Kimberly straightens out Mr. Falcone. (Picture)

After her victorious cage battle, the fight fans scream for more Killer Kimberly.

Kimberly Grayson

Kimberly's first cage fight was a smashing success. She thoroughly beat and humiliated the big black man they matched her with, and captured the hearts of the fight fans. Not given even the smallest chance of winning by the odds makers, Kimberly erased all the doubt in their minds. She handled the big man with ease, and had the fans screaming for more. That suited her just fine. The fighters were normally given two weeks between their fights, to properly heal before having to face their next opponent. But the fans were putting pressure on Mr. Falcone, to bring back Kimberly as soon as possible. She had developed a huge amount of adoring fans after just one fight, and they couldn't wait to see her in action again. The blond female warrior was an instant celebrity.

Mr. Falcone had never witnessed anything like it before. He believed in the beginning she would become one of his most popular fighters. Especially if she handled herself as well as she did against Bruno in her audition. But the admiration of the fans for Kimberly, totally took him by surprise. Being in this racket for over thirty years, he thought he had seen it all. But someone rising to fame this quickly, was unheard of. And a FEMALE doing it, seemed impossible. However, it wasn't hard to understand their reaction to the young female. She was beautiful, sexy, had a body men dreamed about, and was completely relentless in attacking her opponent. And she wasn't satisfied until he was thoroughly destroyed and humiliated. Plus, her unique passion to degrade them to reach sexual satisfaction, was a bonus. It made the fans feel sorry for her victim, yet wish it was their face being pressed against her golden mound.

Mr. Falcone decided to heed the wishes of the fans and bring her back next week. He called Damien and had him come to his office to set it up. Damien was only to happy to oblige. He had netted one hundred thousand dollars from Kimberly's first fight, and was eager to obtain more. He realised he wouldn't get such great odds on her next fight, after her annihilation of The Black Bear. But with all his winnings, he had plenty to bet on smaller odds. Damien was as nervous as a fox cornered by a pack of hounds. Mr. Falcone had set Kimberly up in a match with a small opponent. He had tried to get him to change his mind, but the head man wouldn't budge. He ran the fight club, and the fighters fought who he told them to. Damien called Kimberly and asked her to come down. Maybe she could get the boss man to change his mind, and save himself from getting a beating.

Kimberly strolled into Mr. Falcone's office with a smile on her beautiful face. The young blond looked absolutely beautiful in the red mini skirt and white silk mesh top. Her firm 38 breasts could easily be seen thorough the flimsy fabric, especially since she wasn't wearing a bra. Mr. Falcone, Damien, and the three guards, had a solid hard on before she made it half way to his desk. Her red 4 inch heels completed her outfit, and made her lovely legs stand out. "Hey there Mr. boss man, Damien tells me there's a little problem that needs my attention. After the beating I gave The Black Pussy, I expected everything to go smoothly. So why am I here?" Damien was shaking in his shoes. He didn't tell Kimberly why she needed to come down, in hopes she would take her anger out on one of them. But now that she was here, it seemed like a foolish thing to do. He stood there as quiet as a mouse and prayed. And he wasn't a religious man.

"There isn't any problem young lady. Damien didn't like the fighter I matched you against, but I told him the fight was set and final. Why he called you I have no idea. I won't change my mind." "Who is this fighter you have penciled in for me to destroy?" She asked. "His name is Jimmy Wong and he's a martial arts expert. He'll give you quite a battle, and it should prove to be an interesting match. The fight is set, so there's nothing to discuss. Just be here Friday night." "Hold on there Mr. boss man, don't get in such a hurry. How big is this Jimmy Wong?" "What the hell does that have to do with anything." Mr. Falcone asked as he raised his voice. "Jimmy Wong is who you're slated to fight, and that's it. I pick the opponents for the fighters, and they fight who I say. So his size doesn't have a God damn thing to do with it. You fight Jimmy Wong and that's final."

Kimberly looked over at the three guards with fire in her smoldering green eyes. "You three get your asses out of here and take Damien with you." The boss man stared at her in disbelief. "Now wait just a minute young lady, I run things around here. What the hell do you think you're doing giving orders to my guards?" Kimberly smiled and leaned over to whisper in his ear, while grabbing his slacks covering his rock hard dick. Damien was shaking worse then ever. "Look big boy. If you don't want your men seeing you on your knees with your face buried in my hot pussy, then I suggest you do as you're told. Now get rid of them and I'll let you get some pleasure out of this little dick of yours. Understand?" She gave his dick a good squeeze to drive home her point. "Uhhhh, you boys step outside for a while. I'll call you if I need you."

Bruno looked at him with concern covering his face. "Are you sure you don't want one of us to stay boss?" "You heard what I said Bruno, now get your ass outside." "Sure boss, what ever you say." The three guards left the room and dragged Damien out with them. "Good boy Mr. boss man. You just saved your dignity. I would imagine your boys would lose their respect for you, when they saw you on your knees. Now we can have ourselves an uninterrupted little chat." "I know you think I'm hot, by the hardness of this puny dick I'm holding. And I can tell by the look in your eyes when you gaze at my gorgeous body, that you would love to become my sex slave." He started to protest, but Kimberly shut him up quickly. "Don't try to deny it, it's written all over your face. Now keep your mouth shut. I've got a much better use for it. And take that pitiful little dick out of your pants." "RIGHT NOW LITTLE MAN!"

His face flushed red with embarrassment, but he obeyed her orders and unzipped his fly. Kimberly slipped her white panties off and laid them on his desk. Pushing his chair back enough to squeeze her body between them, she sat on his desk facing him and hiked the red mini skirt up to her slim waist. "Get on your knees in front of me. And hurry it up before you make me angry." The boss man dropped to his knees, and pleadingly looked up at her beautiful face. "Good boy. Now come to mama." She threw her gorgeous legs over his shoulders and grabbed him by the hair. A hard yank, and his face was smothered by her steaming hot pussy. "Get that tongue of yours in there and please me little man. I want it in as deep as you can get it, so push hard." He jammed his face against her as hard as he could, and stretched his tongue to it's limit. "Ohhhh yes, good boy. Now start licking with everything you've got. And play with that pathetic dick of yours."

The head man lapped her golden wet mound like it was a rare delicacy. In the quiet room, his constant slurping sounded like a large dog drinking out of it's water bowl. Kimberly was delighted to find out, the man was as talented as Damien at eating pussy. She smiled, picturing herself in her mind, as Master over a stable of talented pussy lickers, that lived only to please her. The mans fast lapping tongue had her soaring to great heights in a just a few minutes. His rock hard dick was close to blowing it's own load all over the floor. With his tongue and hand matching strokes, he had them both on the brink of an earth shattering orgasm. Moaning in pleasure, Kimberly released her sweet nectar in a roaring rush. It blew out of her, and splashed over the big mans face like a hurricane. His own sperm splattered on the carpet in a puddle.

Relaxing their excited bodies, they slowly descended from the great heights of ecstasy and breathed normally. They finally had themselves under control and able to speak. "That was very good little man. I think you're a keeper. If you're a good boy, I may give you permission to service me in the future. But you must obey me, or I'll not allow you another slice of my heavenly treasure." "Is that clear wimp?" The boss man looked at her with worship in his eyes. This beautiful, dominate young lady was the one he had been searching for all of his life. The pressure of always being in command and giving the orders, had weighed heavily on him for years. A sexy woman to control him and be the boss was what he needed. To take all his power away, and force him to obey. He had been looking for that special someone for a long time. Hopefully, his search was over.

"Yes ma'am it's clear. I'll obey your every command like it was my own. Thank you my Goddess, for giving me the pleasure of serving you. My only hope, was that I pleased you, so I can continue to serve you when ever you wish. Even though I'm not worthy to lie at your feet, I humbly beg you to take pity on me Goddess. Allow me to worship you the way you deserve. My devotion and obedience will be unfailing." Kimberly was elated. She had the big boss on his knees, declaring his unwavering devotion to her. And being called a Goddess, really made her feel strong and powerful. She had to take advantage of his weakness to be dominated. It was the answer to all her needs. It would ensure she got whatever she wanted, and she would have a man of great power under her control. Men are so weak and pathetic, she thought to herself, why not use that against them.

"I'll grant your wish to worship me little man, but you must obey me at all times. I will not tolerate any hesitation or argument. Blind obedience is all I will accept. I am the boss, and you will follow my orders to the letter. If that is agreeable, then I'll let you become my sex slave. Do you accept my terms?" The man flopped to the floor and worshiped her feet with tender kisses. "Yes, yes, I accept. Thank you my Goddess, you won't regret your decision." "You better pray I don't wimp. Because it will be very painful for you if I do. Understand?" "Yes ma'am, I understand. Thank you." "Good boy. Now, your first order, is to call Jimmy Wong and tell him he's fighting someone else. Then get your ass busy and find me a large opponent to take apart in that cage Friday night. Now obey me." "Yes ma'am, right away."

Mr. Falcone made the call like she ordered, and took out the fight roster to change her opponent. "How about Uri the Mad Russian? He's 6 foot 3 inches tall, and weighs 248 pounds. Will he be satisfactory Miss Kimberly?" She looked at him and smiled. "That's much better Mr. boss man, set it up." Kimberly went to the door and let the guards and Damien back in the room. The worry left Bruno's face, when he saw the boss was alright. Damien breathed a sigh of relief too. With everything done to her satisfaction, Kimberly was ready to leave. "Let me walk you to the door Kimberly, there's a few final details I would like to discuss." Mr. Falcone said. "Alright Mr. boss man" She replied. "Run along Damien, I'll talk to you later." Damien was more then happy to get out of there unscathed. "Sure Kimberly, what ever you say. I'll talk to you at your earliest convenience." Mr. Falcone escorted Kimberly to the door.

When they reached the door, the head man was wringing his sweaty hands like a nervous little boy. "Look Miss Kimberly, I'll obey any order you give me without question. But I would really appreciate it if you didn't shame me in front of my men." She grabbed his tie and pulled his face down to hers. "Behave yourself and you have nothing to worry about. Disobey me, and I'll punish you, with or without your men in the room. Is that clear?" "Yes Miss Kimberly, I understand." She smiled and patted his cheek. "Good boy, now run along. I'll see you Friday night. "Yes ma'am." He replied sighing. It was Friday night, and Kimberly was waiting in the cage for her victim to be announced. Since she was fighting a Russian, she thought it would be ironic to wear red. She wore a red silk mesh teddy, with red silk panties covering her gorgeous ass. Her 4 inch red heels, completed the stunning outfit. The Mad Russian came strolling down the isle when he was announced, with a smile on his face. It was easy money tonight, he thought to himself. It won't take me long to beat the American bitch to a pulp.

The whistle blew to start the match and Kimberly's 5 foot, 4 inch, 112 pound female body walked toward the Mad Russian smiling sweetly. His powerful arms went to work, trying to wipe the smile from her pretty face. Her Modern dance training kicked in, and his murderous punches failed to find their mark. When she thought she had confused him enough, she put her offense in motion. "SMACK..her left jab bloodied his nose..SMACK!" The right cross landed flush on his mouth, loosening a few teeth. "SMACK!..SMACK!" A right left combination, reddened both of his eyes. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Two solid female fists struck his stomach and the uppercut sent him reeling back. Her fists striking male flesh, started the lust building in her feminine parts. "Be prepared to get a bad beating tonight wimp, I'm feeling very horny."

The big man didn't know what she meant by that, but it didn't matter. The bitch had been lucky so far and evaded his punches, but her luck was about to run out. He was going to shut her fucking mouth for good, and wipe that smirking smile off of her face right now. His male muscular arms began pumping like a well oiled machine. Ham like fists with the power to break her bones, came flying at her as fast as he could chuck them. But to Kimberly, they were so slow, it was like he was throwing them under water. As she easily avoided his thunderous punches, she began to toy with the big man and taunt his pitiful efforts. "SMACK!" His lips were split. "Is that the best you can do pansy ass?" "SMACK!" The cartilage was scrambled in his broken nose. "If you can't fight any better then this, I'll finish you off in no time." "SMACK!..SMACK!" He squinted from the pain she had inflicted to both eyes. "You're pathetic you weak little pussy, simply pathetic."

The orgasm was building to stupendous strength. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both cheeks were turned red and painful. "You should be ashamed of yourself you pathetic loser." "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The hard muscles in his stomach were softened, and both eyes began to swell. "My Grandmother could whip your ass as slow as you are wimp." "SMACK!" A hard right to his chin forced him back again. When he stumbled back from her last punch, the orgasm spilled out of her like an over turned 50 gallon drum filled with water. Her red silk panties were instantly turned dark red from her juices. Her smooth, silky skin flushed with warmth, and a low moan escaped her full, red lips. GOD I LOVE THAT FEELING! Her insides screamed at her. Do it again. She was more then happy to oblige. She went after The Mad Russian grinning.

Kimberly eluded four heavy handed blows and struck back with precise punches. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks began to swell, and both sides of his jaw was bruised. "I'm beating you like a little boy wimp. Can't you stop me?" The big man was getting more irritated by the second. He hadn't landed a thing, and she couldn't seem to miss. This had never happened before, and he had no clue how to solve the problem. Kimberly was filling up inside like a faucet had been turned on in her vagina. The orgasm was going to be another good one. She dodged five more clumsy efforts by the big man and fired back with sledge hammer blows to his face and mid section. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The big mans body was red and sore, and blood spurted out when two shots ripped his mouth open.

The squirting blood excited her and heightened the blissful feeling building up in her loins. She quickly went after him to reach it's erotic conclusion as soon as possible. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" The big man was backed up against the heavy wire wall of the cage. He was trapped with no where to go and didn't possess the ability to fight his way out. Kimberly took him apart as he stood against the wire wall. Punch after punch dug into his sagging body and rapidly swelling face. His feeble attempts to strike back were swatted away like irritating flies..SMACK..she visibly watched his eye swell further from her last punch, and it drove her over the edge. Her honey pot released it's contents.

The orgasm splashed out of her in torrent waves. Like a waterfall, it ran down her inner thighs in a steady stream. Her well formed female body shivered with pleasure. The orgasm also seemed to fill her firm body with added strength. She remembered it doing that, when she was beating her half brother Cole senseless. It made her feel so powerful. With the Mad Russian barely conscious in front of her, Kimberly couldn't resist. The adrenalin rush made her feel so strong, that she decided to test her new found strength. She grabbed him by the throat with her left hand, and by his shorts with her right. With a mighty heave, the Mad Russian was hoisted above her head. When she was satisfied she could handle his weight easily, she strolled around the cage smiling sweetly to the crowd.

The crowd went absolutely nuts. The whistling and cheering became louder and someone started to chant her name. It was eventually picked up by the others, until the whole crowd was paying tribute to the blond fighter. "KIMBERLY! KIMBERLY! KIMBERLY!" She made a complete circle around the cage with the dazed big man stretched up high above her head. Their praise for her, delighted the cruel female warrior. After finishing her circle around the cage, Kimberly swiftly dropped down on her left knee. The Mad Russian was slammed down over her upraised right leg in a back breaker. He grunted in pain as he rolled off her leg and landed face first on the floor. He could offer very little resistance, when the female gladiator prepared him for more pain.

Kimberly put both of his muscular arms on his back in a double hammerlock and knelt down on them with her left knee to hold them in place. Reaching for his legs, she crossed one over the other and held on to his outside foot with her right hand. Leaning to her left, she cupped his chin in her left hand and stretched her right leg out in front of her for leverage. The firm muscles pumped up in her female arms as she pulled back on his legs and neck. The big man tried to scream through his clenched teeth, as Kimberly did her best to make his head touch the soles of his feet at the middle of his back. The pain in his neck, legs, and back was excruciating. Kimberly finally released him, and he whimpered as his tortured body flopped to the floor. He knew she wasn't through with him yet, and he had nothing left in him to fight her off.

Kimberly grabbed his hair and hauled him up on his knees. She saw the tears in his swollen eyes and her juices began to bubble inside. "Time to change your looks sissy boy. Prepare yourself, because this is going to hurt. Since you're a pathetic loser and not man enough to stop me, then you really don't have a choice and have to accept it." With his tears flowing like a hard summer rain, the big man pleaded with her to stop his torture. " I...s.surrender. ag.again." "I can't do that wimp. I need another mind blowing orgasm and you're elected to give it to me. So shut your whining mouth and try to take it like a man. Although, we all know you're a big pussy. And I just love beating pussy's senseless."

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His mangled face was unrecognisable. It was swollen way out of proportion, and multi colored like a rainbow. The poor man fortunately slept thorough most of it, but would feel every painful spot when he awakened. Kimberly smiled, as her right fist worked like a jack hammer to bring her orgasm flooding to the top. It hit with the speed of an Indy 500 race car. Her red panties and inner thighs were drenched in mere seconds. It ran so fast and thick, that her feminine nectar was pooling on the floor next to her red heeled clad feet. She savored every bit of the sweet ecstasy, before stopping the big mans terrible beating. She stood there and let it fill her with it's erotic bliss, while holding the sleeping battered man on his knees in front of her.

When it finally ran it's course and her feminine body had calmed down, she picked The Mad Russian up and slung him over her shoulder. With her orgasmic juices still dripping on the floor, she opened the cage and carried the badly beaten man up the isle. The crowd was chanting her name again, as loud as they could. She smiled and waved to them as she disappeared around the corner. Damien was grinning big as he collected his winnings. The Mad Russian had only lost one fight in the two years he had been fighting there, so he was able to get 3 to 1 odds on his bet. One hundred and fifty thousand had been added to his bank roll that evening. Kimberly was making him a very rich man.

And the best part was, she would never want to quit. She needed these fights to keep her sexually sated and satisfied. Which made Damien very happy. As long as he stayed on her good side and didn't piss her off, he would make a killing. The extra bonus of servicing that gorgeous body while she dominated him, made it a win win situation. But she did fill him with fear, so he must be careful not to anger her. His whole world would fall apart and collapse around him. Kimberly must be kept happy at all cost.