Laura makes a Defensive lineman her slave. (Picture)

Laura whips her idols ass and turns him into her submissive slave.

Laura King

Bruce Baker is a highly acclaimed, very high paid Defensive lineman for the cities Pro Football team. He makes millions chasing down Quarterbacks and is the best there is at what he does. He also is the one bright light in an otherwise dismal team. Every season he has at least 15 sacks and is around 100 tackles. He also makes millions from side line novelties like T shirts, bobble head dolls, football trading cards, autographed pictures and commercials. He is the idol of millions. But his biggest fan lives right in the city where he plays. Laura King is the President of his fan club and fancies herself to be in love with Bruce. He is in her dreams and on her mind constantly. Laura is so much into Bruce she convinced her parents to let her stay at a friends house when her father was transferred overseas to a new job. The parents of her friend were constantly away on business trips so they consented to let Laura stay so their daughter wouldn't be so lonely.

Her friend Lucy was also a fan who adored Bruce so she was happy to have Laura staying with her. They talked and dreamed about Bruce all of the time. One night they were discussing Bruce and the subject of his personal things came up. They had all of the novelty stuff but thought it would be great to own something that was personally his. A shirt, a hair brush or maybe even a pair of his underwear. They knew his routine because they followed him around town quite a lot. They didn't want to be construed as stalkers so they never approached him. Laura was the rebel of the two so she volunteered to break into his home when he was gone and get an item for both of them. Lucy was worried about her getting caught and going to jail but she didn't try to talk Laura out of it. Once Laura had her mind set on something she knew she couldn't change it. And she did want something of his that was personal. So she sat back and let Laura make her plans. It was the off season so Bruce wouldn't be away from home playing a game. But they knew he was scheduled to have dinner and drinks with some of his player buddies Saturday night. So Laura decided it would be the perfect time to put her plan into motion.

Laura was checking herself out in the mirror. Her well developed sixteen year old, 5 foot 4 inch 105 pound body was dressed in black shorts and a black top. Black socks and tennis shoes completed her outfit. Her black, shoulder length hair and dark blue eyes matched everything perfectly. She would be almost impossible to spot in the dark. Bruce had a big house that sat on top of a hill by itself. His closest neighbor was half a mile away so Laura wasn't worried about being seen going in. Many times they watched Bruce through binoculars and knew the special place where he hid his spare house key. Lucy was the nervous type so they decided she should stay at home. Her folks were away so she could keep in touch with Laura by cell phone without worrying about someone hearing their conversation. Laura left and headed for the house with high expectations. There was no lights on in the house when she arrived so she knew Bruce had left to join his friends. There was a tree growing near the stone wall and Laura was a bit of a tomboy. She easily climbed the tree and crawled out on a limb to drop over the wall. The plan worked perfectly. Laura was on her way to the door and his spare key.

Fortunately for her Coyotes, stray dogs, cats and rabbits had set his security alarm off quite a few times in the last year. So the security company notified Bruce instead of the police when she set off the silent alarm. Bruce thanked them and said he would check it out himself. He was embarrassed because the police had been out there five times on false alarms in the last six months. He didn't want to waste their time again. He had another drink with his friends and left for home. Laura was having a ball looking around. She checked out his taste in furniture and what type of food was in the fridge. There was pictures of him with other players some movie stars and even one of him with the President. She wandered upstairs and looked through the many rooms until she found what had to be his bedroom. As soon as she walked in she felt a closeness to Bruce being near his personal things. She looked over everything including the big king size bed. She peeked under the comforts and saw he had satin sheets. All of a sudden something came over her. She had to feel his satin sheets against her skin and dream of him being there with her.

In ten seconds she was down to her black bra and panties. She folded back the comforts and crawled into bed with a heavy sigh of pleasure. She had never lain on satin sheets before and it felt like heaven. Because they were his it made the feeling more intense. She closed her blue eyes and dreamed of the wonderful life she could have with Bruce. He was a loving man, considerate of her feelings and always thinking of her needs. He would be tender and caring and willing to do anything to make her happy. The perfect man for any woman. Laura was so wrapped up in her fabulous dream she never heard Bruce when he came through the door. "Who the fuck are you? How did you get in here? And what are you doing in my bed bitch." He hatefully asked. Laura was completely caught off guard by his unexpected arrival. "I asked you a question you little slut. What the fuck are you doing in my bed?" His 6 foot 4 inch 365 pound muscular frame looked very intimidating as he stood there calling her names. Laura was finally able to speak.

"Uhhh, this isn't what it seems Mister Baker. I..uh.. I..uh..well..uh." She stuttered. "It looks exactly like what it seems you little whore. You broke into my house and your lying in my bed. You're trespassing and you have no fucking reason for being here. Now get your slutty ass out of my bed and get out." He ordered. Laura knew she was in the wrong. But she was starting to get irritated at the foul names he was calling her. "You're right Mister Baker I have no reason for being here. I meant no harm and I'm sorry for what I did. I'm President of your local fan club and I just had to see your home and how you lived. So there's no need for you to call me all of those filthy names. I'll get out of here and leave you alone." She said in her defense. "Oh no you don't bitch. You're not going anywhere but jail. I don't care if you're the President of the United States. You're trespassing on my property you fucking whore and I'm going to make sure you never do it again. Now I'll have to wash and sterilize all of my bed linen because your nasty ass was rubbing all over them. Now get up." He replied with venom.

Laura climbed out of his bed. But instead of putting her clothes on she walked over and got right in his face. "Listen buster. I admit I was wrong for breaking into your house. But it's not necessary to talk to me like that. And just what the hell do you mean you'll have to wash and sterilize your linen. Do you think I have some sort of disease or something? You know what Mister high and mighty. You're not the man I've dreamed about by a long shot. In fact, you're a conceited foul mouth asshole. Now shut your mouth and I'll put my clothes on so I can get out of here." She said getting angry. Bruce looked at her gorgeous body in her black bra and panties. The way her creamy skin contrasted with the black lingerie made her look extremely beautiful. The more he looked at her the more he wanted her under him. His dick began to grow as hard as steel. It occurred to him that she couldn't very well scream rape because she had broken into his home. The idea of raping her gorgeous body before he threw her out on her ass was very appealing.

Laura saw the look in his eyes and her irritation turned to anger. It wasn't hard at all to read what was on his mind. But the man she fantasized about for three years wasn't the man standing before her. This Bruce Baker was foul mouthed, conceited, lecherous, egotistical and full of himself. "Look buster. I can see what you have on your mind and you can forget it." She stated. "I don't have to forget anything bitch. You broke in so I have you over a barrel. Now shut your mouth and come here. I'm going to teach you a very valuable lesson." He threatened. Laura was in the process of putting her shorts on when she saw him coming for her. She dropped the shorts and leaped across the bed. He stood there with a leery grin on his face as he picked up a remote from the dresser. When Bruce pushed a button, iron gates came down over the entrance ways inside the house and iron bars covered the windows. "You can't go anywhere bitch so you might as well stop running and open your legs for me." He said with a smile. "Go to hell asshole. Come and get it." She defiantly answered.

Bruce faked to his right which made Laura inch closer to the bed. Then he dove over the bed and tried to grab her. Laura eluded his grasp by stepping back. Bruce was lying flat on the bed with his head hanging over the edge. Laura's right leg snapped up like it was spring loaded and she kicked him flush in the face with her bare foot. "WHAP!" It stunned him long enough for her to scurry across the room. Bruce climbed off of the bed with a very hateful glare on his red face. "You'll pay for that when I get my hands on you you little whore." His large muscular body charged at her. Laura was no slouch when it came to deception. She always did well in games of tag and dodge ball when she was younger. She faked like she was going to go left and then jumped to her right at the last second. Bruce missed her elusive body again. As he passed by she kicked him in the ass. "WHAM!" He stumbled forward and slammed into the wall. "SLAM!" She scurried away while he was disoriented. Bruce was shaking his head to clear it when he turned to her. Fucking little bitch is quick. He said to himself.

Bruce controlled his emotions this time and slowly advanced on her. He expected her to try and run or dodge him again so he wasn't prepared when Laura stepped toward him and drove her bare foot deep into his stomach. "WHAM!" He bent over gasping for air and was wide open. Laura slammed her knee into his unprotected chin. "WHAM!" Bruce was thoroughly stunned when he flopped to the floor on his back. Laura ran up and began stomping anything she could reach on his huge body. "STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!.. STOMP!..STOMP!" She connected with his stomach, ribs, thigh, back and head before she had to jump back when he tried to grab her foot. Bruce got to his feet and came at her again with a murderous look in his eyes. He was slightly limping and his head hurt like hell. Laura remembered her soccer coach saying the best defence is a good offense. So instead of running like he suspected she would, Laura stepped up and fired a multitude of hard punches to his face. Bruce was totally taken by surprise. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He staggered back and lost his balance when his leg gave out. The big man dropped to the floor in a daze.

Laura leaped forward and began stomping his body again. "STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!" She only got in three before he forced her to step back but they were solid kicks to his ankle, groin and head. Bruce rolled over to his hands and knees and vigorously shook his head to clear the cob webs. Laura planted her foot on his ass and shoved him face first into the floor. Then she jumped in the air and drove her knees right in the middle of his back with all of her weight behind them. "WHAM!..WHAM!" "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A painful scream escaped his throat and his muscular arms automatically flew back to the painful area. She grabbed his wrists in both hands and placed her bare feet in his arm pits. Then she yanked back on his arms with all of her strength. Another painful scream filled the room. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "You aren't as tough as you thought are you big boy? I'm kicking your big fat ass and I'm only a sixteen year old girl. I don't see what those opposing lineman and Quarterbacks you chase down are so afraid of. You're just a wimp Brucey boy. A pathetic little wimp." She teased.

He finally managed to break her hold and roll away. But enough damage had been done to his arms that they wouldn't react fast enough to grab her before she slipped away. Bruce was hurting all over when he made it to his feet. His large body was sore from her punishing kicks and his arms hurt because of her painful hold. His face was also stinging from the solid punches she landed. Laura's confidence was growing by the second. She could see he was in a bad shape because of the damage she had inflicted on him. Her tactics was working so she saw no reason to change. She went on the attack again with an evil smile on her lovely face. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Bruce tried his best to retaliate but his muscular arms wouldn't do what he asked them to. His awkward punches were easy to avoid and hers were clean and crisp. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He staggered around the room while Laura took him apart piece by piece. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!"

Bruce was getting groggy. There was a whirling black lingerie tornado in his face and he couldn't seem to keep it off of him. His handsome face and hard body was repeatedly being battered and bruised and he didn't know what the hell he could to do to stop it. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" Laura was having the time of her life. The foul mouthed asshole had pissed her off and she was venting her anger by breaking him down. She felt giddy with power when his thick legs buckled. "SMACK!" A solid right between his eyes dropped him to his knees in front of her. He was virtually out on his knees with his mighty arms hanging at his sides. His face was beginning to swell and his eyes were unfocused. Laura tilted his head back with the fingers of her left hand and snapped a hard right to his chin. "SMACK!" Bruce was sleeping like a baby when he slumped to the floor at her feet. Lying unconscious on the floor was a muscular male who put fear in the hearts of many offense linemen and Quarterbacks. Yet Laura had knocked him out cold. "God what a rush." She said out loud.

Laura picked up the remote and realised it had to have a special code punched in before the iron gates and bars would disappear. Oh well. She said to herself. I guess I'll have to beat it out of him. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him up to a sitting position below her. After wrapping her beautifully tanned legs around his neck she slapped him awake. He slowly came to and saw the precarious position he was in. Laura tightened her vice grip legs and Bruce screamed like a banshee. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Tell me the code little man and I'll go away and leave you alone. Otherwise I'll beat it out of you." She confidently informed him. "Go to hell you fucking bitch. I'm not giving you anything." He responded with bravado. "Oh you'll give it to me wimp. It's just a matter of how much pain you can stand before you do." She squeezed his head and his screams became longer and more high pitched. "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "See what I mean big boy. I'll keep hurting you until you give me what I want. So save yourself the agony and tell me the code." "Fuck you whore!" He stubbornly replied.

"OK pansy ass we'll do it the hard way." Her strong legs clamped down on his neck like a python and an ear piercing scream escaped before the poor man passed out again. "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" This time she laid him down on his stomach and kept his muscular arms in her hands. She got a firm grip on his thick wrists and placed her right foot in the middle of his back. Then she slapped him awake with her foot. "Let's try this again sissy boy. What is the code?" She roughly twisted his wrists while she asked the question. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Bruce screamed and screamed but he refused to give it up. Laura dropped his lifeless arms and stood on his back before stepping off. "I guess I'll have to beat it out of you wimp. Which is fine with me. So get your ass up here you weak little man." Bruce slowly climbed to his feet and glared at her with his steel grey eyes. Offense linemen were frightened by that vicious stare and cowed down but Laura just laughed at him. "If that's supposed to scare me then you're in deep shit. I've already put you to sleep twice so it won't work against me you big pussy."

Bruce hoped it would fill her female body with fear. But his main reason was to stall until his arms were in better fighting condition. And it was working. Because he could feel the tingling sensation as the feeling returned. With a cocky grin on his handsome face, Bruce put up his ham like fists and advanced towards her. Laura was also grinning when she stepped up to meet him. Thunderous punches delivered by mighty oak limb arms were thrown at Laura with bone crushing power in them. She proved to be to quick for the heavily muscled male and easily avoided them all like it was child's play. Then she periodically struck with amazing accuracy. "SMACK!" A left jab swelled up his eye a little more. She dodged four more wrecking ball swings and struck again. "SMACK!" A straight right shattered the cartilage in his nose. Another three punch combination was evaded. "SMACK!" A left hook split his bottom lip. Five heavy handed blows missed their mark. "SMACK!..SMACK!.. SMACK!" His other eye began to swell and a bruise appeared on both sides of his manly jaw. "Anytime you want to give me the code just start begging sissy." She said with a smile.

Bruce couldn't believe or understand what was going on. Men bigger then him were scared to death when he was across the line from them. But this young girl was making a complete fool out of him. Yes, those pert breasts trying to bust out of their black silk prison was a distraction. And her gorgeous young body with the creamy smooth skin made his eyes wander from his intended targets. But she was only a sixteen year old girl. He should have already been through with her and thrown her out by now. But so far he hadn't laid a finger on her while she was beating him senseless. He could feel his face swell every time she hit him and his muscular body felt as though it had been run over by a speeding car. If he didn't do something quick, the outcome looked very dismal. But what? He couldn't seem to come up with the answer. He went all out and fired numerous destructive missiles at her lovely smiling face. But they all met with the same results as his previous attempts. Nada.

"STAND STILL YOU FUCKING LITTLE WHORE!" He screamed in frustration. That really pissed Laura off. Her own female punches began flying at an alarming rate and he couldn't get out of the way. Everyone of them hit the target. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His face ballooned up to twice it's normal size from her accurate punching. He was back pedalling and defenseless while she drove him around the room. It wasn't long before his mighty arms were sagging down and useless. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His six pack abs were turned to mush and both eyes were swelling shut from her onslaught. Then his thick legs buckled and he was ready to go. "SMMMACK!" A solid hay maker blasted his jaw and spun him completely around. His battered body slammed into the floor and bounced at her feet. "SLAM!" He lie there motionless and was sleeping peacefully. Laura stood over him with her male beating hands on her shapely hips.

"That's another thing I'm going to beat out of you weakling. Those filthy names will cease or else." She kicked his prone body a few times to rid herself of the anger. "You'll be singing a different tune when I'm done with you little man." Laura went over and laid down on the satin sheets to calm herself down. "You can sleep a while while I mess up your satin sheets." She told his unconscious body. Laura laid there and reflected on what had transpired since the night began. The idol she loved and fantasized about for three years had changed over the course of the evening. Her dreams of living in a home with a loving and caring man had been shattered as soon as he opened his filthy mouth. He definitely was not the man she fantasized about. But she still thought it would be nice to live in a place like this as she looked around. A large smile spread across her lovely face when other thoughts entered her mind.

Since she couldn't live with him as a loving and caring man who thought of only her needs, then why not live with him as a frightened and submissive slave who feared her hard hitting fists. She pictured him in her mind, crawling at her feet in fear while he obeyed her orders. She was beautiful and exceptionally strong. A proud female standing over her slaves trembling body. He was crying and begging while she playfully toyed with him to keep him in line. Yes, why not. It was everything she had always dreamed of except the man was cringing at her feet instead of standing by her side. He would still be doing what ever she desired but he would be doing it out of fear instead of love. And she would control everything. Even their love making would be at her discretion. She realised thinking of these things made her more excited then the dreams she had before coming here tonight. This was much better.

Laura gracefully swung her gorgeous legs off of the bed and stood up. She was smiling like a minx when she looked down at the sleeping mountain of a man lying at her feet. "Boy are you going to be surprised when I wake you up. You're about to become a devoted slave who will be whimpering and begging while you crawl at my feet. I'm going to rule your life, your money and you you pathetic little wimp. And you aren't man enough to stop me from taking over." She tapped his head with her bare foot until his eyes flew open. "Get up weakling we're going to discuss your future." She commanded. "What the hell are you raving about you crazy bitch?" He asked while holding his aching head. "For one thing that foul mouth and bad attitude you have. I'm about to change that forever." She emphatically told him. Bruce climbed to his feet and wobbled on unsteady legs. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about you little slut but you're not changing anything." "We'll start with that foul mouth of yours." She said as she stepped forward. Bruce let fly with a sweeping roundhouse. Laura easily blocked it and smacked him in the mouth. "SMACK!" "That foul mouth of yours is going to stop." "Fuck you!" He said as he fired another punch at her.

She easily slapped it away too. "SMACK!" "I said it will stop or I'll beat you half to death." Two more hard shots came at her. "FUCK YOU WHORE!" He screamed. Those two were batted down by the dark haired female gladiator. "SMACK!..SMACK!" "The sooner you learn the less pain you will have to absorb." She confidently explained. "Kiss my ass you bit" "SMACK!" She shut him up with a right cross to the mouth. "You're not very smart little man but you will be when I'm finished with your lessons. Because I'm going to teach you some manners." "SMACK!" "From now on I make the rules and you will obey them" "SMACK!" "If you disobey you will get another beating." "SMACK!" "If you hesitate or question my orders you will get another beating."

"SMACK!" "My word is the law." "SMACK!" "You will follow the law to the letter." "SMACK!" "I will be in complete control." "SMACK!" "I am the boss and you will be my slave." "SMACK!" "You have no say over this matter or any other." "SMACK!" "Total and blind obedience is all I will accept." "SMACK!" "My needs will be taken care of at all times." "SMACK!" "And you will gladly take care of them and keep your mouth shut." "SMACK!" "Is that understood wimp?" "SMACK!" Bruce was on the verge of collapsing. He would have if Laura wasn't holding him up. His eyes were glassy and unfocused and both legs were severely buckled and threatening to fold up on him. His muscular arms were uselessly dangling at his sides and his huge body was trembling like a leaf in a strong wind. He was out on his feet and as helpless as a new born baby.

"SMACK!" "I have demonstrated I can easily whip your ass anytime I choose." "SMACK!" "So if you want to stay healthy and unscathed." "SMACK!" "You will obey my commands like a loyal dog and remain submissive at all times." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Bruce dropped to his knees and flopped over against her creamy thigh when she released him. Heavy tears were pouring out of his swollen black eyes like two fast rushing waterfalls. His fighting spirit was gone and his will was bent to Laura's. She was simply to strong, to tough and to fast for the mountain man to overcome. His scrambled brain cyphered through every word she said and he came to the only logical conclusion. She was absolutely right. Laura had easily whipped his ass and she could continue to do so as long as she wanted because he wasn't man enough to stop her.

The thought of challenging her again thoroughly terrorized him. His face was a swollen mess and his magnificent body was bruised and battered. He was completely helpless against the beautiful female warrior. Heavy tears stained his multi colored cheeks when he admitted that to himself. She had beaten him into submission and he had no choice but to accept it. When Laura saw his mighty shoulders droop down in defeat she knew he had given up. He was no longer a threat to challenge her authority. She owned him now. Laura threw his sobbing body in the floor and proudly stood over him. "Have you had enough?" She asked the beaten man. "Yes ma'am I give up." He sobbingly whimpered. "Am I going to have anymore trouble with you." "No ma'am you're the boss." He answered with a quivering voice. "Good boy. From now on you will call me Mistress Laura. Obey my orders and you have nothing to fear. If you attempt to stand up to me you will painfully pay for it with your blood. Is that clear?" She sternly asked. "Yes Mistress L.Laura." He whined. "Good boy. I believe you know your place."

Laura searched through his closet and drawers while the big man knelt on the floor and quietly sobbed. In the bottom drawer of his Chest she found a large dog collar and a ten foot leash. "Ahhh just the thing I need. This belonged to that Saint Bernard you had who died last year. Isn't that correct?" Yes Mistress Laura. It was B.Bosco's." He answered. Laura took the collar and fastened it around his neck. "Now your name is Bosco. Do you have a problem with that Bosco?" She asked in a no nonsense tone. "No Mistress Laura." He replied while staring at the floor in shame. "Good boy Bosco. Your Mistress is pleased." Laura handed him the remote. "Get rid of those iron gates and bars Bosco." "Yes Mistress Laura." He punched in the code and they disappeared. "Good boy Bosco. You're a very obedient dog." She said with an evil smile. "Thank you Mistress Laura." He meekly answered. She took hold of his leash and led him over to the bed while he crawled behind her heel on his hands and knees. When they reached the side of the bed, Laura snapped her fingers and issued an order. "UP BOSCO!" Bruce started to stand on his feet and was rewarded with a vicious punch to his temple. "SMACK!"

"PUT YOUR FRONT PAWS UP ON THE BED YOU STUPID MUTT!" She scolded. "Yes Mistress Laura." He whimpered as he placed his hands on the bed. "That's better. Now pay attention boy or you'll get a good spanking for being a bad dog." "Do you understand Bosco?" "Yes Mistress Laura." He said trembling. "Good. Now I'm going to lie on my new satin sheets and make a phone call while you lick my bare feet like a good little dog. Have you got that Bosco?" She asked with an I dare you to challenge my authority look. "Yes Mistress Laura. He humbly replied while humiliation filled his massive muscular frame. "Good boy. Now get started." Bruce...uhhh, I mean Bosco began licking her feet while she laid on the bed and called Lucy. "Lucy, get your butt over here. I have one hell of a surprise waiting for you so hurry up. What? Oh. Come to the front door and I'll let you in. Yes I'm serious. Now hurry up girl. Good bye." Laura hung up the phone and addressed her foot licking puppy. "I have a friend coming over and I want you to behave. Is that clear Bosco?" "Yes Mistress Laura." He answered between licks. "Good boy. Be a good dog and I'll give you a nice treat tonight." "Yes Mistress Laura." "Very good Bosco you learn fast." She said smiling.

Twenty minutes later the door bell rang. Laura took hold of the leash and snapped her fingers. "Heel Bosco!" He crawled up behind her right heel and followed her on his hands and knees to the door. Laura open the door and Lucy walked in with a smile. When she noticed Laura was in her black bra and panties a puzzled look came over her pretty face. Then her eyes traveled down to the floor and her mouth fell wide open. She stared at Bruce for a few seconds before questions came shooting out of her mouth. "MY GOD! THAT'S BRUCE BAKER! How.. why.. I don't.. OH MY GOD THAT'S BRUCE BAKER!" Laura just laughed. "Calm down Lucy calm down." "But you have Bruce Baker kneeling behind you with a dog collar around his neck. How can I calm down from that?" She asked in shock. "I'll explain everything in just a second. But first, let me show you something." "Feet Bosco." She ordered as she snapped her fingers and pointed at her bare feet. He quickly dropped down and groveled while he kissed and licked her bare feet like a good little dog. Laura proudly looked at Lucy.

Lucy was standing there with her mouth agape. "That's just the beginning Lucy. Watch this." "Ass Bosco." She commanded while snapping her fingers again. Bosco instantly knelt behind her with his hands resting on her thighs and kissed and licked her ass. "See. He is very well trained if I do say so myself." Laura said with a grin. Lucy stared at the big man who was submissively kneeling behind Laura and following her orders. "And he seems to like it too. Just look at that enormous bulge in his pants." She said smiling. Laura turned to see what she was talking about and noticed his slacks were barely keeping his dick from breaking out. "Well I'll be damned. Who would have guessed the most feared lineman in the league was Masochistic. He really likes being ordered around and forced to submit doesn't he? Just look at that thing fighting to get out." "Stop groveling at my ass Bosco and unzip your fly." She ordered. "Yes Mistress Laura." He unzipped his fly and his dick sprang out like it was shot from a cannon. The two girls gasped when they saw the size of his rock hard, blood red hard on.

"WHOA!" Lucy said in surprise. "I never knew he was hiding something like that." "Me either girl. And it's all ours." Laura replied with her eyes glued to his steel hard cock. "Spill Laura. How the hell did you get him to mind you like that. And what happened to his poor face? It looks awful." Lucy asked with her arms crossed over her breasts. "Lets go to the bedroom and I'll tell you the whole story." She looked down at her faithful dog. "Heel Bosco." He crawled up behind her heel and followed the two girls to the bedroom. Laura explained what happened while Lucy sat there with an unbelieving look on her face. When Laura was through Lucy was nearly in shock. "You actually beat him up and gave him those black eyes and that swollen face?" She asked astounded. "I sure did. And I'll tell you something else girl. It was easy." "Wasn't it Bosco?" She asked the docile man at her feet. "Yes Mistress Laura." He answered. "But he's three times your size Laura. I've seen him take on bigger men than him on the field and they had to be carried off on a stretcher. So how could you beat him up so easily?" "I was extremely determined and very pissed off because of the filthy names he was calling me. That's how." She answered with a smile.

It was hard for Lucy to believe but the proof was staring her right in the face. Bruce was a black and blue mess and he was following all of Laura's orders. No matter how humiliating they were. "I guess I have to believe you Laura but it still blows my mind." She said shaking her head. "Good. Now that we have that settled, lets see what we can do with that enormous pole my dog is sporting." Laura replied. "Hell girl I know exactly what to do with it." Lucy said with a cute smile. "OK Lucy. You take him first and I'll see how talented he is with his tongue." "Sounds like a plan to me. Lets do it." Lucy said with anticipation. "Strip and lie on the bed Bosco." Laura ordered. "Yes Mistress Laura." He said while quickly removing his clothes. "And keep that huge thing up and hard." Lucy informed him." "Yes Miss Lucy." He answered. Bruce lie on the bed naked while Lucy mounted his rock hard dick and Laura sat on his face. "Work that tongue for all your worth boy." "Mmmppphhhhhhhhhh." Was all she heard but was very satisfied with his tongue action when Bosco quickly brought her to an orgasm. Lucy had had three orgasms herself before she collapsed on his chest. Her beautiful face was flushed and she was breathing heavily but she was completely satisfied. The girls exchanged places.

Bosco serviced the beautiful females all night long and didn't waver a bit. He kept up with the two horny young ladies and had the time of his life. They finally dropped off to sleep at dawn with satisfied smiles on all of their faces. Bruce fell in love with his Mistress sometime during the long night of love making. He became the best submissive slave Laura could ask for. She moved in with him and took control of everything just like she said she would. Lucy comes to visit three or fours nights a week and Bruce takes care of them both. He still gets a beating once in a while but has accepted his role and meekly follows Laura's orders. Laura's dream of a wonderfully rich life has come true, although not exactly the way she dreamed it would be. But she decided this way was much better then her original dream. She's the boss over everything including her man. And she never has to worry about being disappointed. Because if she is, Bosco knows he will be severely punished. They are the happiest threesome I know.