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My Favorite Web Sites

justins site
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dads wrk site
good news
local news

hey everyone im crystal umm yeah this is pretty much my site i hope ya'll like it! umm well theres not to much to know about me, i got to buffalo school im in 8th grade i play softball and track in softball i play center and in track i thrown shot and disc! its one of the funnest things i've ever done, i like to hunt and fish and all the regular hillbilly stuff! but yeah well im dating the most amazing guy in the world named wesley, he's so sweet and she is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E if i may say so myself! he has red hair which is awesome and i think green eyes hes tall (compared to me) but yeah thats pretty much it for now! well later <3crystal ---------------------------------------------------

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layout -------------------------------------------- These are my icons everybody ------------------------------------------ MySpace Editor I LOVE HIM SOO MUCH and people i was laughing really hard so i look weird of course -----------------------------------------
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