Jennifer rescuses Jake from a street gang. (Picture)

Jennifer uses her martial arts on another gang when they kidnap Jake.

Jennifer Stokes

Jennifer and Jake have been seeing a lot of each other lately. He is trying to help her work out her fearful issues regarding sex. Being raped when she was fifteen, left her afraid of relationships. She was afraid of what might happen if an intimate moment looked like it would turn into sex. She didn't know how she would react, even if she really liked the guy. Physiologically it left a scar that she worried might never heal. And sex scared her to death. She and Jake have been going out for three months now, and she was getting comfortable with him being around. They talked about it many times but still have not had sex. Jake didn't want to rush her. He really cared for Jennifer and didn't want to see her hurt in any way. He also didn't want to get hurt himself. Her Tai Kwon Do was lethal.

The one time he tried to kiss her without giving a warning, she pinned him to the wall with her foot and choked him unconscious. She didn't realise she did it until he passed out. She went into some sort of trance and didn't come out of it until it was over. But she didn't hurt him much. So subconsciously, she must have known he wasn't a real threat to her. But he wouldn't surprise her again. They were watching TV Sunday night when things finally came together for them. Although, not the way Jake ever dreamed it would happen. He was sitting at the end of the sofa and Jennifer was lying down with her head in his lap. He told her he was going to use the bathroom and asked if she would like a cold drink while he was up. She declined and he went to take care of his business. When he was finished and returned, Jennifer had fallen asleep.

She looked so comfortable he didn't want to wake her. So he gently lifted her bare feet and placed them in his lap as he sat down at the other end of the sofa. About twenty minutes later, Jennifer woke up. "I'm sorry I fell asleep and forced you to sit at the other end of the sofa Jake. You should have woke me and sat back in your seat." She said. "You looked so peaceful I didn't have the heart to wake you Jen. I don't mind sitting down here. I know how hard you've worked this week at your job and with the kids. So I decided to let you rest." He replied. "That's sweet of you Jake. And I think the half hour power nap done me a world of good." She said as she stretched like a Cheshire cat. "Then I'm glad I let you sleep. Now just relax and I'll take care of you some more." He began rubbing her feet and Jennifer closed her eyes. "Ummmmmm. That feels good. You really know how to spoil me Jake. And I love it."

"Well I love doing it for you. So lay back and let Doctor Jake ease your pain and suffering." He said with a wink. She smiled at his little joke and put herself in his capable hands. He massaged her feet for fifteen minutes while she lie there and enjoyed it to the fullest. When he was done, he lifted her right foot to his lips on an impulse and tenderly kissed her sole. He felt her body tremble with pleasure and heard a desirable moan escape her thick, full lips. Sensing he was immensely pleasing her, he softly kissed her bare foot all over. Then switched to her left foot and gave it equal attention. Jennifer melted inside. His soft, sweet lips touching her bare feet made her feel something she had never felt before. Her whole body was tingling all over and her insides were on fire. Feeling his gentle lips on her feet was turning her on. She was getting aroused from the sensation. And loving it.

She couldn't take it anymore. Jennifer leaped up from the sofa and grabbed Jake by the shirt. She pulled him up and hoisted him over her shoulder. She easily carried him to the bedroom and flopped him on the bed. "Get your clothes off Jake and hurry it up." She began stripping her own clothes off of her well formed tingling body as she spoke to him. When they were both naked, she climbed on the bed and straddled him. Jake was surprised but happy. Jennifer was so hot, she didn't want to waste any time. She eased herself down on his rock hard dick and started gyrating her hips. She closed her eyes and threw back her head while she moved her hips like a belly dancer. It felt good. Real good. But there seemed to be something missing that would make it feel great. She locked her legs under his and wrapped her arms around his upper torso so they would stay connected. Then she rolled over and let him take the top position.

There still was something missing. This was her first experience with sex, so she didn't know what it could be. But as good as it felt to have him inside her, she instinctively knew it should be better. She began to experiment. Moving her legs from around his waist, she put them up over his shoulders. That helped a little, but it was still not right. While she was pondering what to try next, Jake found out what she needed by pure luck. Remembering her reaction in the living room while he was kissing her feet, he reached back and took her right foot in his hand. Bringing it closer to his face, he began to lovingly kiss her sole. It was like an electric current shot through her body. Jennifer bucked while she opened her mouth and screamed with pleasure. "YES! YES! YES!" Jake settled into a smooth rhythm of movement while he made love to her and her bare foot. Jennifer was in heaven.

They were each in their own little world as they built to a climax that threatened to blow them apart. Jennifer experienced the first orgasms of her life. She had three in the first five minutes and could feel they were climbing to one that would send her over the edge. Their bodies were moving as one as they reached higher and higher to the climax of their lives. A few seconds later, Jake exploded like a cannon going off. At the same time, Jennifer's own juices rushed forward like a fast running river. They both screamed with pleasure in very loud voices. Jake collapsed on top of her breathing heavily. Jennifer lie there, savoring the fantastic feeling for as long as she could. When their breathing returned to normal, Jake sat up and smiled at her. "My God Jen. That was the best sex I've ever had in my life. You were absolutely amazing. I would say you've worked out your issues about having sex. Did you enjoy it too?" He hopefully asked. Her answer was a large smile while she worked her vagina muscles to tighten up on his dick and make him hard again.

"Do you think you can go once more Jake? Since I've found out how wonderful sex can be, I'm not ready to quit just yet." Happy to oblige the woman he cared about more then anything, he smiled back at her. "Your wish is my command beautiful lady. Hang on for another sweet ride." This time he took her left foot in his hands and tenderly kissed her sole. They soared to great heights again in a very short time. Sexually spent, they slept in each others arms. Jennifer never had another problem with sex after that day. As long as Jake was willing to make love to her bare feet while having sex, they were both sexually satisfied and happy. They grew even closer to each other and finally became engaged to be married. Jennifer was the happiest woman in the world. She had a man she loved who was always thinking of her needs. And Jake felt the same way. He couldn't imagine spending his life without her.

But their happy world was about to come crumbling down all around them. Jennifer had completely destroyed two gangs in the city. Because of her photo being in the paper, the other gangs knew exactly what she looked like and kept track of her movements. Especially the gang that ran the neighborhood where she worked. And the one that had their headquarters in the part of town where Jake lived. The gang where she worked shadowed her for two weeks. They observed that the only time she spent in their territory was when she was walking to work and then home. So they were smart enough to suspend any activity between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning when she walked to work. And between 5 and 6 o'clock in the evening when she walked home. That way they never had to confront her.

But the gang where Jake lived was becoming very nervous. She was at his apartment every night and all through the weekends. They would walk the streets to shop for groceries and other material needs. And were always eating out and going to the movies or dancing. They knew sooner or later they would have a run in with her. They were used to doing what ever they wanted when they wanted. Changing their ways because of a female didn't sit well with the gang. So they came up with a plan to get rid of her once and for all. Without having to fight with her. Jennifer showed up at Jake's apartment around 11 o'clock Saturday morning. It was a warm day, so she wore a pair of yellow colored shorts and a matching top for their outing. They had a date to drive to the country and have a picnic. He didn't answer the door when she knocked, so she used her key and went on in. Jake wasn't there, so she assumed he had walked down to the grocer to pick something up for their picnic. She sat down to wait for his return.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, there on the step stood a young boy about ten years old. "Some guy gave me five bucks to give you this note lady." Jennifer smiled at him and took the note out of his hand. It was probably a note from Jake. She thought to herself. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill. "Thank you young man. Here's another five for your troubles." She told him. "Gee thanks lady. Good bye." Jennifer stepped back inside and opened the note. Her body went ridged and shock registered on her face when she read the contents. "We have your man bitch. If you want him back alive, you'll do what we say. We'll call you in an hour and give you the details." "NO COPS! OR HE'S A DEAD MAN!" Jennifer sat down on the sofa because her legs were shaking. She finally found a good man to love and she couldn't lose him. What ever they wanted she would do.

About forty five minutes later the phone rang. Jennifer frantically reached for it with trembling hands. "Hello." "Listen real carefully bitch. I'm only gonna say this once. You agree to our terms and we'll tell you where your man is. You got that?" "Yes yes, I'll do what ever you want. Please, just don't hurt him." She pleaded. "OK bitch, here's the deal. We want you out of town by midnight tonight. Get out and stay out. Don't ever come back. Understand?" "Yes I understand. I'll do it. Please, where's Jake?" "We have people watching you so you better keep your word. The next time we won't bother with kidnapping. We'll just kill him. So don't fuck with us bitch. The Black Knights carry out their threats. Are we clear?" "Yes please, I believe you. Just tell me where he is. As soon as I have him safely back with me, I'll start packing." "Well well. It sounds like the hot shot Karate chick is scared. You better be bitch, because we're holding all the cards."

"There's an abandoned brick building down by the docks. It used to be an Import-Export company that went out of business. The side entrance door is open. Your man is in there. As soon as you get him, you get the fuck out of town. No second chances bitch. So keep your word or the old man dies." "You have my word. When Jake is safe, I'll leave immediately." Jennifer hung up the phone and bolted for the door. She was worried sick about Jake. Her involvement in taking out the two gangs and cleaning up the city had put Jake's life in danger. If something happened to him because of her, she would never forgive herself. NO! NO! She admonished herself. Don't think like that. Jake is alright. Just get him home safe and leave town. Even if I can't talk him into going with me. He has to be protected.

Jennifer found the brick building where they said Jake would be. There was an old rusty sign out front which read Jenkins Import-Export. The front entrance and windows were covered over with steel sheeting so no one could break in. The side entrance they referred to was also a steel door. But they had managed to pry it open somehow. She stepped through the door and looked around. The door had been an emergency exit. It led to the office part of the building where the employees used to work. She was standing in a long isle way. Down the isle to her right, was where the restroom and break area had been. To the left, it led to the front of the building where the receptionist had met their clients. Straight ahead of her was a smaller isle way with four cubicles. Two on each side. The wood planks and plastic panel walls of the cubicles had been torn down and were scattered across the isle.

When her eyes adjusted to the dim light in the room, she saw Jake lying on the floor on the far side of the work area. Quickly stepping over the wood and plastic, she ran to him. He was tied up and unconscious, but he was alive. Breathing a sigh of relief, she knelt down to untie the ropes. That's when she heard the door she came through open up. It's also when she noticed the smell of gas. Two young men who looked to be nineteen or twenty years old was standing in the door way. They each had burning bottles in both of their hands and large grins on their faces. She instinctively knew she had been so worried about Jake she blindly walked into a trap. "You are so fucking stupid bitch. Did you really think we would let you leave town? You're a threat you dumb fucking whore. And the Black Knights eliminate threats. So burn in hell cunt."

The two young men threw their molotov cocktails to four different parts of the room and stepped back outside. The gas soaked wood and old carpet burst into flames. Jennifer had to think fast. She didn't have time to untie Jake and wake him up. So she would have to carry him. She found a large piece of plastic paneling that had been a cubicle wall. It still had the industrial staples in it that were used to fasten it to the wood. Hopefully it would shield them from the flames for a bit. She removed her sandals and hoisted Jake over her shoulder. Holding the plastic panel in front of them by the staples, Jennifer charged across the room. Her leather tough soles protected her feet from getting burned as she walked on the smoldering wooden planks to reach the other side. When she got there, she found they had somehow locked the steel door on the outside. She knew she would have to do something quick. If the fire didn't kill them, inhaling the smoke would. She had to look for another way out.

She remembered there was steel sheeting over the front part of the building. That way was not an option. The locked door she entered through was also steel. So that was a lost cause as well. There were no other windows, so that left only the brick wall itself. She carried Jake down the hallway toward the front of the building. The fire hadn't reached there yet, so it would give her a little extra time. Lying Jake down, she kicked a section of the wood paneling and dry wall out and removed the insulation. Now the only thing between them and freedom was a brick wall. Jennifer turned her hard fighting body to face the wall and closed her eyes. She concentrated on focusing all of her energy to her strong legs and concrete breaking bare feet. Taking deep breaths, she let the fear evaporate from her mind to be replaced by a serene calmness. When she was ready, she opened her eyes and stared at the brick wall.

A quick step with her left foot brought her close enough to strike. The hard muscles in her right leg built up from years of striking solid objects, rippled and bunched together. With a mighty yell, she snapped her right foot forward to slam into the brick and mortar. "KIIIAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" "WHAM!" "CRACK!" The brick crumbled and fell apart like it had been dynamited. A few more easy kicks to make the hole big enough to fit their bodies through was all it took. Jennifer picked up Jake and stepped outside into the bright, midday sun. The two gang members who started the fire were standing about twenty feet away with an astonished look on their surprised faces. "JESUS CHRIST! THE BITCH GOT OUT!" One said to the other. "I don't fucking believe it. How in the hell." The other one replied. "That's fucking impossible. This bitch ain't human."

Jennifer gently put Jake on the ground and was on her way toward them when their shock wore off. These two idiots had tried to kill her and the man she loved. She wasted no time in dealing with them. Her right leg shot up and delivered a front kick to the face of the one on her left. "WHAP!" He flew back about five feet and landed on his back. The kick shattered his nose, chin, and both cheek bones, plus knocked out all of his front teeth. Just as her foot touched the ground, she pivoted on her left foot and preformed a perfect spinning back kick. Her heel drove through the ribs of young man on her right. "WHAM!" "SNAP!..SNAP!" Several of them broke and dropped him to his knees. Then Jennifer raised her leg up vertically to pause a split second before it descended down on the back of his neck in an axe kick. "WHACK!" He flopped over on his face out cold.

Jennifer walked over to the young man lying on his back who was crying his eyes out over his busted face. She had a cold hearted, menacing look on her beautiful face. Stepping between his legs, she snapped a front kick into his private area. "WHOP!" It completely destroying his balls. The young mans upper torso flew up from the ground and a loud ear piercing scream escaped his busted mouth. "AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" His bugged out eyes drooped shut and he passed out. An evil smile crossed her full thick lips. Rupturing the young mans balls felt so good that she decided to do it again. She strolled back to the other young man and kicked his sleeping body over on his back. Standing to his left facing his feet, she raised her right leg and blasted her heel down into his balls. A satisfied look spread over her smiling face when she heard the audible pops. "POP!..POP!" Time to check on the others.

Jennifer ran to the front of the building. There sitting in a car waiting for their buddies was four more gang members. She sprinted toward the car and leaped up on the hood. The gang members saw her coming. But they were so surprised to see her they sat there in a stupor for a few seconds. Finally snapping out of it, the driver started the car just as she leaped on the hood. Jennifer was pissed and didn't want them to get away. When she heard the motor turn over, she stomped down as hard as she could on the soft metal of the hood. "STOMP!" The hood crinkled under the impact like aluminum foil and was driven down into the motor. A loud cracking and popping sound was heard, just before the motor shut down. She managed to smash the metal down hard enough to break or crack something and stall the motor out.

Taking a step up with her left foot and turning her female fighting body sideways, her right leg went flashing forward in a side kick to the windshield. "WHAM!" It exploded inward like it had been struck by a wrecking ball. "CRASH!" Grabbing the top of the empty whole with both hands, she leaped up and catapulted both legs through the empty space. The leather tough sole of her right foot slammed into the jaw of the driver while her left sole smashed the jaw of the front seat passenger. "WHAP!..WHAP!" Both young men had broken jaws and loudly screamed in pain. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jennifer was sitting on the dash board. She brought her legs together and crossed one over the other to get the maximum amount of space and power. Then she sent them flying back to her right and left to catch the two young men on the temple with her double side kicks. "WHAP!..WHAP!" Their heads were driven into the door windows. "CRACK!..CRACK!" Breaking them both. "CRASH!..CRASH!"

Both young men were knocked out cold and the sides of their heads were bleeding profusely. The young man in the back seat leaned up to grab the head rest and tried to stab her with a knife. She swept her left foot to the left and kicked his right arm. "WHAM!" She followed through with the maneuver to trap his arm against the door. The wood splintering heel of her right foot descended down on the crease of his elbow in an axe kick. "WHACK!" It broke his arm and forced him to drop the knife while he screamed in pain. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Bending her right knee as far as she could, she snapped it forward in a side kick to the head rest. "WHAM!" Breaking it from it's hinges. "SNAP!" And driving it into the face of the young man who's arm she had just broken. "SLAM!" His facial bones all collapsed inward and he instantly went to sleep.

The young man in the back seat behind the driver had reached down and picked up a tire iron from the floorboard. As he was drawing back his arm to swing it, Jennifer swung her right leg in an arc. The arc kick caught him on the side of his head. "WHAP!" Breaking his ear drum and knocking his head into the door. "SLAM!" He was groggy and disoriented when Jennifer leaped into the back seat. The strong muscles in her left leg bunched together as she bent her knee. She quickly sent her concrete breaking, rock hard sole into the young mans right shoulder. "WHAM!" Tearing it from it's socket and inducing a scream of terror to escape his wide open mouth. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He lost his grip on the tire iron and it fell harmlessly back in the floorboard.

Jennifer jammed her left foot under the young mans throat. "WHAM!" Pinning his head against the door. Her leather tough right sole repeatedly slammed into his face and body. "WHAP!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAP!" While she choked him out with her left foot. When he finally passed out, his face was a mangled bloody mess and several ribs were broken in his body. His stomach was turned to jelly and she thought she might have even broken his breast plate. Jennifer climbed back out through the empty hole of the missing windshield and went to check on Jake. The two young men were still sleeping on the ground when she reached him. After untying Jake, she sat down with her back against the brick wall and placed his head in her lap. His face was a little marked up and he was bleeding from his fore head. But he was in good shape and alive. She called the police on her cell phone and sat there crying.

By the time the police arrived, Jake had awakened. They took statements from the two and hauled the six gang members off to the hospital. Jennifer looked at Jake with tears still in her amber brown eyes. "I'm so sorry I got you into this mess Jake. I don't know what I would have done if you had been seriously injured or killed. You are my life and I love you so much." She said crying. "It's alright Jen. I'm safe and so are you. That's all that matters. And you didn't get me into anything. I'm so proud of what you have done for this city and the young kids that live here. And I don't want you to ever change. I love you with all my heart, just the way you are. You're a Heroine in every sense of the word. I owe my life to you and those tough beautiful bare feet of yours."

"Speaking of which. When I get you home, I'm going to cover them with kisses of gratitude for the rest of the night." He confessed. "You do know what it will lead to if you put those sweet lips of yours on my feet?" Jennifer said with a smile. "You bet I know sweetheart." He replied with a large smile. "In fact, I'm counting on it." "Then why the hell are we still standing here talking? Lets go home." She replied with a sexy grin. "You read my mind Jen. Lets hurry." The two love birds took off at a dead run while laughing like small children.