is beginning to worry about her because she doesn't know what is wrong. Lucy is her best friend and she hates to see her in this condition. Finally tiring of seeing her that way she decided to corner her and find out. She took the end of Bosco's leash and ordered him to heel. Once he was behind her they went to the living room to confront Lucy. She was sitting there staring at the wall like she had been doing for almost a month now. Laura bent her left leg and sat down on the sofa facing Lucy. Her right foot which is still resting on the floor is instantly attacked by Bosco. Tender kisses and a licking tongue go to work on his owners bare foot while Laura interrogates Lucy.

"OK Lucy let's have it. What the hell has been wrong with you this past month? You're always listless and moody while you sit around staring at nothing instead of joining us in the bedroom for fun and games like you used to. Now what gives?" Lucy looked at her a few seconds before turning back to stare at the wall. "Oh no you don't girl. I'm your best friend and I'm not leaving you alone until I find out what is wrong. I've let it go for a month because I thought you would eventually snap out of it but you seem to be getting worse. Now talk to me girl." Laura pleaded. Tears came to Lucy eyes when she turned to look at Laura. "I'm sorry Laura I don't mean to spoil your good time." Laura took her in her arms and hugged her. "You're not spoiling anything Lucy but I'm worried about you. You used to come here three or four times a week but this is only the third time we've seen you this month. We miss the good times we had together." "Don't we Bosco?" She asked her faithful slave. "Yes Mistress Laura." He replied. "See Lucy. Bosco even misses you in the bedroom with us. Now what the hell is wrong?" She asked again.

"I don't know Laura. I guess I feel like the odd man in our fun and games. I enjoy the time we spend together but Bruce is yours. I sometimes feel like I'm intruding when I have him to myself." She said with a sad face. "I have him all of the time Lucy and we have so much fun when we're all together. If you think I'm jealous of the time you spend with him then you don't know me very well." Laura replied. "No that's not what I think. It's just....I don't know. It's hard to explain. I wish there was two of him. Then I wouldn't feel like a third wheel." Lucy said shrugging her shoulders. "May I speak Mistress Laura?" Bruce asked. "Is it relevant to what we're talking about? Or are you going to say something foolish so I'll have to punish you?" Laura warned. "I think so Mistress Laura. Please let me say something." He pleaded. "Alright Bosco but you've been warned." "I think Miss Lucy needs her own slave to do her biding. Then she wouldn't feel so out of place and would return to the Miss Lucy we love." Bosco said with a knowing smile. Laura and Lucy looked at him for a few seconds before a large smile filled their beautiful faces. "You get a special treat tonight Bosco. That's an excellent idea." What do you think Lucy?" Lucy thought for a few seconds and then replied. "I think he's right."

"Thank you Bruce I never would have thought of that." "You're welcome Miss Lucy. I hated to see you so sad myself. I'm glad I could help." "OK!" Laura said. "Now who do we choose to turn into a boy toy for you Lucy girl?" "I don't know. Like I said I never would have thought of that." She responded. "Bosco, who else on the team is single and good looking?" Laura asked. Bruce thought for a moment before he answered. "Well, Brad Thompson was a friend of mine before you took over my life Mistress Laura. And he thinks he's Gods gift to women. He needs to be shown his place more then any man I've ever met." He told her. "Brad Thompson...Brad Thompson? Go get the team roster Bosco. I can't seem to place him." She ordered. "Yes Mistress Laura. May I get up on my feet please?" "Yes you may and hurry it up." "Yes Mistress Laura." He run to his Den to retrieve the team roster book and brought it back to the girls. "Good boy Bosco now back where you belong." Laura commanded. "Yes Mistress Laura." He dropped back to his knees and went back to kissing and licking her bare foot. "OK Lucy let's see what Brad Thompson looks like."

After seeing his picture they remembered him. "How about it Lucy is he handsome enough enough for you?" Laura asked. "Yes he'll do just fine. But how do we accomplish this. I don't think I could beat him up so how will I get him to be my slave?" She asked. "Don't worry Lucy I'll help you. And I'll bet you're a better fighter then you think. I didn't dream I could whip Bruce until he pissed me off. Then I was so mad I just reacted instead of thinking about it. And since he's licking my bare foot like a little puppy you can see I succeeded. So don't worry about it Lucy we'll think of something." She said to reassure her. They had Bruce call Brad and invite him over for dinner Friday night. Laura and Lucy sat on the sofa making plans while Bruce was ordered to make them some lunch. When Friday finally arrived Lucy was a nervous wreck. She was afraid the whole plan would backfire and someone would get hurt. She also worried that Laura would lose Bruce as a slave if things went terribly wrong. Brad could upset everything and help Bruce escape his life of servitude. Lucy didn't want that to happen. Laura had never been so happy.

The doorbell rang and Bruce let him in. Laura had given Bruce permission to be a normal man for the evening until they began to execute their plan. They all sat down to a nice dinner and Lucy got the chance to know Brad better. By the time dinner was over the two girls came to the same conclusion. Bruce was absolutely right. Brad Thompson was conceited and full of himself. His overwhelming pride in who he was certainly needed to be straightened out. It was going to be a pleasure breaking this man down. The two men went to the Den for cigars and a drink while the two girls went to the bedroom and prepared themselves for what they had planned. Laura and Lucy stripped down and dressed in their lacy lingerie Teddy's. Laura's 5 foot 4 inch 105 pound body looked sexy as hell in the red lacy Teddy she had chosen. Her black hair, blue eyes and creamy white skin made her look irresistible. Lucy chose a peach colored lacy Teddy that fit her 5 foot 2 inch 102 pound firm body curves just right. Her dark brown hair, brown eyes and smooth silky skin matched it perfectly. Laura called for the men.

Laura opened the bedroom door for the two men to enter. Brad's eyes were glued to Lucy's sweet looking peach colored young body when he walked through the door. The wide smile on his face showed he approved of what he was seeing. As soon as they were inside Laura closed the door behind them and Lucy punched the button on the remote. The iron gates and window bars fell in place to trap Brad in the house. The plan was working great so far. The wide smile on Brad's face was replaced by confusion when he heard the iron gates and bars descend down. It became even more confused when he heard the words Laura and Bruce spoke to each other. "Get in the corner and stay there Bosco." "Yes Mistress Laura." "What the hell is going on girls?" He asked with a puzzled look on his handsome face. Seeing Bruce run over and kneel in the corner added to his concern and puzzlement.

"What's happening Brad is your initiation into enslavement and servitude. As you can see, Bruce follows my orders to the letter. And before the night is over you'll be doing the same for Lucy." Laura explained. He stood there with an uncertain smile on his face. "You're kidding right? I think she's beautiful and I would be happy to show her a good time tonight. I'll even go along with your slave game if that's what makes her happy. But you have to be joking about me becoming a permanent slave." He said. "No Brad were not kidding. You can give up peacefully and abide by our wishes or we can beat you into accepting your place. It's your choice." Laura said with her hands on her hips. "What the fuck is going on Bruce?" He asked his friend. "Bruce won't answer your questions and he sure as hell won't help you. He has orders to stay in that corner and that's exactly what he'll do. Because he knows what I'll do to him if he disobeys me. So lets get started shall we. Strip down and get on your knees or put up your fists so I can give you a beating. Either way you will be Lucy's slave when we're through with you." Laura confidently told him.

Laura King

Brad's 6 foot 2 inch 258 pound muscular body was shaking with rage. If these two idiot girls thought they could beat him up and turn him into a slave then they were fucking crazy. The middle linebacker removed his dinner jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves. "If you two want me to fuck you up then I have no problem with that. So let this be your final warning. Stop this crazy fucking shit or I'll stop it for you." He brazingly told them. "I was hoping you would say that Brad my boy. You do need a lesson in obedience and put in your place. Which is kneeling at our feet." When Laura stepped up a mighty roundhouse was fired at her beautiful face. Brad was shocked when it didn't connect. He was even more shocked when Laura retaliated. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His nose, eye and mouth was all of a sudden in pain. His lips turned up in a snarl and pure hatred covered his face. "OK bitch your ass is mine." Large male fists thrown by huge muscular arms came flying at Laura in what he thought was a fast pace. She smiled while she evaded them all. Because to Laura they were slow and pitiful. "You missed me hot shot let me show you how to punch. Now pay attention."

Her female arms began working like well oiled pistons as she peppered the surprised big man with precise punches. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Brad was back peddling while he tried to defend himself against her onslaught but his defensive boxing skills were not as good as his football skills. Laura seemed to be able to punch him at will and she was doing just that. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Her black hair was flowing around her creamy shoulders while she backed him up with a smile. After beating Bruce to a pulp because she was pissed off and determined to win, she realised she needed to train for their next encounter. Bruce might challenge her again and fare much better then he did during his first attempt. So she studied boxing for six months and began working out in his home gym. She made Bruce buy a big bag and a speed bag to practice using her skills and she got pretty good. She no longer feared she might lose if Bruce challenged her again. In fact, she was confident she could handle him easily.

Brad was slightly smaller then Bruce and just as slow so beating him was going to be just as easy and a lot more fun. And his attitude towards women was the same as Bruce's before she beat him to a pulp and tamed him. So beating Brad down was going to be very enjoyable. Brad was pinned against the wall and had nowhere to go. He couldn't keep her off of him and he couldn't seem to connect with anything he threw. He began to worry about the outcome and they had only been fighting for ten minutes. The bitch could hit hard and she was as quick as lightening. Things didn't look well. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" His thick legs buckled and he slid down the wall on his butt. "Are you ready to strip and crawl at our feet or do you need further proof we're superior to you and your pathetic male muscles?" Laura asked the dazed male. Brad sat there shaking his head to clear the cob webs. It was hard to believe the bitch put him down and she did it without working up a sweat. He had to come up with something to swing the odds in his favor or he was doomed to fail.

"How about it Lucy do you want him for a while?" Laura asked. "I'm not sure I'm ready Laura. You're used to beating men down because you have Bruce to practice on. I've never even hit anyone before. Maybe you better soften him up a little more." She answered. "OK Lucy just tell me when you're ready to take over." Laura turned back to the man sitting at her feet. "Get up little man I'm not through with you yet." Laura backed up to the middle of the room so Brad could get to his feet. He slowly stood up and went out to meet her. Other then Bruce he was the most feared man on the team. Raw power and meeting the opposition head on was always the way he handled things. He saw no reason to try anything different in this situation. Heavy handed punches from large male arms were chucked at Laura with bodily destruction behind them all. Her bare feet began to glide across the carpet which caused Brad's mighty punches to miss their mark. When he slowed a bit she took over with authority and her solid punches were much more accurate. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Brad's face was really beginning to hurt.

He tried his best to ignore the pain her accumulated punches were giving him but they just kept coming and the pain was getting unbearable. Her red lacy teddy was also distracting him from his targets. Her curved feminine body looked sexy as hell the way her creamy skin meshed with the little red lingerie she was wearing. And her pert firm breasts were bouncing with every punch she threw. It was very hard to keep his mind on the business at hand. "THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" A right and left combination to his hard abs was followed by an uppercut to his chin. He collapsed in the floor and lie there stunned. "Is it sinking through your thick skull that we're going to beat you senseless until you comply with our demands? Your miserable life is going to change tonight you little pansy ass and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Soon you'll be kneeling beside Bruce and begging to serve us anyway you can. Hoping it will stop us from beating you anymore. Bruce learned and so will you." Laura confidently told him.

"OK Laura I think I'm ready." Lucy said jumping in. "Good girl Lucy. Just focus on what you've learned over the past few months and you'll be fine. I know you can do it." Laura said encouraging her. "No matter what happens thanks for being my friend and helping me out Laura." Lucy gratefully told her friend. "Hey girl we're best friends. That's what they do. Now go get him." Laura went over and knelt down on her knees next to Bruce. He instantly lie prone on the floor and groveled at her feet behind her. He licked the small amount of grime and dirt that was ground into the soles of her bare feet. There wasn't much there but he knew Laura hated feeling dirty. She had all the carpets in the house shampooed twice a week so the floors would be as clean as possible so her soles were not very grimy at all. But Bruce loved to please his Mistress and hoped she would be happy he was doing it for her. She was. Laura smiled as she reached back to pet his head for cleaning her feet with his tongue like a good dog. She was happy and contented. Bruce had accepted his role as her slave and seemed to love it. She couldn't ask for more.

He was always doing things to keep her happy like licking the dirt off of the soles of her feet. He did these things on his own without being ordered to do them, even though he knew she would beat him for daring to make her angry if she didn't want his attention. But he took the risk of receiving a beating in the hope he was pleasing his Mistress. Lucy was standing there waiting for Brad to climb to his feet. She wasn't nearly as nervous as she thought she would be. In fact, she was anxious for him to get up so she could start training him to be a good slave. Bruce was right on the money when he suggested this. Her moody and despondent attitude had disappeared as soon as this plan was put into motion. She wouldn't feel so out of place if she had her own slave to order around. Then she and Laura would really have something in common to share.

Lucy Canton

"Get your ass up Brad it's my turn to slap you around a while. I'm going to own you when we are through so you might as well get used to feeling my fists pound your pathetic face and body." Brad just lie there trying to clear his head. Laura had beat him pretty bad because he could feel his face was swollen and cut up. His mighty strength was ebbing and his courage was going with it. He didn't want to believe he lost a fist fight with a sixteen year old girl but he was hurting like hell and lying in the floor. When his senses finally cleared he saw it was Lucy who was waiting for him to get up. Maybe he would fare better against her. He rose to his feet to find out. "Good boy. Now come and get the beating I have waiting for you." Brad went in swinging. Ham like fists driven by large masculine arms came at Lucy with bone crushing power in them. She began to dodge and weave like she practiced and avoided all of his attempts.

Lucy was leary at first to start her own offense. She was content to make him miss and hopefully tire him out before she fought back. She had never struck anyone like she had stated and was curious to find out how it would feel. Brad soon began to tire and his lumbering punches were getting slower and slower. Lucy decided it was time to find out if she was up to the task of making him fear her. Then he would follow her orders to avoid being punished. "SMACK!" She threw a right cross that connected on his chin and Lucy felt the thrill of combat as soon as it landed. All of a sudden she knew she was born to dominate. Her confidence soared sky high and her punch count began to multiply considerably. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Brad was again being backed up by another sixteen year old girl. She could hit just as fast and hard as Laura and he couldn't seem to get away from her punches either. His courage and confidence waver a bit more.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Brad's nose was broken, his eyes were beginning to close up and his mouth was split and puffy. His whole face was beginning to swell and he could feel the cuts and bruises in several places. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Brad staggered and almost went down. His bulky legs felt rubbery and his muscular arms were getting very heavy and hard to hold up. They weren't doing him any good anyway. He couldn't hit her with anything he threw and they never seemed to stop any of her punches from connecting. He was totally lost on how to stop his massacre. Lucy was having a ball. She felt like she had found her calling. Each time her fist struck some part of his body the feeling of being totally in control was heightened. It became like a drug to her. It was intoxicating and addictive. The more she hit him the greater and more powerful she felt. The more powerful she felt the more she wanted to hit him. No wonder Laura loved her life with Bruce. She hadn't fully understood it until this very moment.

In the back of her mind she always felt sorry for Bruce and how Laura had changed his life. He was once a proud and celebrated athlete. Then Laura made him into a crawling obedient slave who feared being punished for making her angry. But as she looked at them over in the corner Bruce looked as happy as Laura did. Actually he seemed to be glowing with pride. And she could see the love in his eyes for his Mistress. She wanted that too. She was going to make a great Mistress. And like it or not, Brad would learn to accept his new life. Laura was extremely proud of Lucy while she watched her in action. She switched to a sitting position after Bruce thoroughly cleaned her feet and Bruce now had his head in her lap. She was rubbing his hair and telling him he was a good and obedient dog. Bruce was sporting a huge smile because he was glad he had pleased his Mistress. He had completely fallen in love with Laura and literally worshiped the ground she walked on. He couldn't imagine a different or better life then the one he was now living. Even when she beat him he accepted it as a token of her love. She was his owner and the Goddess who ruled his very happy existence.

"SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Lucy could see Brad was ready to go. His thick legs were wobbly and his muscular arms were sagging at his sides. He was staring into space with unfocused eyes and didn't seem to know where she was standing. Lucy grabbed his shirt and held him steady. Then she drew back her right fist and smiled as she snapped it forward to his exposed jaw. "SMMMACK!" He left his feet and slammed into the floor on his face. "SLAM!" She walked over by his head and looked down. He was sleeping like a baby and would be for quite a while. Laura and Bruce were clapping and cheering for her. She turned and bowed to them like an intertainer. Then she ran over to where they sat while laughing like a young girl on Christmas day. "My God Laura I've never felt anything like this in my life. I feel so powerful and strong. Thank you so much for coming up with this idea Bruce." She said with a sigh. "You're welcome Miss Lucy. I couldn't stand to see you looking so sad all of the time and Mistress Laura was miserable seeing you like that. She loves you and wants to see you happy. So I'm very glad I could be of service. After all, you're part of our family."

"I do have a very special slave and I'm rather proud of him." Laura said. "He's made me the happiest girl alive and made all my dreams come true." Tears came to his eyes when Bruce looked at his Mistress. She was his whole world and he was so happy she was satisfied with him. Lucy looked at the two of them and prayed she would find the exact same happiness with Brad. She turned toward him and smiled. Time to wake him up and get her own happiness started. Brad was in deep shit. She slapped Brad with her bare foot until he woke up. "Get up wimp you still have lessons to learn." She commanded. He slowly climbed to his feet. His hard body was so sore and bruised he felt as if he had been in a train wreck. His once handsome face was a multitude of colors and swollen beyond recognition. His mind was totally blank and his black eyes wouldn't focus. And his legs felt rubbery and were threatening to fold up on him. He raised his heavy laden arms and swung his right fist at the three hazy Lucy's standing in front of him.

It struck her on the shoulder but there was no power behind it. The punch was so weak it didn't budge Lucy at all. When he heard her laugh and saw her lift her fists to beat him again he completely broke down. Brad dropped to his knees and cried like a lost child. He was to ashamed to look Lucy in the face so he began to beg with his chin resting on his barrel like chest. "Please.. stop.. L.Lucy I've.. h.had.. enough" He whimpered. "SMACK!" "That's Mistress Lucy you pathetic loser now let me hear you say it. And it better sound sincere." "M.Mistress.. Lucy" He whined. "That's better. Don't ever forget again." "IS THAT CLEAR?" She sternly asked. "Yes.. Mistress.. Lucy." "Good boy. Now get on your feet." She ordered. "Please.. M.Mistress.. Lucy. I.. can't.. take.. anymore. Please.. d.don't.. hurt.. me.. again." He pleaded. "You're disobeying your Mistress weakling." "NOW GET YOUR ASS UP!" She ordered with conviction.

Brad struggled to his feet with tears streaming down his multi colored cheeks. His mighty frame was trembling with fear and his swollen, black eyes were filled with fright. He was wavering on unsteady legs when Lucy strolled up to him. "I have to be completely sure you're broken and under my control so I'm afraid I'm going to have to beat you a little longer." She stated. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! OH GOD! PLEASE MISTRESS LUCY! DON'T HURT ME! I'M BEGGING YOU!" He pleaded with a broken heart. "Sorry wimp my mind is made up. Now hold still." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Lucy beat the poor man for the next half hour. He was totally helpless and couldn't defend himself. She knocked him down seven times and put him back to sleep twice, only to wake him up so she could beat him some more. He bawled, begged and screamed in pain the entire time but Lucy showed him no sympathy. She was drunk on the power surging through her female body.

Brad saw her coming to pick him up again after she knocked him down for the seventh time. He Screamed like a frightened little girl and quickly crawled up and began kissing her bare feet. Begging and pleading had gotten him no where so he prayed groveling at her feet would show he had accepted his place and would obey her every command. Lucy was sighing with pleasure at the feel of his swollen lips on her bare feet. She never made Bruce do this so it was her first time feeling the sensation. She instantly fell in love with it. She was a Goddess being worshiped by her slave. She hated to make Brad stop but there was other matters to take care of. "Enough weakling. Now kneel at my feet and listen." Brad struggled to his knees and knelt in front of her with his head down in shame. Heavy tears were rapidly flowing down his swollen cheeks. "Remove your clothes." He took everything off and started to get up so he could slip off his slacks. "SMACK!" Lucy knocked him back in the floor. "DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO STAND YOU LITTLE SISSY?" She scolded. "No.. Mistress.. Lucy. I'm.. s.sorry." He whimpered. "THEN KEEP YOUR ASS IN THE FLOOR WHERE YOU BELONG!." "Yes.. Mistress.. Lucy." He whined. "Good boy. Now hurry up with those clothes."

He was soon naked and kneeling at her feet. "Crawl over to the dresser and get the dog collar and leash I bought for you. Then put it on and crawl back to me." She commanded. Brad crawled over and put the studded black dog collar around his neck. Then he picked up the end of the leash and offered it to Lucy after crawling to her. "Good boy. Now heel and follow me." He crawled up behind her heel and followed her on his hands and knees. She took him over where Laura and Bruce were sitting. Laura stood and hugged Lucy while Bruce remained on his knees. Brad knelt beside Bruce with his head drooped down to his thick chest. "I'm so proud of you Lucy. I knew you could do it." She told her friend. "Thanks Laura. I finally know how you feel being in complete control of everything. I feel so alive and strong. Like there's nothing I can't do if I set my mind to it." "Yes, It feels great doesn't it?" "It's more then great Laura I feel like I'm on top of the world." She looked down at the crying man she had broken and bent to her will. Suddenly she was very horny.

"How about it Laura? Are you up for a long night of unbridled sex with these two?" She asked with a smile. "You got it girl. And I'm glad to see you back to your old self again." "Thank you. I do feel great. And it's all thanks to you and Bruce." She said praising them. "We were glad to help weren't we Bosco?" Laura asked her slave. "Yes Mistress Laura. I'm glad she's back to the Lucy we all know and Love." Brad looked up and spoke through his trembling lips. "You girls beat me pretty bad. I'm not sure I can perform Lucy." Her brown eyes instantly filled with anger. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT?" "OH GOD! I'M SORRY MISTRESS LUCY!" He answered frightened to death. "SMACK!" "I TOLD YOU NOT TO MAKE ANOTHER MISTAKE!" "SMACK!" "YOU BETTER LEARN TO OBEY ME SISSY BOY!" "SMACK!" "I'LL BEAT YOU WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!" "SMACK!" "NOW KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT UNTIL I TELL YOU YOU CAN TALK!" "SMACK!"

Brad lie in the floor and bawled like he had never bawled before. His face was snow white with fear and his muscular body was trembling like he was freezing. Lucy stood over him with her fists tightly clenched at her sides and let her anger cool down. "Alright get your ass over there and get on that bed you bad little dog." Brad climbed to his feet to walk to the bed and Lucy went completely beserk. She laid into him like a mad woman. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO STAND YOU MORON?" Brad was back in the floor and afraid to answer her. Lucy grabbed Laura's hair brush and stormed over to where he lie. She placed his arms on his back in a double hammerlock and pinned them down under her gorgeous ass when she straddled his back. "Maybe this will help you remember my orders you bad, bad dog. You must obey me at all times." "WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" She beat his bare ass until both of his cheeks were rosy red. He wailed like a banshee throughout the terrible spanking. "WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" But Lucy showed him no mercy. Finally her arm got tired.

"If you make one more mistake tonight I may beat you to death." "IS THAT CLEAR WIMP?" She sternly asked the frightened male. "Yes Mistress Lucy." He whined while humiliation spread over his muscular body. "It better be little man. Now get your worthless ass over there and get on that bed." Brad crawled over to the bed and placed his hands on the mattress. Scrunching down as far as he could he used his arms and knees to vault himself up on the bed. Lucy smiled as she strolled over to him. "Very good little dog. Now you're learning to obey. I think we need a good doggy name for you. Let me see. Hmmmmmmmmm. How about Fido? Yes, that sounds fine. Your name is now Fido. Do you understand little doggy?" She asked with a beautiful smile. "Yes Mistress. My name is Fido." He shamfully repeated. "Good boy Fido good boy." "Laura, you gave Bruce a special treat the other night for coming up with this marvelous plan. Is it alright with you if I give him a special treat too. After all, it's because of him I feel like myself again." "Sure Lucy if you want to. What do you have in mind?" She asked. "Well, I have beaten my little Fido into accepting me as his Mistress but he needs to be humiliated a bit more so he'll completely understand who is is charge."

"Fido, I owe Bruce a special treat for making me feel so strong and alive. I want you to be a good little doggy and help me repay him. Do you understand Fido?" She asked. "Yes Mistress Lucy." He answered. "Good doggy Fido." "Bruce, would you get on the bed and lie on your back please." "Yes Miss Lucy." Bruce said as he climbed on the bed and did as she ordered. "Fido, I want you to take his dick in your hand and get him good and hard. Then I want you to put his dick in your mouth and give him the best blow job he's ever had." "Is that clear Fido?" She asked in an I dare you to challenge me voice. Brad started bawling again. He knew Lucy would beat him if he didn't obey so he grabbed Bruce's dick and began to fondle him. His tears were working over time but he was afraid to disobey his Mistress. When he had Bruce hard Lucy smiled and gave him the order. "OK Fido put it in your mouth and start sucking. And do a splendid job. I want my friends to know how well you're trained. You don't want to embarrass me in front of my friends do you Fido?" She asked glaring at him. "No.. Mistress.. L.Lucy." He sobbingly replied. "Good dog. Now make me proud of you Fido and suck him off."

His tears were soaking Bruce's balls and pubic hair but Brad didn't falter. When Bruce was ready to shoot his load, Lucy shoved Brad's head down and buried his dick in his throat as deep as it would go. He choked and gagged but was to frightened of Lucy to try and pull his head back. Lucy was absolutely sure she had broken the big man and bent his will to hers. He would obey her without hesitating no matter how humiliating the order. "Good dog Fido good dog." Laura laughed until tears came to her eyes. It looked like Lucy was going to make a fantastic Mistress. She was very happy for her.