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An Army Of One (AO1)

Clan Ladder

Welcome to the .Army Of One.'s clan site. If you wish to be added to .Army Of One. or AO1 please contact me on Socom 3. Send me a friends invite and we will play a couple rounds and take it from there. Only contact me if you are serious about being in the clan. Clan members, if you are not on the roster please contact me when I am on Socom 3 and I will gladly add you to the web site. If you guys have any friends on Socom that you think they might have an interest in joining the clan please tell me. AO1 is always scouting for new players in Socom gameplay. I look forward to playing with all of you and having a good time. Remember, we fight as a team, we win as team, not one soldier is left behind. Whoorah!!


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