Brittany totally destroys Rock. (Picture)

Brittany forces Rock to do tape three by completely annihilating him in the locker room.

Brittany Harris

Everyone was breathlessly waiting with anticipation for the day to arrive to do tape three of the series between Brittany and Rock. After watching Brittany totally annihilate and degrade Rock in tapes one and two, they couldn't wait to see what she would do to him in tape three. Sales for tapes one and two had gone completely off the charts. The Battling Beauties mixed wrestling site was doing a booming business because of the first two tapes. They were the most realistic mixed tapes their customers had ever watched. That's because the pain and humiliation Rock had suffered through WAS REAL. The wrestling holds and sound beatings Brittany gave Rock were not faked at all. The poor man was in a world of hurt.

Lois was making money hand over fist. She gave Rock and Brittany a healthy bonus for their contributions in making the two tapes and for their participation in the final tape to be made next week. So everyone was happy and contented. Everyone that is except Rock. The bad beating Brittany gave him in tape two was weighing heavily on his mind. He was so sure she beat him in the first tape because he hadn't been prepared to fight for real. But being thoroughly beaten down in tape two when he was trying his best to beat her to a pulp had seriously damaged his confidence. He tried to build up his courage to face her again but the thought scared him to death.

Every time he looked at her when they passed each other in the studio his muscular body wouldn't stop trembling. His legs would begin to shake and he couldn't control them at all. His insides would turn to jello and his bottom lip would quiver like he was freezing. The poor mans nerves were completely shot. He was even having nightmares about the two terrible beatings Brittany had given him. In fact, last night he jolted up out of bed sweating like a pig. The nightmare had scared him so bad it woke him up. When he looked down and noticed his pajama bottoms and the bed were soaked because he had pissed himself, he knew he couldn't go through with tape three. He felt like a pussy for backing out but it also seemed to calm his nerves when he came to that decision.

The next day he walked into Lois's office and quit. She did her level best to talk him into staying but he wouldn't budge. He wanted no part of this business any longer. The second Lois gave up trying to convince him and accepted his resignation, he felt serene and at peace with himself. Unfortunately for him, Brittany was standing outside the door and heard everything. She slipped around the corner when Rock came out so he wouldn't see her. When he headed for the men's locker room to pack up his stuff, Brittany was following close behind him. He wasn't going to ruin things for Lois when her business was finally becoming profitable. Not if Brittany had anything to say about it. And she felt she sure as hell did.

Brittany grabbed a few of the other girls and told them to guard the door. "Don't let anyone else in until I say it's OK. I've got a little business to settle with Rock and I don't want to be disturbed. Can I count on you girls?" She asked. "You bet Brittany." The girls replied. "No one will get passed us. Go in there and straighten that asshole out. We'll handle things out here." "Thanks girls. I really appreciate it." She told them smiling. Brittany opened the door and slipped inside. She heard a locker door clanging around the corner so she headed in that direction. Rock was about to receive a very bad beating if he didn't agree to her terms. And she was hoping he wouldn't.

Brittany rounded the corner and saw him standing there putting his things in a gym bag. His back was to her so he didn't know she was in the room with him. "Hi there little Rocky." She said as she sweetly smiled. Rock was so surprised he nearly jumped out of his shoes. "Oh..uhh hi Brittany. Hey! What are you doing in the men's locker room? You know that's against the rules." He replied. "Well little Rocky. I was standing outside Lois's door a little while ago and I heard some very disturbing news. Now this news I heard made me totally unhappy and very angry. And you know what happens when I get upset. Don't you little Rocky? So I believe we have something to discuss little man. And a decision to overturn."

"Now wait just one minute Brittany. You can't come in here and threaten me. I'm a grown man and I have every right to do as I please." Brittany casually started walking towards him with a smile on her beautiful face. "You may be a grown man little Rocky but you're not smart enough to make your own decisions. And you're not man enough to back them up either. As for your rights, you have the right to remain silent or I'll shut your big mouth for you. Now come here so we can have ourselves a little talk." Rock bolted down the isle away from her. There was only one way out of the room and Brittany was standing between him and the door. He was praying he could elude her until he circled the room and reached it. His prayers were not answered. Brittany was on him in a flash.

Just as he rounded the end of the lockers Brittany was right on his ass. The wrestling mats the men used to practice their falls and compete against each other for fun was straight ahead of them. Brittany tackled Rock and drove him down on the mats face first. Before the man could do anything she grabbed his right arm and snapped it up his back. Then she placed her left knee across the back of his neck and pinned his head to the floor. "Where were you going little Rocky? I only want to have a little chat and see if I can change your mind about quitting. That was very rude of you to ignore my request and run away. Some people might say you were afraid of me the way you're acting. That wouldn't be true would it sissy?"

"AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A loud scream escaped his mouth when she wrenched his arm higher up his back. "You really don't want to disappoint Lois, do you wimp? And you certainly don't want to upset me and make me angry with you now do you little Rocky? So I suggest you change your mind before I do something that you're going to regret for a very long time." "GO TO HELL BRITTANY!" "You can't force me to wrestle you again. That would be against the law. I have rights you know. Now get off of me and leave me alone." He whined. "I already explained your rights to you pansy ass. Weren't you listening? Or was you to busy trying to run away from me to hear them? I'll repeat it to you again. You have the right to remain silent you pussy." "SO SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN BIG MOUTH!"

Brittany released him and removed her sandals. "If you can get by me you pathetic little bitch then you're free to go. But while you're trying, I'm going to put you through a great deal of pain. You'll be crying for your mommy when I'm done with you. I have a feeling you're going to see things my way before you leave this room today. Now get your ass up and try your best to reach the door." She challenged him. "You can't do this you bitch. I'll file a complaint against you for assault and battery. I'll sue you for harassment. I'll see to it that you go to jail for a very long time." The frightened man whimpered as he lie there trembling.

Brittany laughed in his face. "You're going to go to the police station and file an assault and battery complaint against a female about half your size? I don't think even you are that stupid. Besides, I have plenty of witnesses outside this door who will swear I was with them all day. So the next time you open your mouth it better be to tell me you've changed your mind about quitting. Otherwise I'm going to hurt you like you've never been hurt before. And I'll continue to hurt you until you finally see the light. It's your only chance of getting out of here in one piece. Am I making myself clear you pathetic loser?"

Rock charged at her, hoping he could bowl her over and escape before she could grab him. Brittany quickly raised her right leg and sunk her bare foot deep in his stomach. "UUGGHHHH!" He said as he was stopped dead. He grabbed his stomach with both hands and his face turned beet red. Brittany cupped his chin with her right hand and turned her well formed female body in a half circle, taking Rock with her. When the maneuver was completed they were standing back to back with Brittany controlling his chin. She pulled his head down until the back of his neck was resting on her right shoulder. Rock was bent over backwards and staring up at the ceiling.

Since Rock was four inches taller then her he was bent over in a very uncomfortable position. His muscular arms were cart wheeling like crazy trying to maintain his balance. Brittany casually bent her knees, putting more pressure on the poor mans neck and back. Rock was having one hell of a time trying to keep himself from being seriously hurt. Brittany stood back up and heard the man sigh when the pressure eased up on him. Then she grinned and squatted down again. Rock whimpered and began wind milling his arms as fast as he could to remain on his feet. Brittany calmly stepped away from him and he crashed to the floor on his back. "SLAM!"

While he was disoriented Brittany grabbed one of his feet and rolled him over on his stomach. Then she straddled his back and placed a foot behind each of her shoulders. "You really should change your mind little Rocky because I'm going to put you through a lot of pain if you don't. You and I both know you're not man enough to stop me from hurting you so give it up and say you'll do tape three." Before he had a chance to answer her she cranked his legs in her Boston crab. "AAAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" His little girl scream could be heard all over the building.

"How about it little man? Have you come to your senses yet?" "FUCK YOU BRITTA" That's as far as he got.."AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She poured power to his legs again and smiled when she heard his loud scream. "You really are not very bright little Rocky. But fortunately for you I have all day. So lets play some more." She released his legs and quickly turned around and sat down facing his head. Grabbing his hair, she lifted his head slightly off of the floor. Then she placed her feet flat on the floor right under his face and trapped his head between her ankles. She grabbed both of his wrists and pulled his arms out straight and up against her legs.

Rock's nose was resting on her bare feet and he could smell the sweaty odor of the leather sandals she had worn that day. He struggled with everything he had to get away from them but Brittany had him securely pinned to the floor. When he started flopping his muscular body around trying to get away, Brittany pulled hard on his arms against her lower thighs. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "Now stop squirming wimp before I snap these pitiful male arms of yours." Rock settled down and held his breath. Brittany laughed at him. "You can't hold your breath forever little man so you might as well get used to smelling my feet. I took a shower this morning."

Rock continued to hold his breath and not listen to her. Brittany smiled and raised her toes to rub them in his red face. He tried to get lose again so she yanked on his arms once more. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "I told you not to move you stupid little shit. Now mind me or you'll be wearing a cast on both of these puny arms." Rock stopped squirming and lie still. "Good boy. Now open your mouth for me and suck on my big toe you little sissy." Like an idiot, Rock began to struggle again. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" When he screamed she shoved her left big toe in his mouth. "If you bite me bitch I'll snap your arms like twigs." "NOW SUCK!"

Rock had no choice. He began sucking on her toe while he whimpered like a little puppy. "That's my good boy. Get it nice and clean little Rocky. And don't piss me off if you know what's good for you." Shame filled his muscular body for being so weak. It quickly spread through him like a virus. His whimpering turned to sobbing as large tears fell from his tightly shut eyes. Brittany sat on his back like it was her throne and grinned while she humiliated the muscular asshole. There was an audible pop when she pulled her toe out of his mouth. "OK boy. Now clean the other one just as good." His tears increased when she shoved her right big toe in his mouth. "That's a good boy. You're a great toe sucker wimp. I believe you've done this before."

When she thought she had humiliated him enough for the time being she pulled her toe out of his mouth. "Have you came to the right decision yet little Rocky?" "Go.. to.. h.hell.. Br.Br.Brittany." He whined. "Wrong answer little man. Now I'm forced to keep persuading you until you change your feeble mind." She removed her feet from in front of his face and stood up. Still controlling his arms, she placed them on his back in a double hammerlock and pinned them there with her right knee. She bent down and picked up his feet and crossed one over the other. Holding on to the outside foot with her right hand she was able to control both of his legs.

Next, she reached down and cupped his chin in her left hand. Placing her left foot firmly on the floor on the other side of his body for leverage, she pulled his head and feet towards her. Rock tried to scream from the pain she was causing him but it was muffled by her tight grip on his chin. His legs, back and neck were in a great deal of pain. Brittany finally released him and Rock flopped to the floor crying like a baby. Brittany stood up and walked over to stand above his head. "Get up little Rocky. We're going to play throw the pussy around." Rock stumbled to his feet, hoping to find a way out of this nightmare he was in.

As soon as he was standing Brittany grabbed his arm and flipped him to the floor. "SLAM!" Come on boy get your ass back up." He managed to make it to his feet again only to be flipped back to the floor. "SLAM!" "Up little Rocky. I'm not through playing our game. His tears were falling out by the bucket full when he finally gained his feet. "SLAM!" Back in the floor he went. "Come on boy. You have to get to your feet a little faster then that. Now move it." Like a dumb ass, Rock climbed to his feet once again. "Good boy little Rocky. You're cooperating very nicely. "SLAM!" He hit the floor for the fourth time. He lie there bawling while she stood over him.

"You can't lay there boy. That's not the way you play the game. Now get your ass up." Rock didn't move. "If I have to pick you up I'm going to beat your brains out before I throw you back in the floor." "NOW GET YOUR WORTHLESS ASS UP!" Crying his heart out, Rock slowly made it to his feet. "That's much better. Now don't make me tell you twice again." "SLAM!" Back down he went. For nearly fifteen minutes poor Rock was forced to get up so she could slam him back in the floor. "SLAM!" He was barely conscious when she tired of her little game.

Brittany picked him up from the floor and pulled his head down between her thighs. She wrapped her strong female arms around his waist and lifted him up until he was perpendicular with the floor. Then she dropped to her knees in a pile driver. "WHAM!" "SPLAT!" His limp body hit the floor and lie there not moving. It was getting a little warm in the room so Brittany stripped off her short outfit while Rock lie sleeping in the floor. The pink bra and panties really made her flawless tanned skin stand out. The wavy black hair flowing down to her shoulders complimented the pink bra and panties just right. With her firmly toned muscles and gorgeous long legs she was a formidable warrior that would frighten any man.

She nudged Rock with her bare foot until his eyes fluttered open. "Get up bitch. You haven't made the right decision yet so I'm going to give you a little more persuading." Rock lie there in tears, moaning like he was dieing. "I warned you not to make me tell you things twice you pathetic little sissy. Now get your ass up before you really piss me off." Crying like a broken hearted child, Rock slowly climbed to his feet. "That's my good little boy. Now come to Brittany so I can hold you in my arms." Knowing it was useless but having no other ideas, Rock threw a punch at her beautiful face. Brittany smiled sweetly as she dodged it and went into action.

After dodging the punch, Brittany was standing slightly to his right side. She threw her right arm under his right arm pit and stretched it across his chest to grab his left shoulder. Then she turned her body until they were back to back. She reached down and wrapped her left arm around his right leg and hefted him up on her back. She then jocked his body until he was lying over her shoulders and upper back in a back breaker. Pulling down hard with both arms made him squeal in pain. "AAIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She yanked down again and listened to his high pitched screams. "AAAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Oh, I bet that's really painful little man. Maybe you should tell me what I want to hear before I hurt you permanently." "No Brittany. You can't make me."

"We'll see about that wimp. I'm not nearly through with you yet. I have a feeling you'll be singing a different tune by the time I'm finished with you." After jerking down one last time and listening to his painful scream. "AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She rolled him off of her and slammed him into the floor. "SLAM!" Rock lie there crying like a lost child, totally afraid of what she was going to do to him next. Brittany wasted no time in showing him. She dragged him up to his knees and reached over his back to grab his arms. She took his right in her left and his left in her right. Then she brought his crossed arms up and wrapped them around his throat.

She placed her right foot between his shoulder blades and began choking him with his own arms. She grinned at his feeble struggles to stop her. Within a minute, Rock was ready to pass out. Brittany released him and watched as he dropped over on his face. "You can't sleep yet you little sissy. I have a lot more pain to put you through." Brittany flopped him over and laid down on top of him. She pinned his muscular arms to the floor with her feminine strong hands and stretched his legs outward in a grapevine hold. Rock screamed like a little girl from the pain in his crotch. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "That really hurts doesn't it you big pussy? And you scream so well." "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

She looked into his frightened, tear filled eyes and smiled. "All this pain will come to an end as soon as you change your stubborn, mule headed mind. Until then, I don't mind torturing you one bit. It's so much fun and very easy to do. Your large muscular male arms are no match for my strong female strength. Whipping your puny ass is the easiest thing I've ever done. I'll bet you even have nightmares about me hurting you and wake up peeing your pants." When she saw the shameful look spread over his red face she knew she had stumbled onto something. "You do don't you little man? How many times have you peed your bed since we started these tapes? Huh? How many bitch?" Rock just shut his eyes tight and cried his heart out.

Brittany released him and got to her feet laughing. "Get up you pathetic little bed wetter. Let's see if I can make you pee your pants right now." Rock just lie there squalling. Her finding out he pissed his pajama bottoms and wet his bed was the last thing in the world he wanted her to know. He tried to keep a straight face when she mentioned it but the humiliation he felt was just to overwhelming. He wished at that moment he was back in Texas and in his mothers arms. But that thought made the shame he was feeling spread even further. Brittany said he would cry for his mommy before she was through with him and that's exactly what he wanted to do.

Rock slowly climbed to his feet pleading for mercy. "Please.. Brittany.. leave.. me.. alone. Just.. let.. me.. go.. and.. you'll.. never.. see.. me.. again. You've.. proved.. you're.. much.. stronger.. then.. I.. am. Isn't.. it.. enough.. for.. you.. to.. know.. that.. I'm.. scared.. to.. death.. of.. you? Please.. stop.. hurting.. me.. and.. let.. me.. out.. of.. here." She smiled as she strolled over to him. "I'm afraid that's not an option little Rocky. You can go your merry way after tape three is on the shelf. So agree to my terms or your torture will be continued."

Rock tried to juke her out and make a run for the door. But the pain she caused his legs while she had him in the grape vine hold severely hampered his movements. She easily caught him and spun his trembling body until his back was to her. Grinning at his pitiful struggles to escape her clutches, she wrapped him up in an abdominal stretch hold. When she bent his muscular body at an angle his loud screams filled the room. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Ohhh, I bet that's really painful wimp. Maybe you should give it up and do as I've asked. You'll make Lois and I very happy and the pain will cease to exist. So if I were you I would say yes." "IS THAT CLEAR BITCH?"

Rock's slobbering mouth was as wide open as he could get it. Tears were cascading down his face like a waterfall while he screamed from the agonizing pain the hold was causing him. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He continuously squalled like a new born baby while fear of permanent damage being done to his body filled him with dread. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He couldn't take anymore pain. Brittany's hold was to secure and she was way to strong for him to break it and get to safety. As the fear of being ripped apart enveloped him he lost control of his bladder and cried even harder. Brittany saw the stain spread out on his shorts and the yellow fluid run down his leg.

"What do you say bitch? Have you changed your mind about quitting?" "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" "OH GOD YES!PLEASE LET ME GO! YOU'RE KILLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Brittany unwrapped her strong female limbs from his weak male ones and Rock collapsed to the floor whining and whimpering. "That's my boy. I knew I could convince you to see things my way. Lois is going to be over joyed you decided to stay and do tape three. Let's go give her the good news. Shall we little Rocky?" She grabbed him by the back of his collar and jerked him to his feet. Brittany had to help him walk as she marched him towards the door. Her abdominal stretch hold nearly ruined his body.

As she opened the door and dragged him out, half of the people that worked there was standing outside waiting. His painful screams was heard all over the building and everyone had come running to see what was going on. They cleared a path for Brittany and smiled as walked him through them. When they reached Lois's door she shoved him in and closed it. "Lois, Rocky has something he would like to say to you." Brittany informed her. Lois looked at the man and saw he was crying. "What happened to you Rocky? Did you fall down and hurt yourself?" He looked at Brittany and the glare she gave him frightened the poor man out of his wits. "Yes Lois, that's what happened." He said. Brittany turned her head and grinned.

"OK. What was it you wanted to speak to me about?" She asked. "I've thought it over and decided I'll do tape three before I resign." He replied. "Why that's wonderful news." Lois cheerful exclaimed. "Thank you Rocky you won't regret it. I really am delighted to hear you've changed your mind. And I appreciate it very much. Now if you'll excuse me I'll get started on the arrangements right away." Brittany took Rock by the arm and led him out of there. "Let me give you fair warning little Rocky in case you have any stupid ideas about going back on your word. This town isn't as big as you think it is." I read the Variety page just like you do. So I'll know every part you'll show up to try out for." Brittany told the broken man.

"I'll be there waiting for you to give you a terrible beating in front of the other wanna be actors. By the time I'm done with you you won't be in any shape to audition for the part. So smarten up and be here to shoot tape three. Because I'll find you where ever you are. Am I making myself understood bitch?" "Yes Brittany. I'll be here. Do you promise to leave me alone after that and let me get on with my life?" "Why sure little Rocky. After tape three you can jump off of a bridge as far as I'm concerned. But if you don't show up for it I might just throw you off of one myself." "OK Brittany. I get the point." He whimpered. "Good boy. I promise to take it easy in tape three and not hurt you........much."

Needless to say, Rock showed up for tape three. Brittany was true to her word and didn't hurt him very bad. Well, she didn't break any bones at least. Shortly afterwards MGM was casting for a new movie they were making about two beautiful women who were tough as nails, kick ass private detectives. Brittany and Angie both got the parts and the movie was a smash hit. They signed lucrative contracts with the studio and became famous. Rock never made it to the big time and was back in Texas pumping gas at his Uncle's gas station. Brittany and Angie still wrestled for Lois once in a while, free of charge. Lois finally sold her business for a great deal of money and became a millionaire. Everyone was contented and happy with the lives they were living.