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Misha, AKA Little Bird McCallin is the chief mechanic of the Death Toll motorcycle club in Shangrila, and she's also the co-owner of Chubby's Roadhouse. Four years ago she met Joe, and the two of them grew into something more than just friends.

Misha was born in Pyongyan Korea in 1954 a scant seven months after the departure of US Forces from the conflict that became known as the Korean War. Her life was not an easy one. She, in her earliest days, did not know who her father was and she was told her mother had died giving birth to her. The truth was her mother sent her to an orphans home to avoid the shame in having a green eyed daughter as proof of her liason with an American Soldier. Misha's early years were spent under the care of nuns who at least saw to her basic needs if not the need for affection and love. She was already a loner by the age of six and by the age of eight she found she no longer had a home when the North Korean government decided to claim the children as a labor force. Misha was one of the lucky ones. She escaped to the streets of Pyongyan to roam.

The next several years were little more than a fight for survival. She learned to hide from soldiers and civilians alike. Children like her were pariahs and often rounded up. They were good for the rice patties and they were good for the brothels and other industries that cropped up in her world after the war. Misha's live was lived much like a rat stealing to survive until one day she met a man who had eyes like her own. That was the day she met Hank Mc Callin a man who told her he was her father. If he was, or not, is still unknown. He did bring her to the States and began to teach her to speak English. He taught her how to fix engines which was something she had a natural gift for. He protected her as did the bikers he rode with. Life, for Misha, had never been so good until the day Hank was killed. Everything changed for her that day. She had formed a bond with the man she thought to be her father and when he died it further pushed the loner into herself.

Three years later she found herself in Shangrila wandering lost. Luck was with the young Korean/Native American halfbreed. She ran into a man who owned a garage and saw her talent with engines. He took her out to the Badlands and a camp out there. That is where she encountered Baby and the Death Toll. Within months they accepted her into the fold and even granted her colors. She was still a quiet woman who kept to herself. Baby was one of the few she would talk with and the young looking gang leader seemed to understand Misha's reluctance to let anyone 'in'. Baby never pushed it and kept others from pushing it, too.

One night a man rode into the camp. A dealer that often worked with the Toll rode in and Misha's life once more took a turn. Gragorian, or Gragan, was a dangerous man. Misha could tell that instantly but while other women vied for his attention she skirted around him and went straight for his bike. That drew his interest instead of offending him. That night they sat up at the fire and talked. It was more or less small talk about bikes and other things but it was a start. Gragorian returned to the camp often and always sought Misha out. It began unexpectedly for her and it grew into something else. Eventually she wore his name tattoo'd over her heart and she had something she never had before. She had love. Gragan was a viscious bastard to everyone BUT Misha. He was viscious enough that more than one of the Toll suspected him of beating and abusing her but that had never been the case. The only wrinkle in their relationship was that he had to travel so often for business but Misha coped. She and Gragan had a deal. What happened when he was gone did not matter to him. Misha was free to take lovers though she never did. That is, until she met Joseph Howling Coyote.

It started as just 'scratching an itch' for both of them but the seperation from the ones that they loved drew Joe and Misha together. First, it was as friends that understood the loneliness of the other and it grew into lovers. A bond grew between them that was strong. The unthinkable happened. Gragan died. Misha's world again shattered into pieces and this time the woman almost did not survive the loss. It was Joe that helped her hold the pieces together. It was Joe that kept her from giving in to the emptiness that swelled in her heart and threatened to consume her completely. Joe, saved her from herself.

Now she owns Chubby's Roadhouse with him. She runs the day to day opperations of the business. She, Joe and Joe's Old Lady Glimmer work hard to keep the business afloat. And Glimmer, like Joe, has earned the one thing that Misha can so rarely give to anyone. Trust
