Brandy introduces her girlfriend to domination. (Illustrated) (Pictures)

Brandy shows her girlfriend how she dominates her step father.

Brandy Davis

Brandy Davis was now eighteen and had graduated from high school. She planned on going to College so she could get a good education and hopefully land a deceit paying job when her mother was alive. But that was unnecessary now. Beating her step father to a pulp and taking over meant she could do anything she pleased. Because Brandy controlled everything. The money, the house, the bank account, the savings account, the credit cards, and him. Wuss, as she liked to call him, was nothing more then a slave to his beautiful step daughter. She ordered him around like a dog and beat him like one when ever she felt like it. The man was heavily muscled and twice her size but he was scared to death of his dominate step daughter. Brandy had proved on more then one occasion that she could easily mop up the floor with his muscular body. So he had no choice but to obey her or be punished.

Brandy awoke from an erotic dream and was horny as hell. Fortunately she had an oral slave to satisfy her sexual needs. "WUSS! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" She ordered her step father. He scurried to her bedroom as fast as he could so he wouldn't make her angry. Because when Brandy was angry, he not only knew it, he felt it. "Yes Miss Brandy. He timidly asked while his legs trembled. "I need that talented tongue of yours wimp. Get down on your knees and service me." "I was about to bake you some fresh cinnamon rolls for your breakfast Miss Brandy. Let me go turn off the oven first." He replied. "FUCK THE OVEN WUSS! NOW GET YOUR ASS DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!" She sternly commanded him. "Yes Miss Brandy." He said while he knelt at the foot of the bed. "I was only trying to save you some mon.." Brandy grabbed him by the head and jerked him up on the bed. "SMACK!" Then she punched him in the mouth to shut him up.

Brandy stopping his infernal yapping with a powerful punch.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion. Do you pansy ass?" "No Miss Brandy." He whimpered. "Then the next time you open that big mouth of yours it better be to stick your tongue up my pussy as far as it will go. Am I making myself clear?" "Yes Miss Brandy." He replied with a whiny voice. "Good. Then get back down there and open your mouth like a good little boy. And don't piss me off again or I'll beat you senseless. Now do as you're told." She ordered. He slid his shaking body down to the floor and opened his mouth as far as he could get it. Brandy threw her gorgeous legs over his shoulders and mashed her golden mound against his face. She wiggled around a little until she was comfortable. "OK wimp, get that tongue in there. I want at least three fantastic orgasms so you better do your best to please me. Because not even God could help you if I'm not satisfied." He shot his tongue deep inside her canal and lapped like his life depended on it.

About forty minutes later Brandy collapsed on the bed and sighed. Her step father jumped up and ran to the linen closet to get her a clean wash cloth and towel. Then he wet the cloth down with warm water and rushed back to her bedroom. Brandy had some what collected herself by now and was sitting on the side of the bed. She snatched the warm cloth from his hand and thoroughly cleaned her sopping wet pussy. Then she threw the cloth at him and grabbed the towel to dry herself. He used the same cloth and towel to clean his face while Brandy rose from her bed and stretched her well proportioned female body. "You did an excellent job wuss. I'm proud of you. Now strip my bed and gather up my clothes. Then take them down and wash them." "Yes Miss Brandy." He meekly replied. Brandy sat down at her vanity table and began to brush her illustrious blond hair while he followed her orders.

When Brandy was through brushing her hair she strolled towards the kitchen. When she passed through the hall way she noticed the clothes basket sitting by the basement door. Then she heard a noise in the kitchen so she stormed in there like an angry hornet. There stood her step father with a pan of cinnamon rolls in his hand. "I thought I told you to wash my sheets and my clothes." She angrily said as she spun him around. Fear instantly spread across his frightened, pale face. "I.. I thought I would put the cinnamon rolls in first so they could start baking." He stammered. "How many times must I tell you to stop thinking for yourself." "SLAP!..SLAP!" "You're to much of an idiot to think straight." Tears ran down his face while he trembled in her strong grip. "I'm sorry Miss Brandy." He blubbered.

She snatched him by the ear and dragged his trembling body to the basement door. "Pick up that clothes basket." She commanded. His shaking hands grabbed the sides and lifted it up. Brandy opened the door and hauled him down the stairs. When they reached the bottom she turned loose of his ear and delivered a powerful kick to his back that sent him stumbling forward. "WHAM!" The basket fell out of his hands and over turned. "Now pick that shit up and wash my things like I ordered. You can put the fucking cinnamon rolls in the oven after you get the washer going. Do you understand me you fucking moron?" She asked as she glared at him. "Yes Miss Brandy. I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me." He pleaded. "If you piss me off one more time today I'm going to beat your ass raw with my hair brush. Now stop your whining and get to work."

Brandy was lounging around wondering what she was going to do today. She went shopping and bought six new pairs of shoes yesterday and the day before she purchased four new outfits. So she was burnt out on shopping for a while. Since she graduated she realised she missed the days she used to spend with her friends doing school activities and just hanging out together. Especially with her best friend Ronda. Then the thought occurred to her that she didn't have to give up those fun days simply because they weren't in high school anymore. So she grabbed the phone and dialed Ronda's number. After a lengthy conversation she invited Ronda over and she accepted. She was feeling better already. "FRONT AND CENTER WUSS!" She yelled. Her step father came running.

"Ronda is coming over for a little girl time fun. Get your ass in the kitchen and make some refreshments for us. Finger sandwiches, chips, a vegetable plate or anything else that comes to mind. Another pan of those cinnamon rolls would be nice. They were really tasty. Now move your ass." She commanded. "Yes Miss Brandy. Right away." He answered as he scurried off. A large smile appeared on Brandy's beautiful face when she remembered Ronda didn't know about the roll reversal that had taken place in her home. Ronda is going to get the shock of her life when she finds out I give the orders around here. Especially if I have to punish wuss while she's here. I wonder what she'll think when she sees me slap him around or bust him in the mouth. She thought to herself. I'll bet she'll get a big kick out of it. Ronda is pretty cool.

The two girls hugged each other and acted like adolescent young teenagers when Ronda arrived. "What have you been doing with yourself since we graduated Brandy? I hardly ever see you anymore." Ronda asked her best friend. "Well, I doubt if you would believe me if I simply told you so I'll give you a little demonstration. Prepare yourself girl because you're about to get the surprise of your life." She told her friend with an evil grin. Ronda was slightly puzzled but she waited to see what Brandy was talking about. "WUSS! BRING THAT REFRESHMENT PLATE IN HERE ON THE DOUBLE!" She screamed. Ronda's mouth fell open when she saw Brandy's step father hustle into the room carrying the plate. "Set it down on the coffee table and get us something to drink." Brandy commanded her slave. "Yes Miss Brandy." He answered with an embarrassing look. "And wuss." "Yes Miss Brandy." He whimpered. "We're very thirsty so snap it up." "Yes Miss Brandy." He replied as he turned and ran back to the kitchen. Brandy turned to Ronda and smiled.

"Well. Are you as surprised as I said you would be?" She asked Ronda. "Surprised doesn't even come close to describing it. It's unbelievable. How did you do that? Why is he following your orders without protesting? And why does he look so scared when you speak to him? What the hell is going on Brandy?" She asked with her mouth still open. Brandy sat her down and filled her in on the whole story. About the brutal beating she gave her step father when she took over. Why she now controls him and how she forced her step father into turning over all the family assets. And how she uses him to satisfy her sexual needs. That statement really got Ronda's attention. "You mean he gives you oral sex when ever you want it?" She asked astounded. "Yep. He obeys every order I give him because he knows I'll beat him senseless if he objects. So anything my heart desires I get. I'm in complete control."

"How does oral sex feel girl? My boyfriend refuses to go down on me so I've never had the pleasure. Is it as fantastic as I've heard?" She excitedly asked her friend. "You haven't lived until you feel a mans tongue deep inside of you. It's the most wonderful experience I've ever felt in my life. And the orgasms you receive. "WOW!" They make you feel like you're on top of the world. Once you have a climax from oral sex you'll develop a craving for it that has to be satisfied. I make wuss eat me out at least twice a day. I'm telling you girl it's the greatest." She answered with a dreamy look in her lovely blue eyes. Ronda intensely listened until Brandy was finished explaining it to her. "Damn girl I've got a craving just hearing you talk about it. Now I absolutely have to try it." She told Brandy.

"HEY! Why don't you use wuss for your first time. I happen to know on good authority that he's very experienced. It would be best if you used someone who knows what they're doing so you can fully realise the pleasure it gives you." Brandy told her. "Do you really think he would agree?" Ronda asked. "Didn't I just explain he does everything I tell him to. Now stop worrying. Just relax while I go fetch the little sissy." Brandy leaped up from the sofa and headed for the kitchen. Her step father wasn't there when she entered the room so she called out to him. "WUSS! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" She yelled. "Out in the garage Miss Brandy. The trash needed taken out." He answered. Brandy opened the door and slipped out into the garage.

"Get your ass back inside wimp. Ronda's never had the pleasurable feeling of oral sex so I want you to give her your best performance." She explained to her step father. "Uhhh, I don't think that would be appropriate Miss Brandy." He stammered. "Are you arguing with me you pathetic little bastard?" She said as she started for him with a hateful glare in her eyes. His face turned as white as a sheet. "I'm sorry Miss Brandy please don't hurt me." He pleaded. But it was to late. "THUD!" Brandy slammed her fist into his chest and knocked him in the corner. Then she corralled him there and began to work him over with her fists and Karate chops. Brandy had him trapped so he had no where to run. He began crying in despair before she landed the first punch.

"WHACK!..WHACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..SMACK!" He tried his best to defend himself but it was totally useless. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" He slid down the wall until he was sitting on his butt sobbing his heart out. Brandy grabbed her crying step father and dragged him to his feet. "Now get your ass in there and do what you're told. Or I'll beat you half to death right here in this garage. Do you understand me asshole?" She sternly asked the frightened man. "Yes.. Miss.. B.Brandy." He fearfully blubbered. "Good boy. And give her your best effort if you want to stay in one piece. Now move your ass." She commanded as she shoved him towards the door. Her step father stumbled inside with his tear filled eyes staring at the floor in shame. They found Ronda out on the balcony getting some fresh air.

"Here he is Ronda." She said as she shoved him towards her. "What happened? Why is he crying?" She asked Brandy. "He didn't want to do it so I had to persuade him." She answered with a smile. Ronda turned to the man with her hands on her shapely hips. "Why did you refuse? Don't you think I'm as pretty as Brandy?" She hatefully asked. "Oh yes Miss Ronda I think you're beautiful." He replied. "Then what's your problem? You do it for Brandy all of the time." "Yes ma'am because I know Brandy will severely punish me if I try to refuse." He truthfully answered the young redhead. "Well if that's all it takes I can certainly handle that." She said as she back handed him in the mouth. "SMACK!" He fell back against the railing in surprise while he clutched his fat lip.


Brandy was just as surprised as he was. "Nice shot Ronda give it to him good." She said cheering on her friend. "Oh I intend to. He'll think twice before he refuses me again." "WHAM!..WHAP!" Her right foot caved in his chest before she landed a solid kick to his jaw. "SMACK!" Then a right cross sent him staggering towards the sliding glass door. "Come back here you ungrateful little wimp I'm not through with you yet. I offer you my sweet pussy and you have the nerve to reject it. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" Ronda swelled up his eyes, softened up his stomach and nearly took his head off with a powerful uppercut. He uncontrollably back pedalled into the house and fell on his ass. The pissed off redhead stalked after her prey to continue his beating.

The man was crying like a baby when Ronda hauled him to his feet. His rapidly swelling face was a mask of pure fear. Getting a savage beating from the beautiful redhead was the last thing he expected when Brandy forcibly escorted him to her. So he wasn't prepared at all. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" Ronda beat him around the room with ease. For a female who wasn't particularly mean or cruel the redheaded tigress packed one hell of a punch. And she seemed to be enjoying herself. Brandy was utterly fascinated while she watched her friend beat her step father to a pulp. This was a side of Ronda she had never seen before and it was fun to see someone else knock him around. In fact, it was very arousing. Her female juices were already flowing like a run away river. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!..CRACK!" Ronda's jaw breaking uppercut knocked him over the back of the sofa and put his lights out.

Ronda straddled the unconscious male and sat down across his neck. Then she slapped his battered, black and blue face until his badly swollen eyes slowly opened. "Is that enough punishment weakling or should I continue to pulverize your ugly face?" She asked the sobbing male. "No Miss Ronda I give up. I'll do what ever you say. I'm sorry. Please don't hit me again." He begged. "That's better. Don't ever refuse me again. The next time I'll beat you so bad you may never recover. Is that clear?" She asked patting his puffy cheek. "Yes ma'am I've learned my lesson. I'll obey your orders." He replied with a sob. "Good boy. Now use that tongue and please me. I want my first experience to be exceptional so don't disappoint me if you want to remain healthy. Now get to licking." She sternly commanded. He immediately obeyed. Brandy sat in the chair and played with herself while her step father worked like a mad man to please the dominate young woman.

Ronda straddling her victims neck and issuing his orders.

Ten minutes later her screams could be heard all over the house. "YESSSSSSSSSSS! YESSSSSSSSSSSS! OH MY GOD! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Ronda collapsed on the sofa with a satisfying look on her lovely face. Her newly acquired oral slave patiently waited for her to calm down and release him. He finally was allowed to fetch her a warm cloth and towel. "Well, was I right or what?" Brandy asked Ronda with a smile. "Jesus Christ girl. I didn't know I was missing out on such exotic pleasure. That boyfriend of mine is going to learn how to please me like that if I have to beat the living shit out of him. That is fucking fantastic." She replied still breathing heavily. "I told you. There is nothing like it. Once you get started you can't stop. It's overwhelmingly addictive." Brandy explained. "I believe you girl. I've never felt anything like this. And I definitely want to feel this way again." The two girls hugged each other.

Ronda cleaned herself up when he returned with the warm cloth a towel. Then she allowed him to wipe his face clean of her thick, female juices. "Come here wuss and drop to your knees." Brandy commanded her step father. He instantly obeyed her. She turned her fine looking ass to him and snapped her fingers. "Kiss my ass for allowing you to service Miss Ronda." She ordered. He firmly kissed her soft, smooth cheeks all over. "Now kiss Miss Ronda's ass for being kind enough to let you pleasure her." He turned his head and covered her sweet cheeks with tender kisses. Brandy signaled to Ronda and the two girls giggled as they bent over and grabbed their ankles. His head was trapped between the fleshy prison of their perfectly shaped butts. He knelt there and whimpered while the two beautiful girls tortured him. When they finally released him he slumped to the floor on his face.

Brandy and Ronda trapping his head between their beautiful asses.

The two best friends sat around and chatted the rest of the day while Brandy's step father waited on them hand and foot. He didn't have to give the two dominate girls anymore oral sex but he was ordered to massage their feet and was used as a foot stool by both young women. Ronda finally decided it was time to go home around ten o'clock. The two girls made plans to get together again in a few days before they hugged each other and said good bye. Brandy went to her bedroom while her step father began to pick up the dishes in the living room. She stopped him when she came out of her bedroom carrying her hair brush. "I told you I would beat your ass raw if you pissed me off again today. Now put those things down and get across my lap." His shoulders slumped down in defeat and tears sprang to his eyes when he meekly assumed the position.

"WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!..WHACK!" Ronda was standing on the porch digging through her purse for her keys. She smiled when she heard the resounding whacks and Brandy's step fathers high pitched screams. Brandy certainly has the right idea. Males need a strong females hand to put them in their place and make sure they stay there. Things go much smoother when the female is the boss and the male does what he's told. Her smile grew larger as she started for her car. Her boyfriend was in for a rude awakening tomorrow. His life was drastically going to change. He would happily accept the changes or be thoroughly beaten into submission. She rather hoped he would put up a fight. The picture in her mind of his swollen, tear stained face staring up at her while he groveled at her feet was making her female body tingle all over. She was damn glad Brandy called her today. Her life was about to get a whole lot sweeter.