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What the Army is really about

I have proudly served in the Army since May 2001 with many fine Soldiers. I have noticed that Army does not care about soldiers that get injured. I have served with soldiers that have gone to the "Sand box" Afghanistan or Iraq. They come out with bones that are broken but where never fixed.Because the Army does not have enough time to fix the soldiers. All they are caring about is the number of bodies that they can put in these areas. I'm one of the soldiers. I have no tissue in my ankle and no longer can run, jump, road march and much more. So I went to the Army's reclassification board at the recommendation of a Colonel that had 30 years in the Army.I went to this board and they also recommend a reclassification. So we submitted the paper work to the Department of the Army. I had a Civilian that has no medical experience or military experience override appeal of high ranking officials in the Military and decide that I am still fit to go and sit in the Sand Box.

The Army today is considered the newer soft Army. The reason why we call the Army this is because if you try to teach a soldier something and he does not want to do it you really can not make him. So now days the Army is allowing soldiers to miss very valuable training that they could help saves lives in the Sand Box. We are allowing people to join the Army that already have health problems to fill the ranks in the military. No one cares anymore about how fit a soldier is or how he can perform his job because he is a number to the government that will show America that is Army is strong. The military will not allow the regular news to see what really is going on in the military because we would look so bad. We are not the strong Army that we used to be 3 or 4 years ago. We are mental tuff but physical weak. You take a soldier like me with the rank as an E-5/SGT if I decide to stay in the Army and sign a 3 or 4 year contract. You might be able to if your really lucky get $5000 bonus. But you take a person that is off the street that has never been in the military and tell him you will give him up $15,000 for him to join the Army for 4 years. What type of message are the Army really telling people that have already been in the Army for a couple of year. That you will not leave the Army because you took them right out of high school or of the street without a good education so they will go no where. This is 90% of the time correct or if your really lucky like most people that are in the military right now that are looking at getting out you will be asked 101 question by the Reenlistment guy about what you plan on doing and they will tell you it will never happen because the you have not saved up and if that does not work you have to see your Command Sergeant Major. Needless to see you will be asked the say questions and when your answer is no they will say that You will be right back in the Army within six months because you can not make it out there. That is why the Army does not give us the money. Because they make the soldiers feel like there nobody. Because many people does not have college degrees, a good family background that allows the person to sit back and think he can get out and go to college.

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