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Background info

Akuma, anyone? The villan of the anime is the Millennium Earl makes the Akuma(translated into demon) by leeching off a human being's pain and suffering (he looks for people who has lost someone really dear and important to them, and gives that person a chance to bring them back. So the Earl provides a shell for that person's soul to come back, and you just have to call for the person you want back. But, when they are turned into an Akuma you controlled by the Earl. So it's live with your pain and move on, or be killed by your that's suffering even more under the Earl's control.

And the ones to fight the Earl is the Black Order and their Exorcists.


D.Gray-man is about an organisation called the Black Order. The Order is full of Exorcist and Finders. Exorcist have something called Innocence in them which grants them powers and special weapons. Finders supports Exorcist in battle, though they don't have Innocence.

Another name for Innocence is 'God's Crystal', and Akuma are to find the Innocence and get it back to their boss, The Millennium Earl. And with enough 'crystals' he can then take over the world. Or so they say.

At the same time, the Black Order is trying to get the 'crystals' before the Earl does, and looking for people compatiable (able to use the Innocence) and get them to join the Black Order as an Exorcist to take out the Earl.

So the story is mostly based around Allen Walker, a young exorcist prophecised as 'The Destroyer of Time'. Allen decided to join the Order after turning someone important to him into an Akuma. (Mana, a Father-figure-like person.) And because Akuma have no will of their own, Allen's goal is to destroy them and set them free.


This anime is really entertaining, and the fights are awesome. (Yeah, I'm bad at descriping...) But the storyline of D.Gray-man has really got me hooked. But even though the seriousness of the story you still get quite a few laughs, with characters like Lavi and the Supervisor, lol.

The animation is at an above-average standard, and the character designs were done quite well. But they could have made the Earl a little less like a happy-go-lucky clown. But I guess thats one of the reasons why hes had so many victums fall into his trap...

I'm TOTALLY IN LOVE with the opening(INNOCENT SORROW by Abingdon Boys School. I'm a HUGE Takanori fan! <3 ) the first endings not bad(Snow Kiss, sorry I forgot who sings it), but I LOVE the second ending!(Pride of Tomorrow by JUNE)

So my rating for this anime would have to be...

Animation: 9.3

Storyline: 9.2

Entertainmenting: 9.3

Overall: 9.3 (a Great anime, you should check it out!)