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Module 9 Artifacts


Ghandi was a major political and spiritual leader of the Indian Independence Movement. He was the pioneer of satyagraha — resistance through mass civil disobedience strongly founded upon ahimsa (non-violence) becoming one of the strongest philosophies of freedom struggles worldwide.

Ghandi is important because of his political and spiritual teachings and his impact on society in India and his struggle for peace.

The United Nations is a global association of governments facilitating cooperation in international law, security, economic development, and social equity.

I used this in my artifacts because of the importance of global relations and worldwide order. The United Nations helps in keeping the peace.

The WTO develops ground-rules for international commerce, mediates trade disputes.

The World Trade Organization is in my artifacts because of their impact in keeping peace in international trade and helping countries all around the world.


On September 11, 2001 the terrorist group Al-queda hijacked airplanes and crashed them into the pentagon, world trade centers, and in a field in pennsylvania that was supposed to be heading to the US Capitol.

I used this event to further stress the importance of diplomatic relations between countries and the importance of world peace. The attack against America was ruthless and was even celebrated.


The Cold War was an arms race between the United States that lasted from 1945 all the way until 1991 with military advances such as the Hydrogen bomb, space exploration, and military buildup.

I used The Cold War in my artifacts because of the time it lasted for and the amount of discoveries and milestones for mankind that took place because of the cold war.