Kathy beats and spanks her older brother. (Picture)

Kathy learns how to fight and takes her older brother apart and then spanks him.

Kathy Thomas

It had taken almost three months for Greg to gain his confidence back after the beating he had received from his friend Bryan's sister Tami. He was still trying to figure it out in his head how it could have happened. He went to the gym every day since that fatal night and it had been worth it. The instructor taught him how to handle himself after he told him he was beaten up by three big guys and didn't want it to happen again. He was mentally and physically prepared for anything that come his way now. This weekend, he was going to redeem himself against that bitch Tami. His male pride needed to be healed like his body and mind had been.

He had not even bullied his younger sister Kathy. He didn't want her to find out he really knew how to fight and tell Tami his secret. But it was getting harder every day to keep his hands off of her because of her smart mouth. Kathy thought she had a protector to save her from Greg if he started bullying her. Tami was going to be damned surprised to find out he could kick her ass good this time. It still boggled his mind why he hadn't been able to beat Tami the last time. But it didn't matter. After this weekend, he would be his confident bullying self again. His life would be back to normal after kicking Tami's ass. That bitch Tami was going to pay. Then Kathy was going to get the beating of her life for daring to challenge him because of Tami. They both had a good beating coming and he was going to give it to them. He smiled thinking about it.

Kathy Thomas came through the living room on her way to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. As usual, Greg was lying around doing nothing. "Didn't mom tell you to mow the lawn today Greg?" She asked. "I'll get to it. Just shut your fucking mouth and mind your own business bitch." He replied hatefully. Kathy stopped dead in her tracks. He hadn't spoken to her like that since Tami beat him up. I wonder why he's started his crap again? She asked herself. "You shouldn't speak to me like that Greg. Do you want me to call Tami and tell her how you are acting?" She loved to tease him about that. "Fuck you and Tami both you little trouble making bitch. Shut your mouth and go away or you're going to get hurt." He threatened. OK. Something was definitely wrong. Kathy thought. He was acting like his old self again. What he didn't know, was that she wouldn't call Tami at all. Because she had been training these last three months too. And Lisa said she was ready to take him on herself.

"You're talking awful big for someone who will get his ass kicked if he doesn't shut his mouth." Kathy informed him. OK thought Greg. Tomorrow was Saturday. I can beat this bitch today and make sure she doesn't get near Tami until I get my revenge. These two days were going to be my best in a long while. Smiling, he headed toward Kathy. Kathy looked into his eyes and saw that familiar look that he always had when he was about to bully her. She didn't know what had taken place in the last few months to make him revert to his old self. But it didn't matter. This time she was ready for him. And he was about to get the surprise of his life. She smiled herself when she saw him smile, knowing he wouldn't be smiling when it was all over. This was her day of reckoning.

"I told you to keep your stupid mouth shut Kathy. Now I'm going to shut it for you." He confidently said. "Well, if you think your big enough Greg then come ahead and try." She bravely answered. Greg hesitated for a second, wondering why she had the nerve to talk to him like that. But he would change her tune in just a minute. She was on her own with no Tami around and he had kicked her ass for years. So it was time to get his old life back. He reached out to grab Kathy and pin her against the wall so he could slap the shit out of her. He was totally shocked when she grabbed his wrist and flung him against the wall himself. "SLAM!" Getting over the initial shock, he turned to face her. Kathy was removing her pink socks getting ready to do battle. Watching Kathy take her socks off reminded him of Tami doing the same thing before she beat the hell out of Bryan and him. But this was Kathy the cry baby. So quit thinking and kick her ass. He said to himself.

So 5 foot 11 inch 194 pound 19 year old Greg, faced off against his 5 foot 1 inch 104 pound sixteen year old sister. He had bullied her all of his life and wasn't one bit worried. Kathy was standing there smiling, thinking about all of the things she owed him for over the years. And today, she was going to collect. She couldn't wait. This was Kathy not Tami, so Greg's training was not on his mind when he threw the punch that he was sure would end this little scuffle and have his sister crying like always. Missing her never entered his mind, which is exactly what he did. She dodged his clumsy punch. "SMACK!" And planted a left hook on his right eye. Rage filled his face. How could she have the nerve to hit him. Didn't she know she was going to get a worse beating for daring to fight back. Stupid bitch.

Angry as hell, he started chucking punches right and left to take her stupid head off. After missing ten punches, he stopped and stared at her smiling face. What the hell is going on here? He asked himself. She should be hurting and crying by now. This just made him more angry and more determined to beat the shit out of her. He went at her again with murder on his mind. Kathy's training kicked in immediately. She ducked and dodged, bobbed and weaved, and Greg didn't touch her at all. She enjoyed the look of confusion on his troubled face and it made her smile even more. She knew now it was just a matter of time before she would have her revenge on her bullying brother.

His punches kept sailing over, around, or near her head. But nothing connected. Bewilderment began to increase in the young mans mind. This definitely was not supposed to be happening. Worry started to enter his mind and he tried to shake it off. But somehow it remained stuck there. This was not the whiny little cry baby sister he knew. She was different and.. and.. confident. When he slowed his attack this time, Kathy struck. "SMACK!" A right between his eyes. "SMACK!" A left to his cheek bone. "SMACK!" A right to his mouth cutting his lip. "SMACK!" A left to his nose causing his eyes to water. "SMACK!" A right to his other eye hurt like hell. "SMACK!" A left to his jaw made it sore. "SMACK!" A final right to his chin and he stumbled back.

"Are you surprised I'm hitting back for a change Greg? I'll bet you never thought that would happen did you wimp?" She asked with a smile. "Shut the fuck up Kathy. You can't hurt me. One of my punches will take that smile off of your face and put you in the floor where you belong." He boasted. "One of us will be in the floor where they belong Greg. But I'm afraid it's going to be you. And your face looks pretty red for someone who isn't hurt." She said teasing him. OK, time to use my training. Although I never thought I would need it against this little bitch. Now lets see. Legs slightly spread, left foot forward, elbows in, hands high, chin tucked, eyes on your target. OK bitch, your ass is mine. He thought to himself. That smart mouth and stupid smirk on her face ends now. It's ass whipping time.

Taking his time, Greg jabbed at her cute nose and missed. "SMACK!" His right eye was cut. A right and left cross aimed at her cheeks were dodged. "SMACK!" His jaw was marked. A right hook missed her chin. "SMACK!" His mouth was cut again. A straight right and left combination aimed at her eyes was evaded. "THUD!..THUD!" A combination of her own to his stomach, bent him over in pain. "CRACK!" Then an uppercut to his chin dropped him to the floor. Greg jumped to his feet in a hurry. Dammit, what's going on here? He wondered. Resuming his stance, he started throwing again. A right hook missed. A left hook missed. Three jabs missed their target. A right cross was ducked. A left cross was ducked. Three punches in a row were all evaded with ease while Kathy kept smiling at his incompetence. She was having a ball.

Proving she was superior, she delivered punches with accuracy. "SMACK!" His nose really hurt now. "SMACK!" His other eye was cut. "SMACK!" His head snapped back. "SMACK!" His lips were split again. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His chin was sore as hell and the other cheek bone was cut. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Four straight punches drove him into the wall. "SLAM!" Stepping back to admire her work, Kathy began to taunt the confused young man. "Are you learning anything Greg? You sure are easy to hit little man. But you seem to be having a lot of difficulty finding me Greg. And it's going to be even more difficult a little later. So get used to it wimp." She taunted. "Shut the hell up Kathy. I don't know how you're pulling this off, but it's about to change bitch.

Abandoning everything but the thought of knocking that smirky smile off of her fucking face and shutting that smart ass mouth, Greg went crazy throwing punches. Kathy smiled as she eluded his reckless punches, knowing he was tiring himself out much faster. When he slowed to catch his breath, she went on the offensive. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were really hurting. "SMACK!" His nose broke, sending pain through out his face. "SMACK!" His mouth busted and he tasted blood. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were on fire. "SMACK!" His chin bruised. "THUD!..THUD!" His stomach folded around her hard fists. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His head flopped back and forth before he slumped to the floor.

"Having a little trouble staying on your feet aren't you Greg?" The auburn haired female fighter asked the bewildered young man. "Your going to be in the floor a lot though wimp, so get used to it." "KISS MY ASS BITCH!" He screamed. "It's not over yet. So shut that fucking smart ass mouth." "Get up and make me little boy." Kathy replied as she grinned. "I don't think you can." Greg climbed to his feet with a feeling that this had happened before. But this was Kathy. He couldn't lose a fist fight with her. That would be the ultimate humiliation. Get serious. His mind told him. Very serious. With renewed determination, the young male fighter advanced upon his smart ass sister, not even dreaming he was about to be massacred.

Rights, lefts, hooks, crosses, jabs, roundhouses, straight shots and the kitchen sink was thrown at Kathy. And not one thing even came close to touching her. When her opening occurred, she took advantage and showed Greg how a real fighter took care of business. Grinning and taunting as she pulverized her big older brother, she was totally enjoying herself. "It's done like this Greg. Now pay attention" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His whole face exploded with pain. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were beginning to swell. "it's easy if you know how pansy ass." "SMACK!" He couldn't breathe out of his nose correctly. "SMACK!" His lips were getting very large. "And it looks like I know how sissy boy."

"SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were being marked and swelling. "SMACK!" His teeth were loosened. "But I guess you don't. Do you pussy?". "THUD!..THUD!" His stomach was becoming soft. "SMACK!" His jaw felt off line and he dropped to the floor whimpering. "That's how you do it weakling." Lying in the floor staring at her bare feet, brought memories back of the beating he had received from Tami. And fear started to creep into his mind. He tried to shake it out as he got to his feet. STOP IT! DON'T THINK LIKE THAT! His mind screamed at him. Get up and finish her off. It's just Kathy for Christ sake. Beat the shit out of her like you always have.

He threw punches in bunches. But tiring him out further was all it accomplished. Kathy was still fresh as a daisy and extremely accurate with her shots. "SMACK!..SMACK!" "This is fun Greg." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "For me anyway." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Get ready to meet the floor again wimp." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "Because that's where you belong." "SMACK!..SMACK!" "At my feet pansy ass." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" "Down you go sissy." Greg landed at her feet crying. Kathy was overcome with joy while she listened to him cry. This was great. "GET UP LITTLE MAN! I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET!" She ordered. Greg lie there sobbing while his courage began to desert him. This was absolutely the worse thing that could happen. And it was real. He wasn't dreaming, although he wished he was. He had to do something. BUT WHAT?

Seeing that Greg wasn't going to climb to his feet, Kathy decided to help him up for his beating. She grabbed his hair and shoulder and hauled him to his feet. Turning loose of him, she noticed he was standing on unsteady legs. She drove him back to the wall while throwing punches like she was on a mission. Sixteen years of abuse was being dissolved today and her new life was beginning. Smiling sweetly, she resumed his beating. "SMACK!" His eye swelled up more and began changing colors. "SMACK!" His other eye was a matched set. "SMACK!" His nose was flat and wheezing. "SMACK!" His mouth swelled way out of proportion. "SMACK!" His lips were three times their size. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were bruising and swollen. "SMACK!" More teeth loosened. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He slammed into the wall. "SLAM!"

Grinning, Kathy fired straight hard punches to bang his head into the wall. "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" "BANG!" "SMACK!" A right to his jaw, sent him sliding down the wall to the floor. Greg was sobbing like a baby. "Did I make you cry little man? Shame on me." The cute auburn haired girl teased. "Maybe you should beg me to stop hurting you weakling." "F.Fuck.. y.you.. K.K.Kathy. (sob) I'll.. n.never.. b.b.beg.. y.you. (sob) S.so.. sh.sh.shut.. the.. f.f.fuck.. up.. b.bitch." (sob) "Oh you'll beg Greggy boy. And you'll crawl, and you'll cry, and you'll plead, and you'll do what ever I order you to do before I'm done." "SO GET UP AND FIGHT PANSY ASS!"

Greg slowly made it to his feet. His arms were hard to hold up and there didn't seem to be much strength in them. His legs were weak and slightly buckling. His face was swollen, battered, and hurting all over. But he couldn't let Kathy win. That was to much shame and humiliation to carry around. The smart ass bitch had to lose. No other way would work for his male pride. Kathy could see he wasn't in any shape to continue and felt like breaking out in song. She had waited for this day for sixteen years. Kathy turned him towards the middle of the room and laid in to him with conviction. She taunted while she destroyed her hated male adversary with hard feminine fists and precise punching.

"SMACK!" "You're a piss poor fighter Greg." "SMACK!" "Really pathetic." "SMACK!" "You're just a loser." "SMACK!" "And a wimp." "SMACK!" "And a punk." "SMACK!" "And a pansy ass." He tried to defend himself, but his tired weak arms just wouldn't respond. "SMACK!" "And a sissy." "SMACK!" "And a weakling." "SMACK!" "And a pussy." "SMACK!" "And a cry baby." "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He dropped at her feet wailing like a frightened little child. "Get up wimp. I'm not through with you yet." She commanded. Greg began to beg. "Pl.pl.please.. Kathy. St.stop.. h.hitting.. m.me. I.. g.give.. up." "MAKE ME WIMP! TRY AND STOP ME!" She replied. "I.. c.can't.. st.st.stop.. y.you.. K.K.Kathy. Pl.please.. l.leave.. m.me.. a.alone. I.. g.give.. up." "YOU'RE RIGHT! YOU CAN'T STOP ME! SO WHY SHOULD I STOP!" "I OWE YOU THIS AND MUCH MORE! SO GET UP YOU PATHETIC WEAKLING!" She ordered. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Pl.please.. st.stop.. K.Kathy." He pleaded. "GET UP GREG! OR I'LL BEAT YOU RIGHT THERE ON THE FLOOR!" She said without sympathy.

It took the beaten young man three tries to make it to his feet. He stood there crying, not able to look his sister in the eye. Fear was spreading throughout his battered body and showing in his blackened eyes and swollen, multi colored face. He couldn't hold up his useless arms and his legs were buckling trying to support his weight. Kathy curled her fingers in his shirt and jerked his battered face down to hers. "I'm going to beat you until you crawl and beg me to stop wimp. And I may or may not stop then. It all depends on my mood at the time you pathetic loser. So just keep begging and crying pansy ass. While I beat the spirit and courage out of your pitiful body and bend you to my will. When I'm totally satisfied you are completely cowed, I will let you grovel at my feet in fear." She informed her sobbing older brother.

Holding him up with her left hand, Kathy smiled at his very frightened eyes and went to work on him. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He wailed and sobbed through the whole ordeal. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Looking at his face, she saw it was totally out of shape. His eyes were very black and nearly closed. His mouth was busted, bleeding, and grotesque looking. His swollen cheeks were three different colors and his nose was broken and wheezing while he tried to get air through it. His lips were puffed way out and bleeding, and his chin and jaw was bruised, battered and badly swollen. Smiling, she jerked him up to hold him steady for one last punch.

Kathy drew back her hard right fist and reveled in the fear showing on his deranged looking face. "SMMMACK!" She turned loose of him and stepped back to watch. His mighty useless arms were drooping at his sides and his legs were buckled and slightly shaking. His black and blue eyes were closed and his head was back with his swollen mouth wide open. His entire body was trembling while he stood there out on his feet. A few seconds later, he toppled forward and slammed into the floor at her feet. Greg was sound asleep. Kathy was beside herself with excitement. She had completely beaten Greg and he was now at her mercy. Remembering she had been on her way to the kitchen to get a bite to eat when he had started this, she thought she might as well do it while he slept. She made herself a sandwich and poured some juice in a glass. Then she returned to the living room to eat and watch Greg sleep.

Relaxing on the sofa as she ate, she smiled at the plans she was making to punish Greg when he woke up. She had to show him he belonged to her now and would receive very harsh punishment if he disobeyed. Finishing her food and drink, she took the glass to the sink and returned to wake poor little Greg up. He was going to be very unhappy when he found out what was coming next. She could have gotten him ready for what she had in mind while he slept. But she wanted him awake so he would realise he couldn't stop her from doing as she pleased. Picking up one of her pink socks, she went to her sleeping brother and slapped him awake. She unbuckled his belt and removed it from his jeans. After laying it on the floor beside him, she unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his underwear off. Kathy batted his useless arms away and laughed at his feeble attempts to stop her. She then rolled him onto his stomach.

Grabbing his weak arms, she pulled them to his back in a double hammerlock. Kneeling on his arms to keep them in place, she leaned up and grabbed a hand full of his hair to lift his head off of the ground. When he screamed from the pain, she stuffed her pink sock in his mouth until he began to gag. Grasping his arms with her hand again, she held them until she could turn back toward his feet. She placed her right foot on his back against his arms and pushed them up his back until a scream tried to escape his sock filled mouth. "MMMFFFHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Leaning down, she pulled his legs up and tied them together with one leg of his jeans. Getting up, she took the other leg of his jeans and tied it to a leg of the heavy coffee table. Greg lie there sobbing. Now that his legs were restricted, she returned to his arms and put them back in the double hammerlock. Kneeling across his back, she placed her knees on the floor to each side of him. She sat on his arms to hold them in place while facing his legs.

Picking up his belt, she folded it in half and held on to the buckle and flap end. Turning her head slightly, she told Greg what was coming next. "I need to show you that you are mine Greg. So you're going to get a very bad spanking for all the things you have done to me over the years. Your legs are tied, your useless arms are trapped, and your mouth is gagged with my sock. So you really have no choice but to try and take it like a man. Even though we both know you're just a sissy. So prepare yourself boy. Because this is going to be very painful and humiliating for you." She smiled at the screams trying to escape his gagged mouth and the trembling his confined body was doing. The tears were flowing freely down his swollen battered face and sobs were coming regularly from his sock filled mouth. Kathy grinned as she raised her arm to begin his spanking.

Greg was crying before she started. "WHACK!..WHACK!.. WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" The part of his body that he could move was jerking and flopping around. Loud wails were coming from his swollen gagged mouth. "MMMFFFHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" And his tears were falling in gallons while Kathy beat his bare ass with his own belt. When her right arm tired, she switched to her left. Greg was screaming like crazy. "WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK! ..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" His ass was bright red and welts were beginning to show. Kathy beat him until she couldn't lift her arm anymore. His body was heaving up and down with great sobs when she finally quit spanking him. Climbing off of her brother, she untied his legs and threw his underwear in his swollen tear stained face. "Cover up that puny little dick and raw red ass you pathetic loser." She commanded.

He was crying like a baby with shame and humiliation spreading across his face. Kathy was smiling while she watched him try to put his underwear on without touching his very sore red butt. When he finally got them on, she ordered him to kneel. He immediately dropped to the floor without a single thought of trying to defy her. He had no courage, no spirit, and no will of his own left. Two beatings by two sixteen year old pretty girls had left him with nothing but the thought of obedience on his mind. He was no longer a threat to anyone. Kathy went and sat on the sofa. Looking at her beaten cowered brother, she smiled and snapped her fingers. "Crawl to me Greg and be quick about it." He dropped to his hands and crawled with a whimper. When he reached his strong male taming sister, he knelt at her feet and waited for further instructions. Kathy removed her pink sock from his busted swollen mouth and dropped it in the floor. She raised her left leg and placed it over her right knee while swinging her pretty left foot back and forth.

Lifting his chin with two of her slender female fingers, she looked into his fear filled eyes and gave him his orders. "Greg, you will grovel at my feet and kiss them until I am satisfied. If you hesitate I will beat you within an inch of your life." "IS THAT CLEAR?" She sternly asked. He shook his head yes but that made Kathy angry. "SPEAK TO ME WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION YOU MORON!" "Y.Yes.. K.K.Kathy.. it.. is.. cl.clear. Pl.pl.please. I'm.. s.s.sorry. D.don't.. h.hurt.. m.m.me. Pl.pl.please." "That's better wimp. Now you may start with my right foot. Do a very good job or you will be punished." "NOW GROVEL WEAKLING!" Greg quickly dropped to the floor and began placing tender kisses on her pretty toes and silky soft skin. Kathy lie back and shut her eyes to enjoy his swollen lips on her bare foot. Sighing with pleasure, she made him continue for quite a while.

"Good job little man. Now turn over on your back so I can massage my sole on your pitiful swollen face." He immediately flopped to his back and submissively offered his face to her soft smooth sole. Kathy smiled as she placed her sole on his face and rubbed it all over him. Satisfied with her right foot being attended to, she ordered him to kneel at her feet again. "Now tend to my left foot Greg. And do just as good of a job as you did on the right. Or I will get very angry." She laughed at the fearful look on his face while he tried to pay homage to her left foot while she was swinging it back and forth. Watching him try to time his kisses with the swing of her foot before she got angry was very difficult for him. But he managed to kiss her smooth soft skin as it was moving. She was proud of him for figuring it out, even though he was whimpering and crying in fear of getting a beating if he failed.

Tiring of her game, she stopped swinging her foot and ordered him to tend to her sole. He tilted his head so he could reach her silky soft sole and kissed it like he belonged there. Which in her mind he did. "OK Greg, you can stop now. Kneel at my feet like a good little boy." He straightened himself up and knelt at her feet in front of her. Picking up her other pink sock, Kathy folded it in half and held his chin with her left hand. She gently rubbed her sock over his battered black and blue face. He closed his eyes against the shame he felt but she commanded his eyes to be open. She wanted to completely humiliate him while he looked into her bright blue eyes. She smiled as she watched him accept this degrading act without one ounce of attitude toward disobeying.

As she humiliated him while rubbing her sock in his face, she explained how his life had changed. "You belong to me now Greg. I decide what you do, when you do it, if and when you go, where you go, and all other aspects of your miserable life. We both know you are helpless to stop me with your pathetic male arms. I will beat you senseless if you try to resist any of my orders. You have no choice in the matter any longer. So commit to obeying me and save yourself a lot of pain." Kneeling at her feet while she gently rubbed her sock in his face and shamed him was devastating to the proud young man. And being forced to look her in the eyes while she slowly swung her foot to remind him it was a female that was degrading him like this was way to much humiliation for him to bear. His multi colored cheeks was covered with tears again and her sock got soaked as he cried his heart out. The shame of it all caused his bladder to break lose. Greg cried harder as he filled his underwear with piss.

Kathy instantly threw her sock down and grabbed his hair with her left hand while she repeatedly slapped him with her right. Berating him for losing control. "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF LITTLE MAN!" "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" "I WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH BEHAVIOR FROM YOU WIMP!" "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" "NOW GET YOUR ASS TO THE BATHROOM AND CLEAN YOURSELF UP!" "SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!..SLAP!" "AND HURRY IT UP OR YOU WILL GET A VERY SEVERE BEATING! NOW MOVE BOY!" With tears of humiliation streaming down his beaten face, Greg ran to the bathroom and removed his soaked underwear. He quickly washed himself and scurried to his room to put on fresh shorts. He hurried back to kneel at Kathy's feet in shame. Her temper had cooled off by now, but she was still very angry with him. "YOU WILL NEVER DO THAT OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME BOY!" "Y.yes.. K.K.Kathy. I'm.. v.very.. s.s.sorry. Pl.please.. f.forg.give.. m.me. Pl.please. I.. d.didn't.. m.m.mean.. to.. d.do.. it." He whimpered.

Deep down in side she was totally elated he feared her so much that he peed his pants. But she couldn't let him know that. He must think any outrageous act like that would make her very angry. So when it did occur, it would be more humiliating for him and much sweeter for her. Snapping her fingers, she ordered him. "KNEEL AT MY FEET AGAIN! AND BEHAVE YOURSELF YOU WEAK LITTLE BOY!" Sobbing pitifully, he knelt back at her feet. "Now. Where was I? Oh yes. I own you now Greg. You will obey me at all times. You will never question any order I give you. You will not hesitate when I give you an order. Any rebellion from you will result in a lengthy beating. Your only thought in this world is to keep me happy. If I am not happy, you will feel pain. No exceptions to these rules will be tolerated. Is this clear to you pussy?" "Y.Yes.. K.K.Kathy.. it's.. cl.cl.clear." "Good boy. Now go put on your jeans and be quick about it. You have a lawn to mow."

Grabbing the back of his shirt collar after he put on his jeans, Kathy lifted him up on his toes and marched him to the door at a brisk pace. He prayed he didn't stumble and make her angry. Opening the door, she dragged him outside and ordered him to go get the mower. She sat on the porch swing while Greg mowed the lawn with tears still running down his pathetic looking face. He hung his head in shame when he saw Kathy wave to their neighbor Jessica who was in her front yard practicing cheers. She was captain of the cheer leading squad at their high school. Greg began to cry harder when he saw Jessica walking over to talk to Kathy. He was going to be humiliated in front of their neighbor who he had thought about asking out. His life was ruined.