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  Burma School Fund

  An Orange County Non-Profit Charity






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Our Mission

To raise awareness around the world about the need for public education in Burma. Our purpose is to construct more schools and hire more teachers throughout the country in order to put more children through school. With education, Burmese children have a chance to rise out of poverty and pursue their lifelong dreams.

"There are many who cannot afford to go to school and sometimes I ask the children "do you go to school" and it's sad because some of the children are ashamed because they can't go to school so they say "yes". But if you ask their mothers they will say "no, we used to send the children to school but now we can't because we cannot afford it". You know that the number of children who cannot go to school has risen in Burma. I should say percentage because if course the increasing population may increase the numbers and not necessarily the percentage but in Burma the percentage of children who cannot go to school has risen and the percentage of children who cannot complete primary school has risen over the last decade."

Aung San Suu Kyi - Message to the Un Commission of Human Rights, April 9, 1999 from



Our contributions go directly to those in most need of education in Burma.


Video on Burma's Democratic Struggle


For more info or any questions please email us at


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