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8/1/2006- Welcome to our new and redesigned website! We plan to update viewers on shows, web updates, and general news about the goings on at Breckenridge here. A quick overview of the new design: The lovely plaid you see in the background is actually the Breckenridge cooler, which is done by integrity. Please speak with Peggy Nelson if you are interested in ordering one. The sales page will be kept current with all of the fine hunters and prospects available, most with video available. We hope this will help buyers and make the process more convenient for all involved parties. The boarder's page takes place of the old "Breckenridge Kids" page. Since the painting of the lobby, all the beautiful photos are homeless, so we hope to create a virtual "lobby wall" for everyone to enjoy. Show Standings are posted from VBHSA, VHSA, USEF, and certain other organizations. The directions have been re-vamped, now allowing you to input your home address and have mapquest spit out a customized sheet. We hope you enjoy all the new features, and look forward to any feedback!

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