Lana breaks a few of Gary and his friends bones. (Picture)

Gary brings a friend to help him with Lana.

Lana Morgan

Twenty year old Gary was sick and tired of being beaten to a pulp by gorgeous sixteen year old Lana. So he decided to get a friend to help him kick her ass so he can finally rape the bitch like he has wanted to do from the start. Mulling over his friends in his mind, he settled on twenty year old Craig. He was 6 foot 1 inches tall and 205 pounds of solid muscle. She couldn't possibly beat them both up. Gary was sure Craig would help because this was right up his alley. Craig wanted to see the broad before he agreed to go along. Gary knew Lana liked to run in the park for exercise in the evenings. So they hid in the bushes while Craig scoped her out as she goes running by. "Hell yes I'll help you with her man. She's a nice looking piece of ass. But I'm curious why you want me to come along?. If I was doing a bitch like that, I would just do her myself."

"I figured with two of us, one can keep an eye out while the other is doing her." Gary replied. "Yeah, smart thinking man, count me in. When do we do her?" "She likes to lie in the sun on weekends and work on her tan. I hear this Saturday is going to be real nice and Sunny, so she'll probably be out there." "Suits me man, I'll see you then." Gary didn't tell Craig he needed his help because Lana had given him two very bad beatings. Craig didn't need to know that. Just as he had expected, Lana was lying in her backyard on a beach towel working on her tan that Saturday afternoon. Her parents were gone again, so this was the perfect opportunity for him to get his revenge and finally rape the pretty young blond. She was wearing that snow white bikini again and it really set off her nicely tanned skin and her white blond hair. Where the hell was Craig? Gary wondered. He was going to blow his chance if Craig didn't hurry up and get there.

He had been watching her for about an hour and he didn't know how long she had been out there before he had arrived. She would gathering her things to go back inside pretty soon and Craig still wasn't there. Gary was getting very frustrated because he really wanted to pay this bitch back for all the humiliation she put him through. But revenge was uppermost in his thoughts. That he had to have. He finally saw Craig coming up the walk. "Where the hell have you been Craig? She's about ready to go back in." The frustrated Gary asked. "Sorry man. My mom needed me to run some errands for her. You know how she is. She wants them done right now. Besides, she's still there. So don't blow a gasket." The words were no sooner out of his mouth, when Lana rose to her feet and went inside. The two potential rapist jumped the fence and headed for the door.

The door was open when Gary turned the knob so they sneaked inside. Lana was standing in the living room going through the mail she had just brought in. In her snow white bikini with the tan she had accumulated, her shapely 5 foot 105 pound light brown body looked mighty fine to Craig. Trying to be as quiet as possible, they tip toed toward the young blond. Lana heard a noise behind her and saw the two males coming through the kitchen. She instantly recognized Gary, but didn't know the guy with him. "Well hi there little Gary. Have you come back for another bad beating? And I see you brought a friend with you to play this time." She asked with a smile. "What the hell is she talking about Gary?" The confused Craig asked? "Nothing Craig, don't pay any attention to the bitch." Gary replied. "Oh Gary didn't tell you huh? He has been here to rape me twice now. And both times I gave him a terrible beating instead."

"She's kidding, isn't she Gary?" Greg asked. Before Gary could say a word, Craig saw the redness in his face. "My god man, she's serious isn't she. She kicked your ass twice for you. No wonder you wanted me to help you out. You need my protection." He said laughing. "Oh, you being with him won't change a thing smart guy." Lana said. "It just means I have to beat both of you until you beg instead of just Gary." Lana said interupting. "Now I know your nuts if you think you can take me bitch. You ain't fucking with Gary now." He replied with bravado. "We'll see little man, we'll see." Lana confidently answered. "Enough talk." Lets get her." Gary said getting angry. They advanced toward the pretty young blond. Craig was the first to reach her with an evil grin on his face. He wasn't expecting to get punched in the face when he reached out to grab her. Which is exactly what he got. "SMACK!..SMACK!" A quick right and left to his surprised face sent him reeling backwards. Gary rAn up when Craig got near her so he was in range too. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Another right and left sent him stumbling back.

"You're dead bitch!" Craig said with venom. "Nobody punches me without paying for it big time. Now you're going to get a beating before we rape you you crazy bitch." "I don't think you're man enough to accomplish either one little man. So quit running your mouth and show me." Lana confidently replied. That enraged the muscular young man. So he stepped up to prove it to her. Large male fists came flying at her pretty face while she began to dance. She was able to dodge his clumsy efforts but saw Gary was coming back at her too. Lana ducked under Craig's last big swing and punched him with a solid right on the jaw. "SMACK!" As he fell back from the punch, Gary was there to be hit with a hard left. "SMACK!" His jaw was also aching when he stumbled back a few steps. Gary was more off balance then Craig, so she decided to play with Craig first.

She stepped up the the big young man and fired a deluge of quick hard punches. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Pain registered on his face when he felt his nose break and his lip split. "THUD!" A hard right to his solid stomach bent him over and put his chin where she wanted it. "CRACK!" The uppercut dumped him on his back. Then she turned to meet Gary while he was in the process of punching the back of her head. She moved her upper torso and caused him to miss. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four hard female fists drilled him in the middle of his face. His nose was broken and one eye was cut open. "THUD!..THUD!" Two to his stomach bent him over for the uppercut she threw to his chin. "CRACK!" It worked as well as the one she hit Craig with. Gary was lying in the floor on his back.

Craig was up and coming at her again. A large male roundhouse was winging toward her pretty head when she ducked under it. His momentum carried him past her so she backfisted him in the back of his head when he went by. "SMACK!" He stumbled forward. They were both in her sights now. Craig turned around to mount an offense. But she was on him before he could get it started. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Two rights and a left drove him back into Gary and they both tumbled to the floor. Craig had a busted lip and a bruised cheek bone. "You boys don't seem to be having much luck do you? Maybe I should just stand here and let you hit me. Because it's the only way you're going to land anything. Although I'm not sure you could hit me then because you're both pathetic." She taunted. Gary and Craig untangled themselves and climbed to their feet.

They went right at her side by side. Lana faked a straight punch at Gary who was on her right and he fell for it. She hit Craig with it instead. "SMACK!" He was off balance. "SMACK!" She followed up with a left to Gary's jaw and he fell to his left. Having them both off balance, she tore into them with female fury. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" They both went down on their butts. "Since Gary called you Craig I assume that's your name. I bet you didn't expect to get a beating when you came here, did you little man? Gary did though. That's why he brought you as backup. But I'll wager he didn't think I could whip you both at the same time. You'll soon find out I not only can, I'll do it easily." She informed them.

Craig rose to his feet so she stepped up to meet him. Gary was also getting up and his chin was an inviting target. "WHAP!" Her bare foot exploded on his chin and he collapsed back to the floor. Craig started throwing rights and lefts as fast as he could. She evaded them like the plague and took it to him. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She smiled when she saw him grimmace in pain. He again threw punches in bunches in the hopes that something would connect. But the female blond fighter was just to quick on her feet. They all missed their target. Lana showed him how it was done. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks began to swell. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes were cut and swelling. "SMACK!" His mouth spurted out blood while it puffed up. "THUD!..THUD!" His stomach started aching from her solid punches. "SMACK!" A right to his temple put him in the floor.

Gary was slowly advancing towards her. He was leery of those lethal feminine fists because he had felt their awsome power many times. With Craig on the floor and out of the way for a bit, Lana went after Gary with a large smile on her pretty face. It struck fear in the heart of the muscular young man and he began to back up. "Where you going little Gary? I thought you wanted to play?" Lana took a giant step that Gary wasn't expecting. She was right in his face and smiling. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His legs buckled slightly from her precise punching. "SMACK!..SMACK!" A glazed look came over his frightened eyes. "SMACK!" His legs folded up and he dropped to his knees. "SMACK!" A straight right between his eyes and he collapsed at her feet whimpering.

Craig had gained his feet and was stumbling in her direction. He threw a right cross that she easily blocked. "SMACK!" His eye exploded with great pain. He tried a left which was also batted down. "SMACK!" His nose was flattened to his face. A right and left was attempted by the angry young man and they were batted away too. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were turning purple and beginning to swell. Craig was so groggy his right hook missed her by a mile. She grabbed his arm and spun him around towards Gary. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Two hard shots softened up his stomach, before the right cross to his temple put him in the floor next to Gary. When they both rose to their knees side by side, Lana unleashed a devastating uppercut to each of their exposed chins. "CRACK!..CRACK!" Their upper torsos flew back to their feet before they sprang forward and flopped to the floor on their faces. Both men were semi conscious.

Lana stepped up to where they lie and knelt down between them facing the same direction. She grabbed the two delirious males by the hair and pulled them up to their knees. Lana wrapped her arms around their necks from the front until their chins rested in the crease of her bent elbows. Then she bent her strong arms up in a double muscle pose and trapped their heads between her lower and upper arm. The two young men were helpless caught in a powerful vise. They feebly struggled to pull her arm away from their throats while she crushed their heads between her hard muscles. But their muscular male arms were no match for her feminine muscle power. She laughed at their pitiful attempts to escape and applied more pressure. Their mighty male arms finally dropped to their sides and they drifted off to unconsciousness. Lana released her sleeping victims and they slumped to the floor on their faces.

She flipped Craig over on his back and placed his arms down at his sides with his palms up. Then she picked up Gary's legs and turned him until his head was pointed toward Greg's body. She lifted Gary's upper body and moved it toward Craig until his butt was flush with his right side. Then she bent over Gary and pulled his arms up behind his back in a double hammerlock. While holding his arms in place with her left hand, she lifted Gary's body up and sat his butt down on Craig's right arm. She held his sleeping body in the sitting position and moved over to kneel down on Craig's abdomen. Next, she laid Gary's body across Craig's chest to make a cross out of the two young men. Gary's arms were touching the floor next to Craig's left arm. She grabbed Gary's shoulders and pushed him back until his arms were up against Craig's body. Now his arms were trapped between his own back and the floor and they were being held up high on his back by Craig's body.

She pinned Craig's left arm to the floor with her knee across his wrist. Both of his arms were now pinned to the floor by her knee and Gary's butt. She stretched her gorgeous left leg out over Gary's legs to keep them in place so he couldn't raise them to get in her way. Now she had both muscular men pinned to the floor by either part of her own body or part of theirs. She pushed down on Gary's chest with her left hand to keep him tight against Craig and slapped them awake. They tried to move when their eyes flew open and realised they couldn't. "I'm so glad you little boys are awake for the party we are about to have. I was afraid you might sleep through the whole thing. Of course when the party is over, you'll be sleeping anyway. But I didn't want you to miss the painful part. Gary knows what is coming Craig. And I'll bet you're smart enough to figure it out. So shall we get started gentlemen?" She said with a smile.

"You get to go first Gary because you knew better then to come back here with this ridiculous idea of yours. You should have learned from the two beatings I have already given you. But I guess they weren't bad enough. I guarantee you'll learn from this beating wimp." She said before turning to Craig. "Watch what I do to him pansy ass, because you'll be next. That way you'll have an idea of what you will look like when I get through with you." "OK boys, here we go." The nearly naked blond raised her right fist and smiled at Gary's frightened face. Then she began to beat him like a dog. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was uncontrollably crying his heart out. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Gary's face was completely rearranged by her hard female fist. Craig lie there in fear, knowing his turn was coming.

She stopped to check out her art work. His eyes were black and swelling shut. His cheeks were a dark purple and swollen twice their size. His mouth and lips were bleeding very badly and swollen three times their size. The cartilage in his nose was totally destroyed and he was having trouble getting air through the passage way. There was multiple bleeding cuts and dark bruises all over his face. He was out cold after the fourth punch but she had kept beating him. She looked at Craig, and he was lying there crying. He watched her beat Gary's face to a pulp and it scared him to death knowing he was going to get the same treatment. "Ahhhhh, are you afraid little man? Maybe next time you'll think twice before you let your friends talk you into something that will bring you a lot of pain. Now I'm not quite done with little Gary yet, so keep watching you big cry baby. Your turn is coming."

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!.. SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Gary's eyes were nearly closed and his entire face looked like a painted clown. It was completely swollen and a rainbow of colors. She knew it would take a long time to heal and return to normal. Craig's sobbing was getting louder while he fearfully looked at Gary. His tear stained face was as white as a sheet. "I think that should be sufficient for little Gary. It's your turn now wimp. I'm going to give you a reason to cry." Craig nearly passed out when Lana raised her fist. A loud piercing scream escaped his slightly swollen lips while he wailed like a banshee. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Lana ignored his loud pleas and began to beat him senseless. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His tears and loud screaming ceased when he went to sleep. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!"Lana turned his face into a swollen, multi colored mess that his own mother wouldn't recognise.

When she was satisfied they would be cowered and obedient when awakened, she stopped their torture. She climbed off of their sleeping bodies and slapped the two savagly beaten males awake. Their tears began the instant their eyes came open. Loud sobbing shrieks of pain came out of their swollen, busted mouths. Fear spread all over their large bodies when they saw Lana standing over them with a smile on her beautiful face. Sobbing pleas came from both of their trembling lips as they looked up at the dominate young blond through their half closed, black and blue eyes. She smiled at the terrified look on their badly swollen faces.

"No.. m.more. Lana. D.don't.. b.beat.. us.. any.m.more. We.. g.give.. up. L.l.leave.. us.. a.a.alone. Pl.please." They begged. "Are you two weaklings ready to grovel at my feet and place tender kisses on my toes and soft skin?" She asked in a no nonsense tone. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" " you.. w.want. J.just.. pl.please.. b.beating.. us." Lana turned and walked over to the sofa and sat down. "CRAWL TO ME WIMPS! AND BE QUICK ABOUT IT!" She sternly ordered. They crawled to her as fast as they could. Gary stopped with his head perched over her right foot while Craig took her left. "KISS THEM YOU SISSY'S! AND DO A GOOD JOB! OR ELSE!" They each lowered their swollen lips to her silky smooth skin and kissed them like they were in love.

Lana let them grovel for ten minutes before ordering them to stop. She reached down and grabbed a handful of each ones hair and lifted their heads up so their chins would be resting on the floor. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH WIMPS! NOW!" She commanded. Their tears began to flow again when they realised what she was going to do. But they obeyed her without hesitation. She stuck her big toe in each ones mouth and firmly held them in place. "SUCK IT! IF EITHER ONE OF YOU BITE ME I'LL BEAT YOU BOTH HALF TO DEATH!" They sucked her big toe like it was a lollipop while they sobbed like lost little boys. When she was satisfied they were cowed down and would obey any order she gave them, she allowed them to quit. They felt totally humiliated and degraded because of being forced to suck her toes. But fear of the mighty female warrior kept them in line. Lana stood up and shouted an order like they were obedient dogs. "STAY!" She stood between them facing the same direction as their heads. "This is your third try to beat me up and rape me Gary. I must make sure you fear me to much to try a fourth."

While they lie there on their stomachs, Lana knelt down on her left knee. She placed her right foot on the side of Craig's face and pinned his head to the floor. She reached down and took Gary's right arm in her right hand and pulled it straight out from his body. She rested his outstretched arm across her right leg with his palm up and his elbow just passed her knee. Then she grabbed his right shoulder with her left hand and got a good grip on his wrist. "You should have obeyed my orders Gary and not tried this again. Now I'm going to give you a great deal of pain to teach you a lesson in obedience. So prepare yourself wimp. I'm certain you will obey me after this." Lana hesitated a second and then pushed down hard on his wrist. "SNNNAP" A high pitched scream escaped his swollen mouth when his arm broke at the elbow. "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Craig started crying again because he saw exactly what she did to Gary and feared the worst for himself.

Gary continuously screamed and constantly babbled for about ten seconds before he passed out from the awful pain. Lana dropped his lifeless arm and stood up. When she looked down at Craig, he let out a spine chilling scream and tried his best to crawl away from her. "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Lana grabbed his left leg before he got very far and lifted it in the air. She slightly turned it and slammed her bare foot into the side of his leg at the knee."SNNNAAP" Craig instantly passed out. Lana strolled over to where Gary lie and slapped him awake. Tears poured from his swollen eyes and another scream escaped his busted up mouth. "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She cupped her left hand over his mouth to muffle his scream and whipped his left arm up his back in a hammerlock. Then she dragged him to his feet and marched him through the house and out the back door. His loud screaming had ceased but he was slightly sobbing.

Lana released his arm and spun him around to look into his frightened eyes. "Have you learned not to fuck with me little Gary?" She asked with a cold, hard stare. "YES LANA! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE!" He pleaded. "If you try anything like this again, I'll break every bone in your body." "IS THAT CLEAR WIMP?" She sternly asked. "YESSSSSSSS! YESSSSSSSSS!" He screamed in fright."Good boy. Now run along and never bother me again you weak little pussy." Lana grabbed his shirt to hold him steady and delivered one final punch. "SMMMACK!" Gary was already sleeping when he flew off of the porch and landed in the yard.

Lana went back inside for Craig. When she slapped him awake he instantly started screaming and sobbing. She roughly slapped him in the face to quiet him down. "SLAP!..SLAP!" "SHUT UP WIMP!" His trembling body cowered in the floor at her feet. Lana picked him up and dropped his large body over her right shoulder. She carried him out of the house while he submissivily hung over her shoulder and cried. "I don't want to ever see your little weakling ass again Craig." "DO YOU UNDERSTAND CRY BABY?" "YESSSSSSSS LANA! WHAT EVER YOU SAY!" He said while cringing in her grip. "Good boy. Just keep in mind what I can and will do to you if you don't obey me." Lana held him steady and gave Craig one last punch to remember her by. "SMMMACK!" He was out cold when he landed in the yard next to Gary's sleeping body.

Lana entered the house with a smile on her beautiful face. I don't think they will be bothering me again. She said to herself. Now, what was I going to do before I was interrupted? Oh yes, I was going to take a good long shower. I'll bet those two wimps I just threw out of here would love to be in the shower with me. If they wasn't frightened to death of me and my hard hitting female fists. Lana began to remove her bikini while she padded to the bathroom with a smile.