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Burleson Home Page

2012 has been wild so far. James turned 4 and Mara turned 6 at the beginning of the year. Mara also won a giant basket of chocolate at her school's Family Fun Night, setting us up with a year's supply of sugar. In March, we flew to Mazatlan to stay at the duplex Dave's dad built in the heart of the old town. It was quite an adventure traveling in a foreign country with kids, but we had a great time. Mara started gymnastics the day we returned, and both kids enrolled in swimming lessons. If this is a sign of how busy summer is going to be, we better hold on!

Mara (Months 1-6)
Mara (Months 7-12)
Mara One Year
Mara Two Years
Mara Three Years
Mara Four Years
James (Months 1-7)
James (Months 8-12)
James One Year
James Two Years
Summer and Fall 2011
Mazatlan 2012
Burlesons 2012