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Klik Klak - Clicker Trainer

Ref Code:  FL501450







    Price:  €1.40

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Clicker training is a science-based way to communicate with your pet that has been used since the 1950's. It's easier to learn than standard command-based training. You can clicker train any kind of animal, of any age. Puppies love it. Old dogs learn new tricks. You can clicker-train cats, birds, and other pets as well. Here are some simple tips to get you started.

1. Spend some time somewhere, and wait until your pet has good behavior. (you don't want to reward chasing the cat!) Stand with your pet and practice clicking and giving the dog a treat until the dog recognizes that a click or whatever other sound marker you've chosen means a reward is coming. You may need to have multiple "loading" sessions. Some trainers recommend portioning out what your pet eats each day so that you do not feed your pet too much. Try working with your pet before he/she's is fed. A full pet may not be as interested in working for food. Eventually, the dog's mealtime can become a session of rehearsing commands it already knows, or while teaching new things.

2. Push and release the springy end of the clicker, making a two-toned click. Then treat. Keep the treats small. Use a delicious treat at first: for a dog or cat, little cubes of roast chicken, not a lump of kibble.

3. Click during the desired behavior, not after it is completed. The timing of the click is crucial. Don't be dismayed if your pet stops the behavior when it hears the click. The click ends the behavior. Give the treat after that; the timing of the treat is not important.

4. Click when your dog or other pet does something you like. Begin with something easy that the pet is likely to do on its own. (Ideas: sit; come toward you; touch your hand with its nose; lift a foot; touch and follow a target object such as a pencil or a spoon.)

5. Click once (in-out.) If you want to express special enthusiasm, increase the number of treats, not the number of clicks.

6. Keep practice sessions short. Much more is learned in three sessions of five minutes each than in an hour of boring repetition. You can get dramatic results, and teach your pet many new things, by fitting a few clicks a day here and there in your normal routine.

7. Fix bad behavior by clicking good behavior. Click the puppy for relieving itself in the proper spot. Click for paws on the ground, not on the visitors. Instead of scolding for making noise, click for silence. Cure leash-pulling by clicking and treating those moments when the leash happens to go slack.

8. Don't wait for the "whole picture" or the perfect behavior. Click and treat for small movements in the right direction. You want the dog to sit, and it starts to crouch in back: click. You want it to come when called, and it takes a few steps your way: click.

9. n your animal has learned to do something for clicks, it will begin showing you the behavior spontaneously, trying to get you to click. Now is the time to begin offering a cue, such as a word or a hand signal. Start clicking for that behavior if it happens during or after the cue. Start ignoring that behavior when the cue wasn't given.

10. If you are not making progress with a particular behavior, you are probably clicking too late. Accurate timing is important. Get someone else to watch you, and perhaps to click for you, a few times.






















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