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Scrapped Princess


Background Info

There was a prophecy that talked of a girl that when she turned 16, she would be the poison that would destroy the world. That girl is Pacifica Cassul.

When she was born, Pacifica was ordered to be ‘scrapped’, killed. But luckily she was saved and taken in by adoptive brother & sister’s family, Shannon and Raquel.


So ever since then, Shannon and Raquel have been protecting Pacifica from assasins and bounty hunters.

The story follows the trio on their journey of surviving from attacks until the day she turns 16, Pacifica's brother & sister don't think her as the 'poison that'll destroy world', but only as their little sister.

During their journey, Pacifica befriends others until they find out the truth, and usually head for the hills. Quite sad, really...

But then the Peacemakers get involved. Peacemakers had the ability to control a human's mind and had major power. Sort of like one of god's angels (the god in this anime was called Browser) but 'god' wants Pacifica dead.


Great anime! The storyline sounds a little dull (a little) but their journey is quite interesting. The Peacemakers are characters to be feared, and Pacifica & Shannon's little squawbles are pretty funny.

But the action is a high point and very awesome! I never blink during those scenes. So yes, I enjoyed this anime, and wouldn't mind re-watching!

Animation: 9.0

Storyline: 8.9

Entertaining: 8.9

Overall: 8.9 (Worth watching)