Denise humiliates Nick's older brother Wade. (Picture)

Nick's older brother Wade seeks revenge against Denise.

Denise Harrington

After Denise beat and humiliated Nick in front of half of the school, he ran to his car crying. When he got home he locked himself in his room. He thought about the severe beating he received from a girl and wondered how he was going to live with that fact. When his mother knocked on his door to tell him dinner was ready, he told her he wasn't feeling good. The next day was Friday so he called the school and told them he was sick and wouldn't be in today. When his father went to work, Nick waited for his mother to go shopping before he came out of his room. He sat at the kitchen table and thought about what he was going to do. It would be to humiliating to go back to school. But he was sure his parents wouldn't let him quit. He was a senior and only half of the school year remained. So Nick was lost for an answer. He was concentrating on his problem so hard he didn't hear his brother drive up.

His brother Wade worked on a roaming construction crew. He was gone during the week and only came home on weekends. Nick wasn't expecting him home until much later. But the weather outside turned nasty so his crew decided to take the day off and start again Monday morning. Wade was twenty one years old. He liked staying at home because of his mothers cooking and she done his laundry for him. So moving into his own place never crossed his mind. Wade was 6 foot 5 inches tall and weighed 245 pounds. Three years ago Wade was the high school bully. Everyone feared him then, and they still feared him now. His large body was very muscular from working on the construction job. Wade was glad Nick followed in his footsteps and became the high school bully. He had been since he started his sophomore year. Just like Wade had done.

Nick was still at the table eating when Wade came strolling in. "Hey little brother. What are you doing out of sch"...."WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?" He asked in shock. "Nothing Wade." The surprised Nick answered. "What the hell do you mean nothing. Your God damn face is a mess. What the hell happened?" Nick didn't want to explain his problem to Wade. "I don't want to talk about it Wade." He said. "I want to know who did this to you little brother." Wade demanded to know. "Just let it go Wade. Please." Nick answered. "I said tell me happened to you boy. Now speak up before I slap the shit out of you myself." He threatened. Wade was the only person Nick ever feared until now. Just thinking about Denise and what she did to him in front of everybody, almost made him piss his pants. He couldn't tell Wade it was a fucking girl that beat him up. But he knew he was going to have to tell him something. After a few more threats, Wade was really getting pissed and started to reach for Nick. "OK OK. It was four football players at school who did this. Are you satisfied now?" Nick asked. "No I'm not. What was their names?" "Come on Wade. Just let it go. I'll get them back sooner or later." Nick pleaded.

"Nobody does this to my brother and gets away with it. I want their names now boy." Wade replied with a scowl. Nick knew he had to tell him something. "The guys name is Dennis. I don't know the names of the other three he hangs around with." Nick lied. Wade was satisfied and sat down to eat breakfast. He decided to take a shower and a short nap. Then he was going to find Dennis and his friends and kick their asses. Nick didn't know what to do now. Wade would find out it was a girl who beat him up when he went hunting for Dennis. There was no Dennis at school. Shame washed over Nick again, knowing his older brother would find out. His life was ruined. Wade was leaning against the building just as school let out. He grabbed the first boy that came out the door. "YOU! Where can I find Dennis the football player and his pals?" He hatefully asked. "We don't have a player named Dennis on the team sir." The young man answered. "Don't lie to me boy. Now where can I find him?" "Really Mister. There isn't anyone named Dennis on the football team." Wade grabbed the young man and picked him up off of the ground. "That bastard and his friends beat the hell out of my brother Nick. So you better tell me where I can find them and quick." Wade warned.

"You talking about Nick Casey mister?" The boy asked. "Yeah boy. Now where are they?" "It wasn't a guy named Dennis that beat up Nick mister. It was a girl named Denise." He tried to explain. Wade threw the young man to the ground. "Don't give me any more shit punk. Now tell me the truth before I kick your ass too." He threatened. "Really mister, ask anybody. They'll tell you the same thing." The boy said shaking like a leaf. Wade noticed three girls passing by and shouted out to them. "Hey you broads. Who beat up Nick Casey yesterday?" "That was Denise Powers." One of the young girls explained. "You mean to tell me a girl beat up Nick like that?" Wade asked in shock. "Yes sir. That's what happened." No wonder the boy was afraid to tell me. Wade thought to himself. "Where can I find this Denise Powers?" "Denise is on the gymnastic team. She usually practices her routines after school. So she is probably in the gym mister." The girl replied. "OK girls. Thanks." Wade headed for the gym. Word quickly spread about the big guy looking for Denise. So by the time he made it to the gym, there was quite a crowd behind him.

The gymnastic team didn't hold practices on Friday nights. But Denise liked to go through her routines a few times before going home. Devon was waiting for her in the bleachers. He didn't mind waiting while she practiced. He thought it was cool to watch his sister do all of her acrobatic moves. Denise was going through her routine when she heard a loud commotion. She turned around and saw a big guy coming out on the mats toward her. He got within three feet and stopped while he shook his head and grinned. "You beat the hell out of Nick. I don't believe it." Her 5 foot 4 inch 107 pound firm body stood straight and tall while she answered. "Yes I did. He was picking on my brother and then tried to beat me up. So he brought it on himself." She told him.

"I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't listen. He left me no choice but to defend myself and my brother. So I gave him the beating he deserved." She proudly addmitted. "I don't know how you did it girly. But you made a very big mistake." Wade told her. "I'm his big brother Wade. I'm here to correct that mistake and put your smart ass where it belongs." When Wade stepped forward, Denise threw her upper body back and placed her hands on the floor behind her. She kicked out with her shapely legs and caught Wade on the jaw with the sole of her bare foot. "WHAP!" Then completed the back hand cartwheel and gracefully landed on her feet. Wade stumbled back from the force of the blow. Her sneak attack angered him so he charged forward again.

Denise threw her body in the air and stretched both legs out as she started the left jump flip. Her right foot smacked him on the left side of his jaw with her toes. "WHAP!" The sole of her left foot followed on around and caught him in the same place. "WHAP!" Wade was knocked to his right a few steps. Now Wade was really pissed at the redheaded bitch. He charged again like a stampeding buffalo. Denise threw her arms in the air and then quickly brought them down to execute a front flip. Her left foot crushed his broad chest while her right landed in the face. "WHAM!..WHAP!" Wade dropped to the floor with a broken nose. Denise softly came to rest as her flaming red hair settled back on her creamy shoulders.

Almost the entire student body had heard about the big man looking for Denise by now. The bleachers and side lines were packed with students who saw Denise knock the large man down with her bare feet. Wade wasn't concerned about having an audience. This bitch beat Nick to a pulp and her ass was his. And anyone else getting in the way would be mowed down. This bitch was going to die. Wade rose to his feet and advanced more cautiously this time. Her fucking tricks wasn't going to work on him again. He vowed to himself. It was time to show her just who was the boss around here. He was grinning as he stalked after her. Denise had hoped knocking him down would convince him to quit and go about his business. But she realised a thorough beating was the only was to persuade him. Oh well. She thought to herself. He brought this on himself just like Nick did.

She began to dance when his large male fists came flying at her pretty face. Denise avoided them and periodically punched back. Three huge punches sailed over her head before she jabbed Wade in the mouth. "SMACK!" Three more bent on destruction was easily dodged. "SMACK!" She jabbed him over the eye. Five more heavy handed blows were evaded by the slippery female fighter. "SMACK!..SMACK!" A hard jab hurt his broken nose before a right cross found his chin. Wade went crazy and opened up on her. Male fists as big as melons were thrown at the lovely gladiator. Denide avoided them like it was child's play. Wade stopped to figure out what the fuck was going wrong. Denise decided to take it to him for a change. "SMACK!" His mouth was split. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His cheeks were turned red. "SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes felt pain. "SMACK!" His broken nose was flattened to his surprised face. "THUD!..THUD!" His solid stomach muscles were pounded. "CRACK!" An uppercut to his chin sent him stumbling back.

Wade went totally nuts. This bitch was embarrassing him and his egotistical male pride was on the line. He was feared where ever he went. Receiving a beating from a girl was an impossibility in his macho mind. But it was taking longer then he figured and she was really pissing him off. He went back at her with murder in his eyes and death in his male fists. Denise just smiled as she danced. Twenty, thirty, forty hard punches was evaded by the ducking and dodging young female. Wade's face was turning red from the exertion, but he wouldn't stop. The redheaded bitch couldn't avoid his powerful punches forever. As his arms began to tire, Denise abandoned her defense and started her offense. "SMACK!..SMACK!" Both eyes were in pain and one of them was cut open. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His mouth was getting puffy and his jaw was marked on both sides.

"SMACK!" The cartilage in his nose was mashed to pieces. "THUD!..THUD!" His hard abs was softened up a bit. "SMACK!" A right cross to his temple sent him stumbling to his right. "Would you like to quit before I have to hurt you permanently?" She asked. "Fuck you you redheaded bitch. You're the one who's going to be permanently hurt when I get my fucking hands on you." He threatened. "You don't seem to be able to do that little man. So I would advise you to quit while you're still in one piece." Denise warned. "Shut the fuck up and get ready to feel pain bitch." He replied with bravado. Wade threw a mighty roundhouse to take her smart ass head off. Denise ducked under it and took a small step forward. She brought her right knee up into his solid stomach. "WHAM!" A loud "OOOFFFUUHH" came from his mouth while the air was driven from his lungs. When he bent over, she slammed her elbow into the back of his neck. "WHACK!" Wade hit the floor again. While he lie there holding his stomach, She wound up her right leg and kicked him in the face with her bare foot like she was punting a football. "WHHHAP!"

The kick to his face sent his large frame spinning on the mat. It made a full turn and a half before it came to a stop. He was dazed and not sure where he was at. Denise walked up by his head and took hold of his large muscular arms. She turned him to his stomach and placed her right foot on the side of his dazed head while bringing his thick arms up in the air. Then she pushed them toward each other like she was trying to make the backs of his hands meet. A loud scream of pain erupted from the huge man lying under her foot. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" After playing with his large arms for a minute or so, she let them flop back to the mat. She went around to his legs and picked up his right one. After placing her right foot on the back of his leg just below his butt, she raised it into the air and twisted it. Another loud scream could be heard all over the gym. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHHH!" Denise worked on his leg for about a minute. When she dropped his injured leg she walked to his side and stomped on his back. "STOMP!"

He instantly flipped to his back and bridged his legs ti try and relieve the pain. This brought his stomach up in the air. Denise stomped on his stomach with her right foot. "STOMP!" She felt his hard stomach muscles give a little. This brought his head up so she kicked him in the face again. "WHAP!" Wade flopped back to the mat in even more of a daze. She grabbed his right arm and rolled him to his stomach. Then she pulled him up to his knees and knelt down beside him facing the same direction. She wrapped her left arm around his throat and bent his upper body back so he was looking at the rafters in the gyms roof. He desperately tried to claw her arm away from his throat because she was choking him. Denise doubled up her hard right fist and pounded his stomach to a pulp. "THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!..THUD!" She felt the rest of his hard stomach muscles give way. When she released his throat and stood up he collapsed to the mat on his face. Wade curled up in the fetal position while holding his pulverized stomach.

Denise reached down to grab his broad shoulders and hauled him up to his knees. She tilted him back a bit to get a clear shot at his face and began blasting him with brutal punches from her firm right fist. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Wade was semi conscious when his very large arms dropped to his sides. Denise smiled and continued his beating. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were beginning to swell along with his cheeks and mouth. Cuts and bruises were all over his face. Wade went to sleep while she held him on his knees in front of her and punched him. His eyes were now turning colors as well as his cheeks. The rest of his face was swelling and his cuts were bleeding when she let him crumple to the floor at her feet. She calmly walked over to the water bottle she carried with her while she practiced and took a few swallows. The entire student body watched her in silence. With her thirst quenched, she went back to the sleeping Wade.

Denise patted his battered face with her bare foot until he woke up. "Are you ready to admit you're a pathetic loser and crawl out of here? Or do you need further proof that my feminine muscles are stronger then your pitiful male ones?" She sternly asked. He lie there not answering. "If you persist with your male stubbornness. I'll beat you senseless and humiliate you in front of the entire school. So make your choice wisely little man." Wade had been feared all of his life. He wasn't about to let some fucking girl talk to him like that. He was more then twice her size and never lost a fight in his life. "EVER!" So there was only one choice to be made in his foolish male mind. Get up and beat the bitch to death. So he climbed to his feet. He should have listened to Denise because she was about to change his miserable life forever. But the thought of that happening never entered his mind.

It was time to mess with the big fools mind and show him who was in complete control. Denise thought. He stepped up and threw four mighty rights and lefts with damage written all over them. But they were easily blocked by the redheaded warrior. She retaliated with four of her own. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His eyes were turning black and swelling out of proportion. And his jaw felt like she had loosened it. Six hard lumbering male fists were throw at her with intended harm. Denise easily batted them down. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Her punches were more accurate. His cheeks were very purple and his mouth was puffed and badly swollen. Five more bone crushing punches were delivered by the huge male fighter. And five more were easily batted away. "THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" His stomach folded around her hard fists and his chin felt cracked when his head snapped back. Wade dropped to the mat on his back.

"Stay down wimp. or I'm going to beat you until you need to be carried out of here on a stretcher." The flame haired female fighter warned him. He didn't listen. When he climbed to his feet this time, Denise decided it was time to show him just how big of a fool he was. He threw a mighty right which she batted down and went to work on the large muscular fool. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She took him where ever she wanted him to go. He tried to defend himself, but it was useless. The pretty redheaded gladiator was just to fast. His attempts to block her punches were to slow and late getting there. Her hard fists smacked him twice before his attempts to block them reached the spot. His head was snapping up and down and back and forth while she beat him all around the room. His mighty legs began to buckle as punch after punch found their mark. Soon, his thick muscular arms were hanging down at his sides and his eyes were glazed over. He was completely helpless against the redhead hellion while she beat him down.

"SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Every punch staggered his mighty frame and battered his face until it ballooned up with swelling. He became target practice for Denise while her hard female fists broke him down. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She stopped and looked at her male adversary. Wade was standing there teetering on very shaky legs. She stood there and watched while his muscular male body finally slumped forward and fell like a mighty redwood that had been chopped down. It slammed into the floor at her feet. "SLAM!" Denise slapped him awake and asked him again. "Have you had enough you pathetic weakling? You're no match for my female fists. I've wiped up the floor with you so far and I'll continue making a fool out of you if you don't give up and crawl out of here. This is your last chance little man. If you get up this time, the humiliation I promised you will begin. You can't stop me because you're pathetic and weak. I'm far to strong for you. Now crawl out of here or I'll make you my bitch." She sternly warned.

Wade felt like he had fallen from a mountain top. His body hurt all over and his face was a swollen mangled mess. His tree trunk legs were trembling like they were freezing. And the muscular arms he was so proud of wouldn't respond to his commands. But the redheaded bitch who was maybe one third his size was talking to him like he was a pussy. In fact, she was talking to him like he talked to everyone else his entire life. It was to much to bear. He got up hoping to change the outcome. Denise didn't wait. She warned him and he foolishly ignored that warning. So she was going to show him just how stupid he was. When he got to his feet, she took him apart. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Her precise punches cut him to pieces. When Wade collapsed to the floor she picked him up and continued his destruction. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!"

When she knocked him out, she would slap him awake and beat him some more. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" When she got tired of picking him up. She hauled him to his knees and resumed his terrible beating. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Wade was unrecognizable when she finally quit pulverizing him. He had been knocked out six times and been awakened to receive another beating each time. Denise finally stopped when he hit the floor at her feet for the seventh time. Wade was out cold. Denise flipped him over and removed his jeans and underwear. Then she flopped him back over on his stomach and walked over to the side lines where her shoes and socks were. She took one of the socks and went back to the sleeping man and stuffed it in his swollen mouth. Then she took the belt out of his jeans and walked up by his head.

Denise slapped him until he regained consciousness. Placing her bare feet on each side of his head, she pushed it to the mat and trapped it between her ankles while facing his feet. She reached down and pulled his mighty frame up to his knees while ignoring his feeble struggles to stop her. Denise bent his muscular arms up his back in a double hammerlock. Then she jerked them up his back until he screamed out in pain. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She was able to hold his weak useless arms with her left hand only. Wade's bare ass was sticking straight up in the air. Denise folded his belt in half. "I told you to crawl out of here or I would humiliate you in front of all these students. You should have obeyed me." She chastised.

"Now it's to late and your humiliation begins. This is just the start of the degrading things I'm going to do to you. And you're not strong enough or man enough to stop me. You males are so weak and foolish. But you'll learn that you belong at the feet of females. Now prepare yourself for your first lesson." She raised her arm and Wade began to whimper. Denise whipped his ass like a naughty little boy who severely needed disciplined. "WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" His tears came flowing down like a waterfall. He tried to scream through his sock filled mouth but it was useless. "WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" Wades body trembled from the terrible whipping she was giving him. It was heaving with great sobs while shame covered him like a blanket.

"You've been a very naughty little boy Wade. You'll learn to mind me and other females the rest of your miserable life. I don't know if Nick sent you or not. But the next time I see him, he'll get a whipping like this to remind him of his place. Just like you are going to learn today. That place is at the feet of all females. You males are worthless unless you have a female to guide you." Denise whipped his bare ass with his belt until it was red and raw with welts. She finally stopped and threw the belt down. She grasped his hair and pulled him up to stare in his tear filled frightened eyes. Denise removed her sock from his mouth and gave him an order. "Take off your shirt you naughty little boy." "RIGHT NOW!" His muscular arms were shaking while he removed his shirt like she ordered. She took it from him and wiped his tear stained swollen face.

Still holding him by the hair with her left hand, she turned her back to him and issued an order. "Kiss my ass until I tell you to stop Wade." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PL.PLEASE! N.NOT.. TH.THAT!" He begged. Denise turned back around and looked into his frightened black eyes. "SMACK!" "YOU WILL OBEY ME WITHOUT QUESTION WIMP!" "SMACK!" "I OWN YOU!" "SMACK!" "YOU HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER!" "SMACK!" "NOW MIND ME OR GET BEATEN AGAIN!" "SMACK!" "I'M THE BOSS LITTLE MAN!" "SMACK!" She turned her back to him again and he slowly put his face up to her left butt cheek. She pulled on his hair and jammed his face into the crack of her red and white form fitting gymnastic outfit. Holding his head against her ass, she pressed her butt back into his face. Then she firmly rubbed her ass all over his battered face. Tears of humiliation flowed from the grown mans swollen black eyes.

Denise humiliated and shamed him like that for ten minutes. Then she shoved his head to the floor and put her bare foot under his battered face. "KISS IT WEAKLING!" She commanded. Crying even harder, Wade placed tender blubbering kisses on her silky soft bare foot while his swollen lips trembled from fear and shame. Exchanging it with the left, she again pushed his face to her soft bare foot. "NOW KISS THIS ONE LITTLE MAN!" He repeated the degrading act with her left foot. "Now get on your back sissy and don't move a muscle. If my orders are not carried out to the letter, I'll beat you for another two hours." "IS THAT CLEAR?" He shook his battered head yes and flopped to his back. Denise raised her shapely right leg and placed the sole of her bare foot in the middle of his face. She rubbed it all over and stuck her cute toes in his mouth every so often. He was forced to repeat the degrading act with her left sole.

When she was satisfied she let him stop. She pulled him up to his knees and placed her hand over his swollen face. Then she shoved him to the floor on his back. Taking his legs in her strong hands, she bent him in half and brought his feet back to his head. Then she laid down parallel to his head and trapped his right leg and right arm between her shapely legs in a scissor hold. She pinned his left leg and arm on the floor under her left arm and left side. His naked body was now bent in half and trapped between her legs and her body. Denise pulled his head up and rested it on her right hip. Wade was whining and whimpering the whole time. Denise smiled and reached over with her left hand to grab his dick. After a few stroks it was rock hard. Denise looked into his swollen black eyes and ordered. "Open your mouth naughty boy." When the realization of what she was going to do soaked into his male brain, his multicolored face turned white.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PL.PLEASE.. D.DENISE! N.NOT.. TH.TH.THAT! PL.PLEASE.. DON'T.. MAKE.. ME!" He pleaded. (sob) "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" She back fisted him in the face.."DO AS I TELL YOU OR ELSE!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!" He screamed. "SMACK!" She back fisted him again. "I CAN BEAT YOU ALL DAY UNTIL YOU OBEY ME WEAKLING!" His tears were really flowing now. He opened his blubbering mouth and closed his black and blue eyes. Denise stroked his penis a few more times to get it hard again. When it was rock hard she put her left hand under his balls to fondle them. Then she placed her right hand behind his head and pushed it forward until his mouth went around his own dick. "CLOSE YOUR MOUTH AND SUCK WIMP!" She sternly commanded. He closed his mouth and sucked himself off while she pushed his head up and down. Denise totally humiliated the poor beaten man.

He was thoroughly ashamed to be forced to suck himself off while everyone was watching and laughing. His tears were rapidly flowing while Denise totally degraded him. Wade was surprised his dick stayed hard as humiliated as he felt. But her fondling and his wet blubbering mouth kept it up. "Good job little man. I think you have done this before. You seem to be very good at it. See how hard your pathetic penis is. It loves that big mouth of yours." "SO KEEP SUCKING YOU PATHETIC LITTLE COCK SUCKER!" Finally the ultimate humiliation happened to Wade. He made himself cum right in his own mouth. He tried to pull away but Denise firmly held him while he shot his load in his mouth and down his throat. His screams of shame could be heard all over the gym. When he was completely drained, she let his head flop back to her hip. She laughed and made fun of him along with the rest of the students. Wade was sobbing uncontrollably because of the shame of what she had forced him to do.

Wade curled up in a ball and cried like a baby when she released him. Denise picked up his shirt and went to get her other sock from the sidelines. She dragged him to his knees and stuffed her sock in his mouth. He didn't give her any trouble at all. The big bully was broken. She tied one sleeve of his shirt around his neck and snapped her fingers while she pointed to the floor behind her. "HEEL!" She commanded. Wade submissively crawled up behind her right heel. "COME!" She ordered. Denise took the other sleeve of his shirt and led him around like a dog. She paraded him in front of the student body while they all clapped and cheered. His tears were puddling on the floor where ever she led him. When she was satisfied he was a cowering broken shell of a man, she stopped and removed her sock from his mouth.

"Apologize to me for interrupting my practice pansy ass." "I'm.. s.sorry.. D.D.Denise." The grown man said as he trembled. "Good boy. I'm going to let you go now. Will I have any more trouble out of you? Or have you learned your place?" She asked. "NO.. DENISE! I.. w.won't.. b.bother.. ag.again. I.. pr.promise." He whimpered. "Make sure you stick to that promise wimp. Because we both know what I'll do if you go back on it you pathetic little bitch." "I.. w.won't.. g.go.. b.back.. on.. it.. D.Denise." The blubbering man whined. "Good boy. Then you may go sissy." "W.what.. about.." He whined. "They belong to me." She informed him. "Now run along before I get angry." He ran to his car as fast as his trembling legs would carry his naked body. Denise gathered her things and took Devon by the hand and walked out of the gym to a loud roar of applause.