Diane cleans house. (Illustration) (Picture)

Poser art by the lovely Tasha Morales.

Diane gets even when her gang leader boyfriend steals from her and fucks her best friend.

Diane Dawson

Diane Dawson was a beautiful sixteen year old girl. She had a gorgeous 5 foot 7 inch 128 pound female body with a perfect 36/24/36 figure. Her skin was lightly tanned and completely flawless. And her personality was sweet and lovable. With her shiny dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, she was the full package every man thought of as his dream girl. Every boy at school wanted her standing by his side and lying in his bed. But Diane had eyes for only one man. He was ruggedly handsome with a mysteriously dangerous and wild demeanor. That's why Rod Weston was the leader of the notorious street gang who called themselves the Wolf Pack. No one understood why Diane was madly in love with Rod. She was a highly intelligent young woman with very wealthy parents. While Rod was more or less a hoodlum who had nothing going for him. He was definitely way out of her league. But Diane didn't care and wouldn't listen to reason.

Her parents were very unhappy over her choice for a boyfriend. Many young men with a bright future ahead of them would have given everything they owned for Diane's love. But they all paled in comparison to Rod in her eyes. She didn't need a man who had the money to buy her expensive gifts and give her a life of luxury. She had that. Diane only needed Rod and his everlasting love to make her happy. Unfortunately for her, Rod needed more then love. He needed sex. But Diane had old fashioned morals. She vowed to remain a virgin until their wedding night. Rod wasn't about to wait two more years to get in her pants. He had a reputation to uphold. So there was only one course of action he could take. If she refused to put out one more time, then Diane Dawson was history. There was plenty of pussy out there willing to give it up. And Rod was missing out on it while messing with Diane.

He chose a night when Diane's father was away on business and her mother was playing bridge at a friends house. Rod rang the doorbell with one purpose on his mind. Diane was going to spread her legs or find another boyfriend. He was fed up. "Rod. I'm surprised to see you. You never come to my house." She said when she opened the door. "Me and you need to have a talk Diane." He replied as he pushed his way inside. "Of course Rod. Let's go to my bedroom where we can be alone. The servants are rather nosey." She said as she led the way. Good idea. Rod thought to himself. That's exactly the room I was hoping to get you in. They climbed the stairs and entered Diane's bedroom. She shut the door and directed him to the side of her bed. This is working out just like I planned. Rod thought with a smile.

Rod grabbed Diane and gave her a passionate kiss. She melted in his muscular arms and let the kiss sweep her away. Rod began nibbling on her neck and ear lobe while he whispered in her ear. "We've been going out for over six months Diane and you're driving me crazy. I can't wait any longer to have sex with you. I need it now or I'm going to explode." He said as his hands roamed over her perky breasts. "We've already had this discussion Rod and you know how I feel. You'll have to wait until we are married. I promise you it will be a night to remember." She replied breathing heavily. "No Diane. No more waiting." He grabbed the front of her blouse and started to unbutton it. Diane managed to squirm out of his grasp and stand up. "I'm going to the bathroom so you can have a few minutes to calm down. Then we'll talk this over rationally." She hurried to her private bathroom and closed the door.

That was the last straw for Rod. Enough was enough. He jumped up and began to search through her drawers. A few seconds later he was holding the two thousand dollars Diane was saving up for their honeymoon. This should pay me for the time I wasted fucking around with you. He said to himself with a smile. Rod shoved it in his pocket and scampered down the stairs. Diane exited the bathroom and noticed he was gone. He'll come to his senses after he's had the chance to think it over. All he needs is a little time to see I'm doing what's best for us. She confidently said to herself. Diane picked up a magazine to read and let her problem with Rod slip from her mind. Everything would be back to normal for them by tomorrow. So there was no sense in worrying about it.

The next day Diane went shopping but she didn't spend all of the money her mother gave her. She saved a hundred dollars to put in her honeymoon fund. Rod was going to be so happy when she surprised him with the wad of cash she saved for their honeymoon. Diane figured there would be at least five thousand dollars in the fund by the time they got married when she was eighteen. That would be enough money for them to spend their honeymoon in some beautiful and exotic place. Their wedding night would be a wonderful experience for the two of them. Then Rod would realise she did the right thing by not having sex with him until the moment was right. The broad smile on her beautiful face disappeared when she opened the drawer and saw the money was missing. The only person who had been in her room was Rod. Why would he do such a thing? There must be some mistake.

Diane left the new items she bought lying on the bed and left the house. She decided to stop by Rod's apartment first to see if he was there. If not, she would drive downtown to the gangs headquarters and confront him. There must be a plausible explanation for him taking the money but for the life of her she couldn't think of what it might be. The answer was staring her right in the face when she pulled into his driveway. A used Harley Davidson motorcycle was sitting in the garage. Unless he stole it he paid for the damn thing with her money. Each step she took made her anger grow. By the time Diane reached the door she was thoroughly pissed. Rod's sturdy frame was heavily packed with solid muscle but Diane had been taking Karate lessons for six years. So Rod was about to find out how well she had learned her lessons.

Diane got an even bigger surprise when she opened the door and walked in. Sitting on the sofa was her best friend Becky. Except for her flimsy panties she was completely naked. The shock of seeing her best friend nearly naked in her boyfriends apartment left her speechless. Becky nervously rose to her feet wringing her hands. "Uhhh, I'm sorry Diane really I am. But Rod came on to me and I couldn't stop myself." She said in defense of her actions. Diane finally found her voice. "Where's Rod you fucking bitch?" She asked with a cold, hard look. "He's in the bathroom Diane. Now calm down so we can talk this over." "We're going to have a discussion alright but not the way you think you back stabbing whore." Diane replied while slipping off her jeans for freedom of movement. "I said I was sorry Diane stop calling me those filthy names." She said getting angry.

Diane was through arguing with her. She decided to let her fists and feet finish the conversation. She slightly turned her body and snapped her right leg up like a battering ram. "WHAP!" "Say hello to my foot bitch." She said as the sole of her foot connected with Becky's chin. Becky left her feet and hit the floor on her back in a daze. Diane snatched a hand full of her hair and dragged the dizzy bitch to her feet. Then her hard right fist went to work on Becky's face and body. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" The mind numbing uppercut sent Becky flying. She landed on top of the coffee table and slid off into the floor. Diane knelt down next to her semi conscious body and resumed her destruction. "You still wanna talk slut?" "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Becky was out cold and couldn't answer.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OUT HERE?" Rod screamed as he charged out of the bathroom. "It's your turn you fucking asshole. First you steal from me and then you cheat on me with my best friend." Diane said as she stood and glared at him. Rod didn't get the chance to deny her accusations because her foot was already on it's way. "WHAP!" The arc kick slammed into his temple and knocked him off balance. By the time he was able to right himself his chest and mid section was in a world of pain. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAM!..WHAP!" The last kick landed flush in his face and broke his nose. Rod hit the floor like a wet dish rag. "SPLAT!" Diane hauled him up on his feet and dismantled him with her concrete breaking fists. The groggy male was unable to protect himself. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Rod was barely conscious when he landed on the decorative rug in the middle of the floor.

Diane sat down above him and lifted his head. Then she scooted forward until she was right up against him. She placed his head in her crotch and threw her gorgeous legs over his shoulders. After pulling his muscular arms back where she could easily reach them she slapped her prisoner awake. "Wake up you no good bastard. I want you to feel every bit of the pain I'm about to give you." Rod moaned and slowly opened his eyelids. "Where am I?" He asked trying to focus on his surroundings. Diane grabbed his thick wrists in both hands and crossed her shapely ankles in his lap. His drowsy head was thoroughly trapped in a painful head scissors. "You're in hell you two timing thief and the devil has you at her mercy." Diane clamped down with her boa constricting legs and laughed at his high pitched scream. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

"You picked the wrong girl to fuck with pansy ass. Stealing from me was bad enough but fucking my best friend put the final nail in your coffin. Did you really think I wouldn't find out? Are both of you that fucking stupid?" Rod tried to answer but she cut him off with a sudden burst of power from her vice grip legs. "SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!" "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Nothing you say can explain your actions to my satisfaction so keep your lying mouth shut." She scolded. Rod whimpered but didn't say a word. "That's better sissy. Now listen carefully and keep your yap closed. I expect my money by the end of the week so you better pray who ever sold you that hunk of junk out front will buy it back. If It's not in my hands by Sunday evening I'll come looking for you. Do the smart thing for a change or I'll take it out of your worthless hide. Is that clear weakling?" She sternly asked. "Fuck you bitch!" Rod bravely replied. "Wrong answer asshole."

Diane tightened her car crushing legs with all of her strength. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Rod screamed for five seconds before he mercifully passed out. She dragged his lifeless frame over to a kitchen chair and propped him up in it. Then she hauled Becky's sleeping body over and laid her at his feet. After playing with Rod's dick until it was rock hard she pulled Becky up to her knees and shoved it in her mouth. She used her hair to continuously force his enlarged dick down her throat before jerking Becky's head back up. The unconscious female had no idea she was being totally humiliated. When Rod began to regain his senses she shoved Becky's head all the way down and applied a choke hold around his throat. Rod instantly went back to sleep. Diane returned to Becky and continued to force the sleeping bitch into giving her ex boyfriend a blow job.

Diane choking Rod while Becky unknowingly sucks his dick.

Rod jerked with a muscle spasm just before his creamy load shot out of him like an oil gusher. Diane let the first blast slide down Becky's throat. Then she pulled her head back and splattered the rest of it all over her face. When Rod was finally drained dry, she inserted his dick back in Becky's mouth and pushed her head down as far as it would go. "You two make a cute couple." She said as she laughed and put her jeans back on. When she was ready to leave, she strolled over and slapped Rod awake. "Don't forget wimp. That money is back in my hands by Sunday evening or else. Enjoy your slutty new girlfriend." "SMMMACK!" She unloaded a powerful hay maker and put him back to sleep. She was still laughing at the position she left them in when she climbed into her car and drove away. Rod and Becky woke up about an hour later. He was mad as hell and Becky was crying her eyes out.

By seven o'clock Sunday evening Diane concluded Rod wasn't going to show up. She dressed in a short pleated skirt and pull over top so her clothes could quickly be removed. Then she went on the prowl. She had a feeling Rod wouldn't be at his apartment when she arrived and as it turned out she was correct. "If you think your gang can protect your chicken shit ass you're sadly mistaken." She said aloud as she drove to their headquarters. "They're as much of a pussy as you are." Diane pulled into a parking space and got out of her car. She knew the gang would be expecting her. Yet she confidently pulled the door open and walked in without the slightest bit of fear. Anyone getting in her way was going to feel her wrath. Just as she suspected, a guard was at the door. But he was distracted for a second by his girlfriend because they were busy making out. "Hold it bitch." He said with authority when he finally saw her.

Diane didn't waste any time. "CRACK!" A bone jarring uppercut put his girlfriend down for the count. Then she turned her attention to the beefy guard. "You'll pay for that cunt." He said as he waded in swinging. Diane expertly used her defensive skills to ward off his hammering blows. Then she opened her offense when the time came. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" Her rock hard fists bombarded his stomach until he dropped his head. Then his chin was met by a head splitting uppercut. He dropped over backwards like a sawed off redwood tree. Diane straddled his prone body and beat the poor man senseless. He never stood a chance. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He was sleeping like a baby in no time. Diane dumped his unconscious girlfriend over his battered body and removed her clothing before continuing on her way.

Another gang member stepped out before she entered the door to the main room. He hadn't expected her to get passed the guard at the front door so he was caught completely by surprise when he nearly bumped into her. Diane recovered her composer before he did and lashed out with a Karate chop. "WHACK!" It nailed him on the side of his throat and stunned the big man. Diane took advantage of him being incapacitated and worked him over. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" He was totally defenseless against her barrage of punches. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" The muscle bound wimp slumped to his knees before dropping at her feet on his swollen face. "WHAP!" Diane gave him one last kick in the face for good measure and stepped through the doorway.

Several of the gang members heard the noise outside the door and was advancing in that direction. Diane's physically fit female body became a whirling dervish when they reached her. Muscular gang members were flying in every direction while screaming their heads off. "WHACK!..WHAM!..SMACK!..WHAP!..WHACK!..CRACK!" Three more came running at her when they saw their buddies lying in the floor. They ran into a torrid fighting machine that seemed to strike with multiple limbs. "SMACK!..WHACK!..WHAP!..WHAM!..CRACK!" They were rapidly deposited in the floor next to their friends. A few from the first batch had made it to their feet and was charging her like a herd of angry stampeding buffalo. Diane was nothing more then a blur when she met their charge head on and stopped them in their tracks. "WHAM!..WHAM!..WHACK!..WHAP!..SMACK!" They stumbled around like inebriated drunks before collapsing in a heap. She hit the last one standing with a sledge hammer uppercut. "CRACK!" He folded up like a card board box and landed at her feet out cold.

Diane mowing down gang members with everything in her arsenal.

Two more gained their feet and came at her. Their luck at landing a punch wasn't any better this time around. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Diane pounded their swelling faces and battered bodies with extremely accurate shots. They were nothing more then target practice for the pissed off teen. Their muscular arms were quickly dangling at their sides and their thick legs were severely buckled. "SMMMACK!" The bell ringing hay maker spun the first gang member in a complete circle before the floor rapidly came up to meet him. "CRACK!" The exploding uppercut sent the second one flying like a bird. He crashed into the floor a few feet away and ceased to move. His lights were out and would be for quite a while. Diane turned to meet the next group coming at her.

The next batch of muscular males was joined by several of their girlfriends. They were on a mission to prove their worth as gang members. Diane didn't hold back because they were female. They were asking for it. "THUD!..SMACK!" Diane drove her fist into one males stomach and nearly reached his back bone. Then she clubbed him with a solid left cross that put him down at her feet. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Then his girlfriend was dispatched with two shotgun jabs and a wrecking ball right cross. "WHAP!" The male lying at her feet was knocked out by her mule kicking bare foot. She smiled when she saw his busted lips balloon up over three times their size. Diane easily avoided the clumsy swings from the next two. Missing their target left them off balance and wide open. She fired a jaw breaking punch to each of their chins and put them out of their misery. "SMMMACK!..SMMMACK!"

Rod and Becky decided to get in the fight before it got completely out of hand. "I was beginning to wonder if you was going to find the courage to join in pansy ass." Diane told him with a sweet smile. "Fuck you bitch. You surprised me with your sneak attack the last time. I'm ready for you now." He replied with confidence. "Lie to yourself all you want. We both know the real truth weakling. Now step up here and take your beating." Diane answered back. Her fucking smart ass mouth was really getting on Rod's nerves. He stepped up and threw a powerful right that would have separated her head from her creamy shoulders. The stupendous punch plowed into Becky's surprised face when Diane easily ducked under it. "SMMMACK!" She fell to pieces like a puppet without joints and crumpled to the floor out cold.

While Rod was standing there in shock, Diane ripped him a new ass. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" She blasted his mid section with a series of strong punches. Then his jaw was met by a dynamite uppercut that dropped him to his hands and knees. Diane took the opportunity to repeatedly punt his face like a football. "WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!..WHAP!" Rod slumped over and landed on top of Becky. His swollen face was resting right on her pantie covered pussy. Just then, another gang member jumped up and attacked. Diane evaded his ponderous swings like a professional boxer until he tired himself out. Then she opened her offense and thoroughly took the man apart. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!..WHAP!" He flopped to the floor in a semi conscious state. Diane laid down next to him and smothered the delirious male to sleep with her magnificent breasts.

Diane surveyed her surroundings with a beautiful smile on her lovely face. Male and female bodies were strung out all over the floor. A few were coming around and trying to make it to their feet. One gang member had made it but was stumbling around on rubbery legs. "SMMMACK!" Diane quickly disposed with him. The next two to make their feet were females. She calmly took care of them as well. "SMACK!..SMACK!" They instantly went back to sleep. Only one more stirred after that. A muscular gang member awakened and sat up to get his bearings. "WHAP!" A punishing kick to the face sent him back to slumber land. After another look around, she was satisfied no one else was going to get up for quite a while. So Diane decided to have some fun with Rod and Becky.

She grabbed Rod by the shoulders and rolled him over on his back. Then she took hold of his limp dick and fondled the sleeping gang leader until it was standing straight and tall. Next, she dragged Becky over and propped her up on her knees between his legs. Finally, she lifted Becky's head up by her hair and filled her mouth with Rod's steel hard cock again. Diane smiled as she nudged Becky with her foot until her eyelids flew open. Then she planted her foot on the back of Becky's head to hold her in place and keep her from escaping. "MMMMFFFFHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Becky's muffled scream was to garbled to understand. But her loud sobbing could clearly be heard in the quiet room. "Cry all you want bitch. You won't receive any sympathy from me. You wanted this thieving bastard bad enough to go behind my back and fuck him. Well you can have the little pansy ass as far as I'm concerned. He's all yours. Now take care of your man." Diane ordered.

Diane eased the pressure of her foot and told Becky to raise her head up. When she did, Diane shoved it back down to cram Rod's dick deep in her throat. Then she ordered Becky to lift her head again. Becky obeyed her orders without hesitating. Her will to resist no longer existed. She accepted the humiliation without a struggle. Heavy tears poured from her sad eyes and splattered on Rod's thighs. Diane repeatedly forced Rod's cock down her throat each time she lifted her head. When he finally shot his load, Diane pushed Becky's head down and made her swallow as much as she could. Becky flopped over and cried her eyes out when the terrible ordeal was over. Diane collected money from all the gang members pockets until she had her two thousand back. Then she smiled and strolled off while listening to Becky wail.

Diane forcing the sobbing Becky to suck on Rod's hard dick.

Just as Diane was slipping on her high heels at the entrance door, the guard and his girlfriend came to. They were still slightly out of it when they slowly climbed to their feet. Diane placed her hands on the side of their heads and slammed them together with exceptional strength. "BAM!..BAM!" "Go back to sleep." She said as they collapsed back in the floor out cold. She proudly held her head high and walked out of their headquarters. Behind her there was sixteen unconscious bodies lying in various places on the floor. Ten of them was gang members with heavily muscled frames. The other six was their girlfriends who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Word quickly spread about a single female mopping up the floor with the entire Wolf Pack gang. Their reputation as a tough gang was completely wiped out that day. They lost every ones respect and were never feared again. Eventually the gang broke up and went their separate ways. Rod got tired of Becky two months after suffering their defeat and dumped her for a hot redhead who worked at the local hangout. She was totally depressed over losing Diane's friendship and her boyfriend in less then three months. She attempted to commit suicide by slitting her wrists. But she messed that up too. Now she's in a Convent trying to straighten out her life. Diane moved on and fell in love with one of the boys her parents was trying to get her to notice in the first place. He treats her like a Queen and she's extremely happy. Which is a good thing for him. Because Diane definitely knows how to handle a man who doesn't respect her wishes.